全国英语等级考试听力真题 篇一
W: Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me where the nearest post office is?
M: Sure. Go straight ahead for two blocks, then turn left at the traffic light. You'll see the post office on your right.
W: Thank you very much!
M: You're welcome.
题目:Where is the post office?
A. Two blocks away from the woman.
B. On the woman's left.
C. On the man's right.
D. At the traffic light.
这道题目主要考察考生的听力理解能力和方向词的运用。通过听对话,我们可以得知,女士问男士最近的邮局在哪里,男士告诉她直走两个街区,然后在红绿灯处左转,邮局就在她的右边。所以正确答案是C. On the man's right.
全国英语等级考试听力真题 篇二
W: Did you enjoy the movie last night?
M: Yes, it was great. The special effects were amazing.
W: I agree. The plot was also very interesting.
M: I think the actors did a fantastic job too.
题目:What did the man think of the movie?
A. The special effects were amazing.
B. The plot was interesting.
C. The actors did a fantastic job.
D. He didn't enjoy the movie.
这道题目主要考察考生的听力理解能力和对细节的捕捉。通过听对话,我们可以得知男士对于电影的评价非常高,认为特效很棒,剧情也很有趣,演员表现也非常出色。所以正确答案是C. The actors did a fantastic job.
全国英语等级考试听力真题 篇三
Section I Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)
This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English.You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them.There are thtee parts in this section,PartA,PartB and Part C.
Remember,while you are doing the test,you should first put down your unsuers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section,you will have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSHER sHEET 1.
If you have any questions,you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the
test has started.
Now look at Part A in your test booklet.
Part A
For Questions l~5,you will hear a report on a survey recently done in Britain.While you listen,fill out the table with the information you have heard.Some of the information has been given to you in the table.Write only l word in each numbered box.You will hear the recording twice.You now have 25 seconds to tead thP tablP hplow.
Part B
For Questions 6~10,you will hear a passage about population and the environment.While you listen,complete the sentence(s)andanswer the question(5).Use not more than 3 words for each answer.You will hear the recording twice.You now have 25 seconds to read the sentence(s)and the question(s)below.
Part C
You will hear three dialogues or monologues.Before listening to each one,you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it.While listening,answer each question by choosing[A],EB],[C]or[D].After listening,you will have lo seconds to check your answer to each question.You will hear each piece oNlY oNCE.
Questions ll——l3 are based on a conversation between two college classmates.You now have l5 seconds to
read Questions ll~13.
11.When does the conversation most probably take place?
[A]On Wednesday.
[B]On Thursday.
[C]On Friday.
[D]On Saturday.
12.Where does Barbara come from?
13.What iS John’S plan for the future?
[A]To open a shoe shop.
[B]To get a job abroad
[C]To tour Britain.
[D]To become a naval engineer.
Questions l4~16 are based on a talk about lndonesians and Indonesia.You now have l5 seconds to read
Questions l4~16.
14.What breaks up Indonesians’extended family living?
[A]Change of family values.
[B]Increase of urbanization.
[C]Cha,’m of being mobile.
[D]Pressure of changing houses.
15.Which of the following characterizes relations among Indonesians?
[A]Harmony and obedience.
[B]Respect and harmony.
[C]Obedience and punctuality.
[D]Punctuality and respect.
16.Which of the following is not always a positive signal?
[C]Shaking hands.
[D]Being punctual.
Questions 17~20 are based on the following discussion about a survey result.You now have 20 seconds
to read Questions l7~20.
1 7.What is the main focus of the survey?
[A]Consumer age groups.
[B]Staying fit.
[C]Leisure sporting activities of consumers.
[D]Proposals for consumers.
18.Which group seems to be most active in sports?
[A]18 to 26.[B]27 to 35.[C]36 to 45.[D]46 to 55.
19.Which sport is cited as the most popular one?
[A]Playing tennis.
20.What is the woman’S marketing strategy?
[A]Targeting the 36 to 45一year-old-age group and expanding the line of athletic clothes.
[B]Targeting the l8 to 26一year-old-age group and expanding the line of athletic shoes.
[C]Making more detailed surveys and proposals.
[D]Focusing on the 46 to 55一year-old-age group instead of the l8 to 26 group.
Now you have 5 minutes to transfer your ansziJers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET l.
Part A
Recently。a survey of the nation’s reading habits was conducted in Britain.The survey asked members of different professions how much time they devoted to reading for pleasure every week.The researchers also asked what types of books they elljoye&Accountants spend an average of five hours and fifteen minutes of their leisure time reading every week They read all types of fiction,mainly in bed or while commuting to work Secretaries spend an average of almost five hours reading every week with Jane Austin on top of their list.Politicians who read for just under five hours a week favor biographies and history books. Most of their reading is done‘in be& Taxi drivers manage an average of four hours and forty-six minutes a week.much of it while waiting in their cabs.They read lTlore self-help books than other workers.Lawyers read the highest percentage of crime fiction in their weekly average of four hours and thirty-three minutes.They have no interest in poetry,gardening,self-help books,or romance.Teachers read for an average of four hours and twenty-seven minutes a week mainly in bed or on holiday.Teachers’s trong preference is for contemporary fiction over the classics,but their favorite is Jane Austh A total of one thousand six hundred people were surveyed. The average time spent reading for pleasure was five hours and nine minutes a week
A new report says the growing population around the world is harming the environment.More people are using more of the Earth’s natural resources than ever before.Experts say poor people around the world will suffer most in the future unless environmental damage is stopped.They say more should be done to balance human and environmental needs.
the United Nations Population Fund is responsible for studying population growth.It has released a report about the subject.It examines the links between environmental conditions,population growth and efforts to help poor people in developing countries.
The world population is now more than 6 billion people. that number has increased by l00%since l990. the population is expected to increase to more than 9 billion by the year 2050.the report says about 2 billion people lack food security.Water supplies and agricultural lands are heavily use In 50 years,experts say,more than 4 billion people will be living in countries that cannot meet people’s daily needs.
the report says all of the expected growth in world population will take place in developing countries,the49 least developed countries are expected to increase by almost 200%in 50 years.Yet,the UN agency says people in the richest countries use more of the world’s resources than people in developing countries.
It says a child loom today in the United States,France or Japan will do more harm to the environment during his lifetime than as many as 50 children bom in developing countries.
the UN
Questions ll~13 are based on a conversation between two college classmates.You now have l5 seconds to read
Qnestions ll~13.
w:What aye you reading,Paul?
M:Oh,it’s a book about naval engtneefing.
W:Why are you reading on a Friday evening?
M:Because I’ve got to write an essay this weekend. W:What are you going to do when you’re qualified? M:I don’t know.I’d like to get a job abroad,I think.Vfhat are you going to do when your year at Weston
is over?
W:I’m going to spend a few weeks touring Britain,then I’m going hack to Canada,I suppose. M:What is John going to do?
W:I think he’s going to open a branch of“Pretty Feet”in Londorl. M:What is he doing in Italy?
W:He’s seeing some designers there.He’s coming hack tomorrow.By the way,what are you and Sue doing on
Saturday evening?
M:I don’t know yet.Why?
W:Well,I thought we could cook another of our famous suppers and invite John and Sue. M:Oh,no!Not potato salad again!Sorry,Barbara,but I really have to read this book.
Questions l4~16 are based on talk about lndonesians and Indonesia.You now have l5 seconds to read Ouestions14~16.
Like Malavsia,Indonesia is a traditional honor-oriented society.There is strong in-group loyalty including family,friends,and members of the same ethnic group.This is the basis for widespread favoritism in the economy.Indonesians value large families,with extended families living together and supporting one another. However,increasing urbanization and the need to move to find employment is breaking up this interdependence and extended family living.
Hamonv and respeer characterize the rdlations among people.
Conflict is avoided as values and behavior in all aspects of life are directed towards smooth relations with others.People of low ranks do not make decisions;there is a wait-and-see attitude until senior managers reveal what the decision is.
The best time of year to schedule business trips to Indonesia is between February and June,and again
Between Septem band early December July and August are vacation months for Indonesians who can afford to travel.
Both Malav and Chinese Indonesians respect age,status and position.You should be equally sensitive to those factors at meetings 4nd in social engagements associated with business.Defer to older people by standing when they enter and letting them sit down first.If a meeting involves a very senior Indonesian,it is respectful that your organization has a very senior person available to attend.
You should be punctual at all time even though your Indonesian counterparts may not be.Indonesians generally shake hands all found and give a slight bow of the head.You should do the sarne.They smile a lot.but this does not necessarily have a positive meaning.
Questions l7~20 are based on the following discussion about survey result.You now have 20 seconds to read Ouestions l7~20.
W:Sam,could you review the results of the survey on leisure sporting activities again?We need to plan
out our proposal for this Friday’S business meeting.
M:Sure,Mary.I’ve summarized the results in the handout,broken down by consumer age groups and sporting activities.The survey was administered to 550 men and women between the ages of l8 and 55 years old,and the results have been compiled in the following age groups:18 to 26,27 to 35,36 to 45,and 46 to 55.According to the results,the most active group involved in sporting activities are those between l8 and 26 years old,followed by those 36 to 45 years old.
M:As far as particular sports are concerned,people in these two groups cited jogging as their favorite
recreational sport,followed by skiing,tennis,swimming,and cycling.
W:Hmm.Based on what you have said,I think we should consider targeting the l8-to 26-year-old-age group more in the future.I also feel we should consider expanding our line of athletic shoes, particularly jogging and tennis foot ware.We also have tO come up with a more appealing slogan aimed at this age group.
M:I see what you mean.However,when these results are compared with the survey carried out three years ago,we can see a growing trend among older consumers-I mean 46 to 55-who are becoming more conscious and concerned about staying fit.I believe this trend will continue,SO we should focus on this group instead.
W:I see your point.Well,let’S meet again on Wednesday to iron out more of the details of this proposal.
Section I Listening Comprehension
Part A
1.accountants。独白前三句交代了调查的总体情况,如对象范围(members of different professions)、调查内容(how much time they devoted to reading和what types of books they enjoyed),然后根据调查对象的职业分类,对调查结果进行说明。其中第四、五句说明的就是第一类对象的情况:Accountants spend an average of five hours....,考生只要听清了这一处即可作答,关键是要注意拼写。
2.biographies。本题是针对第三类对象的情况而设置。独自第七、八句说明的是政治家的阅读习惯,其中第七句指出:Politicians…favor biographies and history books,即政治家们喜欢看传记和历史书籍,因此本题填入biographies一词。考生仍应特别注意拼写。
3.forty-six/46。本题针对第四类对象(出租车司机)的阅读时间设题。独自第九句指出:Taxi drivers manage an average of four hours and forty-six minutes a week(出租车司机平均每周阅读4小时46分钟)。对于这类数字细节题,考生一是在听音时应作好记录,二是应直接用阿拉伯数字回答,以避免出现拼写问题。
4.1awyers。本题针对调查对象的身份而设置。独白第十一、十二两句说明了律师的情况:Lawyers read the highest percentage of crime fiction…,即律师看罪案小说的比例最高。考生只要看清试卷所给表格,听录音时严格按照独白交代信息的顺序做好相应记录即可确定正确答案。
5.contemporary。本题针对最后一类调查对象(教师)的情况设题。对应的信息位于独自第十四句: Teachers’strong preference is for contemporary fiction over the classics(教师们极为偏爱当代小说而不是经典作品)。考生需要注意拼写的准确性。
Part B
6.Studying population growth。独白第二段第一句在首次提到联合国人口基金会的时候就对其职能进
行了说明....is responsible for studying population growth,即它负责研究人口增长。
7.Over 6 billion。独自第三段第一句指出:The world population is now more than 6 billion people,由于
8.(almost)200%。答案信息对应于第四段第二句:The 49 least developed countries are expected to
increase by almost 200%,其中的increase指的就是人口增长,题目只是与此在表达上稍有不同。
9.the world’s resources。在第四段第三句中,作者指出了联合国的观点:the uN agency says people…the world’s resources than people in developing countries,注意其中的resources用的是复数形式。
10.Women。独白最后一段提出了控制人口增长的一些措施,其中第二、三句指出:It also savs women…slower population growth,其中的need more control和empowering即是题目中的be given more power。
Part C
11.EQ。对话一开始,女士就问男士在看什么书,在男士回答之后,她紧跟着又问:Why are you reading on a Friday evening(什么在周五晚上看)。N此话肯定发生在星期五。后文出现了Saturday,但那是女 士提议一起做晚饭的时间,并非对话发生时间。
12.[C]。在第四个话轮中女士说:I’m going back to Canada,因此她肯定是加拿大人,选[C]。
13.[A]。对话第一句就指出男士名为Paul,因此John不是对话者。第五个话轮中女士的回答中指出, John“is going to open a branch of‘Pretty Feet’…”,由其中的branch(分店)和feet两词可推知他应当是开 一家鞋店,故答案为[A]。
14.[B]。答案信息对应于独白第二段第二句:However,increasing urbanization and the need… extended family living,对照四个选项可知只有[B]与此相符。
15.[B]。答案对应于独白第三段第一句:Harmony and respect characterize the relations among peoPle, [B]项只是顺序不同。
16.[A]。独自最后一句说:They smile a lot,but this does not necessarily have a positive meaning,选[A]。
17.[C]。这则对话型听力材料需要考生特别注意听清细节。本题较为容易,因为在第一个话轮中女士 首先就指出了其调查的'主题....review the results of the survey on leisure sporting activities…,而由后面 的对话又可看出,调查的主要是顾客的业余体育活动情况,因此答案是[C]。
18.[A]。本题对应的信息仍在第一个话轮中。男士在此话轮的最后一句中指出.....the most active group involved in sporting activities are those between l8 and 26 years old,即最喜欢进行体育活动的是18~26岁这个年龄段的人,其次则是36~45岁这个年龄段的人。因此本题答案就是[A]。
19.[B]。在第二个话轮中,男士明确指出:…people in these two groups cited jogging as their favorite recreational sport,故答案就是[B]。
20.[B]。对话的第三个话轮讨论了针对调查结果所应采取的策略。女士的第一句话即说明了自己的 看法:I think we should consider targeting the l8-to 26-year-old-age group more in the future,即她认为未来 应当多以l8~26岁这个年龄段的顾客的需求为目标,后面又提到了expanding Our line of athletic shoes等 具体措施,故本题应选包含了这两个方面的[B]项。注意,[D]项是男士的观点而非女士的观点,应看清题 目给出的限定条件。