英语burn短语的用法归纳 篇一
1. Burn out
这个短语通常用来描述人们在工作或生活中因过度劳累而失去热情或动力的情况。例如,"I'm feeling burned out from all the overtime I've been doing lately."(我因最近一直加班而感到疲惫不堪。)
2. Burn up
这个短语可以指物体被火焰燃烧,也可以用来形容人的愤怒程度。例如,"The house burned up in a fire."(房子在火灾中烧毁了。)"She was burning up with anger."(她愤怒得发火。)
3. Burn down
与burn up相反,burn down指的是物体被火焰完全烧毁。例如,"The old factory burned down last night."(昨晚那座老厂房被烧毁了。)
4. Burn off
这个短语通常指通过锻炼或运动来消耗体内的热量或脂肪。例如,"I need to burn off some calories after eating that huge meal."(我需要在吃那顿大餐后消耗掉一些卡路里。)
5. Burn through
这个短语通常用来描述金钱迅速被花光或用光。例如,"He burned through his entire inheritance in just a year."(他在一年内就把整个遗产花光了。)
6. Burn with
这个短语通常用来形容人内心深处的强烈情感,如愤怒、渴望等。例如,"He burned with jealousy when he saw his ex with someone else."(当他看到前任与别人在一起时,他充满了嫉妒。)
7. Burn the midnight oil
这个短语意味着通宵工作或学习,通常用来形容人付出额外的努力来完成任务。例如,"I have a big exam tomorrow, so I'll be burning the midnight oil tonight."(我明天有一场重要的考试,所以我今晚要通宵学习。)
英语burn短语的用法归纳 篇二
8. Burn bridges
这个短语通常用来形容一个人故意破坏与他人的关系,使他们无法再合作或友好相处。例如,"He burned bridges with his former colleagues by spreading rumors about them."(他通过传播关于前同事的谣言破坏了他们之间的关系。)
9. Burn rubber
这个短语通常用来形容车辆迅速加速或刹车,产生轮胎摩擦的声音和烟雾。例如,"He burned rubber as he raced down the street."(他在街上飞驰时,轮胎发出咯咯的声音和烟雾。)
10. Burn the candle at both ends
这个短语通常用来形容一个人过度劳累,既熬夜工作又早起工作,以至于消耗殆尽。例如,"She's been burning the candle at both ends by working two jobs and taking care of her children."(她一边工作两份工作,一边照顾孩子,过度劳累到精疲力竭。)
11. Burn a hole in one's pocket
这个短语通常用来形容一个人有钱但无法节制地花钱。例如,"He got his paycheck and it burned a hole in his pocket. He spent it all on clothes and gadgets."(他领到工资后,钱如烧火一般,他把它全部花在了衣服和小玩意上。)
12. Burn the midnight oil
这个短语通常用来形容人通宵工作或学习。例如,"I have a deadline tomorrow, so I'll be burning the midnight oil tonight."(我明天有个截止日期,所以我今晚要通宵工作。)
13. Burn one's fingers
这个短语通常用来形容一个人因为某种决策或行为而遭受损失或困扰。例如,"He burned his fingers by investing all his money in a risky business."(他把所有的钱投资在一个冒险的生意上,结果损失惨重。)
英语burn短语的用法归纳 篇三
1 . burn away 烧掉,烧毁。如:
The pile of paper burned away to nothing. 这堆已化为灰烬。
2 . burn down 烧掉,烧毁。如:
A number of houses were burned down in the fi
3 . burn off 烧毁,烧尽。如:
The farmers are burning off the stubble from the fields. 农民正把地里的庄稼茬烧掉。
4 . burn out 烧完,烧掉,烧坏。如:
The building was burned out and only the walls remained. 大楼被烧空了,只剩下墙。
The engine is [has] burned out. 引擎被烧坏了。
5 . burn up
We burned up all the dead leaves in the garden. 我们把花园里所有的枯叶都烧掉了。
As we gazed, the fire burned up again. 我们正看着时,火又重新燃烧起来。