药店药品说明书常用英语 篇一
Introduction to Common English Terms in Pharmacy Product Instruction Manuals
In the pharmaceutical industry, it is crucial to provide accurate and understandable information about the medications to ensure their safe and effective use. Pharmacy product instruction manuals, also known as drug labels or package inserts, play a vital role in conveying important details to patients and healthcare professionals. This article aims to introduce some common English terms frequently found in pharmacy product instruction manuals.
1. Active Ingredient
The active ingredient is the chemical component responsible for the therapeutic effect of the medication. It is the key ingredient that treats the condition or disease. For example, in the case of an antibiotic, the active ingredient would be the substance that fights against bacteria.
2. Dosage
Dosage refers to the amount of medication that should be taken at a given time. It is usually expressed in milligrams (mg) or milliliters (ml). The dosage can vary depending on factors such as age, weight, and the severity of the condition.
3. Indication
The indication states the intended use or purpose of the medication. It describes the specific condition or disease that the drug is designed to treat. For instance, a painkiller may have an indication for relieving moderate to severe pain.
4. Contraindications
Contraindications are specific circumstances or medical conditions in which the use of the medication is not recommended or prohibited. It is important to carefully read the contraindications section to ensure the drug is safe for use.
5. Side Effects
Side effects are the unintended and potentially undesirable effects that may occur when taking the medication. They can range from mild to severe and vary from person to person. Common side effects may include dizziness, nausea, or headache.
6. Storage Conditions
The storage conditions provide instructions on how to properly store the medication to maintain its effectiveness and safety. It often includes information on temperature requirements, light exposure, and keeping the medication out of the reach of children.
7. Expiration Date
The expiration date indicates the date after which the medication should not be used. It is important to check the expiration date before taking any medication to ensure its potency and safety.
8. Administration
Administration refers to the method of taking the medication. It may involve oral ingestion, topical application, injection, or inhalation. The instructions for administration should be followed carefully to ensure proper use.
In conclusion, understanding the common English terms found in pharmacy product instruction manuals is essential for patients and healthcare professionals to ensure the safe and effective use of medications. By familiarizing ourselves with these terms, we can better comprehend the information provided and make informed decisions regarding our health.
药店药品说明书常用英语 篇二
Tips for Reading Pharmacy Product Instruction Manuals in English
Pharmacy product instruction manuals provide important information about medications, including their usage, dosage, side effects, and storage conditions. For individuals who are not native English speakers, understanding these manuals can sometimes be challenging. This article aims to provide some helpful tips for reading pharmacy product instruction manuals in English.
1. Familiarize Yourself with Common Terms
Start by familiarizing yourself with common English terms commonly used in pharmacy product instruction manuals. Some of these terms include active ingredient, dosage, indication, contraindications, side effects, storage conditions, expiration date, and administration. Understanding these terms will help you navigate through the manual more easily.
2. Read Carefully and Thoroughly
Take your time to read the instruction manual carefully and thoroughly. Pay close attention to the dosage instructions, contraindications, and potential side effects. It is essential to understand how to take the medication correctly and to be aware of any potential risks or precautions.
3. Use a Dictionary or Translation App
If you come across unfamiliar terms or words, use a dictionary or translation app to look up their meanings. This will help you understand the content of the instruction manual more accurately. Additionally, consider keeping a medical dictionary or a list of commonly used medical terms in English for easier reference.
4. Seek Clarification if Needed
If you have any doubts or questions about the information provided in the instruction manual, do not hesitate to seek clarification. You can consult a healthcare professional or a pharmacist who can provide you with the necessary explanations and guidance.
5. Pay Attention to Warnings and Precautions
Warnings and precautions are crucial pieces of information provided in the instruction manual. They highlight specific circumstances or conditions in which the medication should not be used or should be used with caution. Make sure to carefully read and understand these warnings to ensure your safety and the effectiveness of the medication.
6. Keep Track of the Expiration Date
Always check the expiration date of the medication before taking it. Expired medications may lose their effectiveness or become potentially harmful. Be mindful of regularly checking and discarding medications that have reached their expiration dates.
7. Follow the Instructions for Storage
Proper storage is essential for maintaining the effectiveness and safety of medications. Follow the instructions provided in the manual regarding temperature requirements, light exposure, and keeping the medication out of the reach of children. Adhering to these instructions will help ensure the longevity and quality of the medication.
Reading pharmacy product instruction manuals in English may seem challenging at first, but with practice and familiarity with common terms, it becomes easier over time. By understanding the information provided in these manuals, you can make informed decisions about your healthcare and ensure the safe and effective use of medications.
药店药品说明书常用英语 篇三
1. 药物名称
(1) 给出药物商品名,并在括号内给出正名,下附包装形式。如:
Benemicin 利福平 (Rifampicin) (利福霉素) Capsules 胶囊
(2) 给出药名,在右上方用小字标明“药用”,如:
For the Medical Profession 药用 Dihydrostreptomycin Sulphate BP 硫酸双氧氢链霉素 英国药典
(3) 不仅给出药物商品名,在右上方标明“药用”,还给出正名:
For the Medical Profession 药用 Aerosporin Brand 嗜气芽胞菌素 商标 Polymyxin B sulphate 硫酸多粘菌素
(4) 给出药名,说明类别及用法,有时并附另名:
Kanendomycin 卡南多霉素 A new broad-spectrum antibiotic 新广谱抗生素 For injection 注射用 Fungizone Intravenous 丰吉中静脉内用 Amphotericin B For Injection USP 两性霉素B 注射用 美国药典
2. 药物成分介绍
此项常用标题为Composition(成份),Introduction(介绍)或Description(说明)。有的开门见山就介绍药物的potency(疗效)或pharmacology(药理学),有的则详细介绍physical and chemical properties(物理和化学性质),有的标题则仅列出properties(性能)。本项常用句型有:
It is active against... 本品对……有效
It is relatively insensitive to... 本品对……不太敏感
It is (an antifungal antibiotic) derived from...本品系衍生于……的(抗真菌抗菌素)
3. 适应症
此项常用标题为Indication(适应症),或者Indications and Posology(适应症和剂量)。常用句型是:
It is (a radiopaque) used chiefly in (bronchography). 本品(不透X线)主要用于(支气管造影)。
It is used in the treatment of... 本品适用于治疗……
In therapeutic doses (hyderg
(Pseudomonas organisms) are resistant to...(假单胞菌)对……有抗药性
4. 用法指示
此项常见的标题有:Administration(用法),Dosage(剂量),Application and Dosage(用法和剂量),General dosage and administration(一般剂量和用法)。有的则用Administration and Dosage(用法和剂量)或Administration under medical advice(按医嘱用药)。在此项下,有的说明书更进一步细分为Standard dosage(标准剂量)和High dosage(大剂量)。
For intramuscular use, (Pyopen) should be given every 6 hours. 肌肉内注射用药,(羧苄青霉素)应六小时用药一次。
For the treatment of (acute leukaemia) adults may be given 0.05mg-0.10mg per kg body weight daily. 治疗(急性白血病)时,成人剂量为每日每公斤体重0.05毫克-0.10毫克。
2 to 4 gm for adults and 40-80 mg/1kg body weight for children in 2 to 4 pided doses by intramuscular, intravenous injection or intravenous drip infusion. 成人每日2-4克,儿童每日每公斤体重40至80毫克,分2-4次用,肌肉或静脉注射或静脉点滴。
Up to twice a day 1,000 mcg, depending on acuteness of the disease. 根据病情的急性程度,剂量可达1,000微克,每日两次。
As a rule, oral medication is sufficient, 1 or 2 tablets being given 3 times daily preferably after meals. In severe cases, regitine should be administered parenterally, i.e. 10 mg. i.m., possibly i.v., once or twice daily. 通常口服即可,每日三次,一次一至两片,最好饭后服用。对严重病例,酚妥拉明应胃肠道外用,每日一至两次,每次10毫克,肌肉注射,亦可静脉注射。
5. 禁忌症
The drug should not be administered to patients with known hypersensitivity to penicillin. 本品不宜用于已知对青霉素过敏的病人。
The presence of granulocytopenia or thrombocytopenia at the start of treatment does not contraindicate vincristin therapy. In such instances great caution is warranted. 治疗开始时出现粒细胞减少或血小板减少,并不表示不适用长春花碱。但对这样病例,(用药时)必须特别小心。
6. 副作用
此项标题多为Side effects(副作用),也有的说明书把Warning(注意事项)和Side effects并为一项。常见句型有:
Store at room temperature, use before the expiry date indicated on the label.于室温下保存,在标注日期以前使用。
(Benemicin capsules) should be kept in a cool and dry place.(利福平胶囊)应置凉爽、干燥处保存。
(Vincristin) should be protected from light and stored in a refrigerator.(长春花碱)应避光,并置于冰箱中。
7. 包装
此项标题多用Package,Packages或Packing(包装),也有用Mode of Issue(出厂包装),How supplied(供货方式),Presentation(包装方式)及Supply(供货方式)的。