玩水的英语口语 篇一
Summer is the perfect time to enjoy water activities and have fun in the sun. Whether you are lounging by the pool, splashing in the ocean, or taking a dip in a lake, water-related activities are a great way to cool off and have a good time. In this article, we will explore some English phrases and expressions related to playing in the water.
1. "Make a splash" - This phrase means to attract attention or make a big impression. For example, "She made a splash at the party with her impressive diving skills."
2. "Dive right in" - This expression means to start something without hesitation or to fully immerse oneself in an activity. For example, "I was nervous about trying water skiing, but I decided to just dive right in."
3. "Take the plunge" - This phrase means to take a risk or make a bold decision. It can also be used literally when someone is about to jump into the water. For example, "I finally took the plunge and tried cliff diving."
4. "In deep water" - This expression means to be in a difficult or challenging situation. For example, "I'm in deep water with this project deadline approaching."
5. "Float on cloud nine" - This phrase means to be extremely happy or content. It can be used to describe the feeling of relaxation and joy while floating on the water. For example, "I felt like I was floating on cloud nine during my vacation at the beach."
6. "Ride the waves" - This expression means to go with the flow or embrace changes and challenges. It can also be used literally when someone is surfing or bodyboarding. For example, "Life is full of ups and downs, but I choose to ride the waves and enjoy the journey."
7. "Water under the bridge" - This phrase means that something is in the past and no longer relevant or important. For example, "We had a disagreement, but it's water under the bridge now. Let's move on."
8. "Testing the waters" - This expression means to try something new or unfamiliar to see if it is enjoyable or successful. For example, "I'm testing the waters with this new hobby to see if I enjoy it."
Next time you're enjoying water activities, try using these English phrases and expressions to enhance your conversations and communicate effectively with others. Have fun in the water and make a splash with your English skills!
玩水的英语口语 篇二
Water games and activities are a popular way to beat the heat and have fun during the summer months. Whether you're at a pool party, water park, or the beach, it's important to know some English phrases and expressions related to playing in the water. In this article, we will explore more vocabulary and phrases to help you navigate water-related conversations.
1. "Cannonball" - This word refers to a type of jump into the water where the person tucks their knees to their chest and splashes down with a big splash. For example, "Let's do cannonballs off the diving board!"
2. "Water fight" - This phrase describes a playful battle where people throw water at each other. It's a fun way to cool off and have a good time with friends. For example, "We had an epic water fight at the park today."
3. "Swim like a fish" - This expression means to swim very well or effortlessly. It can be used to describe someone's swimming abilities. For example, "My brother swims like a fish, he's so good at it."
4. "Water slide" - This term refers to a large slide that is usually found at water parks or swimming pools. It allows people to slide down into a pool of water. For example, "The water slide at the water park was so much fun!"
5. "Sunscreen" - This word refers to a lotion or cream that is applied to the skin to protect it from the sun's harmful rays. It's important to wear sunscreen when spending time in the water to prevent sunburn. For example, "Don't forget to put on sunscreen before going to the beach."
6. "Floaties" - This term refers to inflatable arm bands or floatation devices that are worn on the arms to help someone float in the water. They are often used by children who are learning to swim. For example, "My little sister wears floaties when she goes swimming."
7. "Beach ball" - This phrase refers to a large inflatable ball that is often used for playing games on the beach or in the water. It can be tossed or kicked around for fun. For example, "Let's play beach ball in the water."
8. "Watermelon crawl" - This expression refers to a fun water game where participants crawl on their hands and knees while pushing a watermelon across the pool. It's a popular activity at pool parties. For example, "Are you ready for the watermelon crawl race?"
By familiarizing yourself with these phrases and expressions, you'll be able to communicate effectively and join in on the water-related fun. So grab your sunscreen, put on your floaties, and get ready for a splashing good time!
玩水的英语口语 篇三
1. I need to take my bathing suit.
有次问老美要不要一起去游泳, 她说好, 但是她要回去拿 bathing suit. 我心想, 又不是去洗澡为什么要拿浴袍呢? 后来才知道, bathing suit 看来像是指浴袍, 但其实就是 swimming suit 的意思, 不要忘了. 也有人把泳衣说成 bath suit 或是 swim suit.
我看老美玩水大概是多于真正游泳的时间, 所以男生的泳裤都是那种短裤型的, 而不是像国内卖的那种贴身型的. 第一次跟他们去玩水, 我把我从台湾带来的泳裤给穿出去. 哇! 感觉真不好意思, 那种感觉就像是在台湾有个女生穿个三点式的去游泳, 大家都会对她行注目礼一样.
2. Can you pass me the sunblock?
我认识的这群老美很喜欢在烤完肉, 喝完啤酒后就跑去游泳池玩水. 那次大家一起去玩水, 我就一直听到 sunblock 这个字, 我不懂但却又不好意思问, 等了半天, 我才知道他们说的 sunblock 原来指的就是防晒油的意思. 附带一个小插曲, 我觉的美国的女孩子好大方喔! 你背后防晒油擦不到, 她们还会主动为你服务说. 而且还擦得蛮仔细的喔! 害小笨霖回家后都舍不得洗澡. 哈哈.
3. You have a nice suntan.
老美是很喜欢晒太阳的, 在我们宿舍的草皮上常可以看到金发美女自己在地上铺一块布在那里煎白鱼. 实在是蔚为奇观. 看到有人晒成古铜色的肌肤, 你就可以跟他说, "You have a nice suntan." 但要是晒到都脱皮了, 则是 sunburn 又不一样喔. Tan 这个字可单独当动词或形容词用, 例如, "I am tanned." 就是我晒黑了. "You have a nice tan skin." 就是说你的皮肤晒的很棒. 还有你可以用 grab a tan 来表示出去晒太阳, 例如, "I love to hit the beach and grab a tan." 至于形容晒黑的程度, 则可以用 "I have light/medium/dark tan skin."
在美国有一种很奇怪的行业叫 bodies tanning. 我一开始拿到他们的传单 (flyer) 时我还以为是那种三温暖之类的行业, 后来我才知道原来这是那种利用室内的紫外线灯, 把皮肤给晒黑的一种服务, 听来是不是很不可思议呢?
4. I got plummy.
大家应该都有这样的经验吧! 在水里泡太久了, 手上就会起皱纹, 这个英文要怎么说? 就是, "I got plummy." 或是 "I am plummy." Plummy 这个字是 plum (李子) 这个字的形容词, 大概是说手跟李子表面一样皱皱的, 所以才说 plummy 吧!
5. Who is the man in the middle?
那天的 party 还玩了个小游戏, 一个人当鬼, 其他人传球不能给鬼抢到. 我就很好奇说, 英语中谁当鬼那个"鬼"要怎么说? 我想不会是 ghost 吧! 我仔细听他们提到"鬼" 时, 用的就是 man in the middle 还有一种说法是用在玩捉迷藏时, 谁当鬼你可以说 "Who is it?" 那个 it 就是鬼的意思. 又比如说你说 "You are it!" 就是你当鬼啦.. 的意思. 好玩吧.
6. I just can't hang on to it.
那天玩那个游戏基本上就是要去抢球, 但是由于球很滑, 所以很难抓得住. 有一个老美就说了, "I just can hang on to it!." 在我的理解中, 抓住应该是 hold on to it 才对, 而 hang 是 "吊著" 的意思. 后来回家来翻字典, 才知道原来 hang 也有抓住的意思, 这也就是说, hold on to it 和 hang on to it. 是可以互换使用的`.
7. Do you know how to do the free style?
大家应该都知道游泳有四式吧? 这四式分别要怎么说呢? 就是 free style (自由式), breast stroke (蛙式), back stroke (仰
8. If you have a boat in summer, you are the man.
如果你夏天时能有艘船的话, 你就真正的男人!
这句话是我听一个美女跟一个美男(美国的男人)讲的, 这也多多少少反映出一些美国的真实情况, 这句话如果搬到台湾的话, 我想说成 If you have a car, you are the man 会更适合一点. 在美国大家都有车, 谁也不稀罕谁, 这时有船的人才是真正的老大.
老美说 "You are the man." 是指你很厉害的意思, 这句话不一定要对男生说, 对女生说也可以. 例如车子无法发动, 大家都不知道怎么办才好, 这时忽然有一个女生弹出来把车子给发动了, 你也可以对她说, "Hey, you are the man!"
9. Mossy Mossy
青苔的英文叫 moss, 如果地上长满了青苔, 可以用形容词 mossy 来形容. 有一次我们去河边玩水, 河床上长满了滑滑的青苔, 我的朋友就说 mossy mossy, 我还以为他们在说日本话呢!, (日语中的 Hello 听起来跟 mossy mossy 很像吧!) 后来才知道形容长满青苔的, 就是 mossy 这个字
10. Do you know how to skip stone?
打水漂大家会吧? 就是把一块扁平的石头平平的丢出去, 让它在水面上弹跳, 在英文里就是 skip stone. 我还听过另一种说法, 叫 skip water. 我想二种说法都可以吧. 打水漂在英文里还有一个正式的单字, 叫 ricochet. 但是好像比较少人用.