化妆品及饰品的英语单词 篇一
1. Lipstick:口红
Lipstick is a cosmetic product used to color the lips.
2. Mascara:睫毛膏
Mascara is a cosmetic product used to darken, thicken, or lengthen the eyelashes.
3. Foundation:粉底
Foundation is a cosmetic product applied to the face to create an even complexion.
4. Blush:腮红
Blush is a cosmetic product used to add color to the cheeks.
5. Eyeshadow:眼影
Eyeshadow is a cosmetic product applied to the eyelids to enhance the eyes.
6. Nail polish:指甲油
Nail polish is a cosmetic product used to color and protect the nails.
7. Perfume:香水
Perfume is a fragrant liquid used to give a pleasant scent to the body.
8. Bracelet:手镯
A bracelet is a decorative band worn around the wrist.
9. Necklace:项链
A necklace is a piece of jewelry worn around the neck.
10. Earrings:耳环
Earrings are pieces of jewelry worn on the ears.
11. Ring:戒指
A ring is a circular band worn as an ornament on the finger.
12. Hairpin:发夹
A hairpin is a small pin used to hold hair in place.
13. Hairband:发带
A hairband is a band worn around the head to hold hair back.
14. Hairbrush:发刷
A hairbrush is a brush used to style or groom the hair.
15. Compact mirror:粉盒镜
A compact mirror is a small mirror that can be carried in a purse or pocket.
化妆品及饰品的英语单词 篇二
1. Lip gloss:唇彩
Lip gloss is a cosmetic product used to add shine and color to the lips.
2. Eyeliner:眼线笔
Eyeliner is a cosmetic product used to define and enhance the eyes.
3. Concealer:遮瑕膏
Concealer is a cosmetic product used to hide blemishes and dark circles.
4. Highlighter:提亮笔
Highlighter is a cosmetic product used to add glow and radiance to the skin.
5. Bronzer:腮红
Bronzer is a cosmetic product used to add warmth and color to the face.
6. Nail file:指甲锉
A nail file is a tool used to shape and smooth the nails.
7. Hair clip:发夹
A hair clip is a small clamp used to hold hair in place.
8. Headband:发箍
A headband is a band worn around the head to keep hair off the face.
9. Tiara:头饰
A tiara is a decorative headpiece worn by women on special occasions.
10. Brooch:胸针
A brooch is a decorative pin worn on clothing.
11. Cufflinks:袖扣
Cufflinks are decorative fasteners worn on the cuffs of a shirt.
12. Anklet:脚链
An anklet is a decorative chain worn around the ankle.
13. Choker:紧贴项链
A choker is a close-fitting necklace worn around the neck.
14. Hairdryer:吹风机
A hairdryer is an electrical device used to dry and style hair.
15. Makeup brush:化妆刷
A makeup brush is a tool used to apply and blend cosmetics.
化妆品及饰品的英语单词 篇三
brush 发刷
nail polish 指甲油
handbag 手提包
hatbox 帽盒
cosmetics case 化妆箱
high heels 高跟鞋
gloves 手套
wrist watch 手表
belt 腰
pendant 项饰
necklace 项链
neck scarf 围巾
earrings 耳环
sun glasses 太阳镜
cigarette holder 烟斗
ring 戒指
bracelet 手链, 手镯
tie 领带
cuff links 袖扣
ascot 宽领带
pocket watch 表袋
hair net 发网
shampoo 洗发水
cream rinse 营养发水
hair spray 发胶
powder puff 粉扑
face powder 面粉
compact 带镜粉盒
astringent 化妆水
perfume 香水
skin milk 乳液
cold cream 油底霜
atomizer 喷雾式香水
clip 夹子
hand mirror 手镜
bobby pin 发夹
false eyelash 假睫毛
lipstick 口红
wig 假发
tie pin 领带夹
tissue 面纸
purse 手提包
brooch 胸针
shawl 披肩
neckerchief 领巾