各种服装样板的英语名称 篇一
Different English Names for Various Clothing Patterns
Clothing patterns play an essential role in the fashion industry, as they determine the shape, fit, and overall style of a garment. Each pattern has its own unique design, which can be described using specific English terms. In this article, we will explore and learn about different clothing patterns and their corresponding English names.
1. Floral Pattern
Floral patterns are characterized by the presence of flowers or floral motifs on the fabric. These patterns can be found in dresses, blouses, skirts, and even accessories like scarves. The English term for this pattern is "floral," which refers to any design that incorporates flowers.
2. Polka Dot Pattern
Polka dot patterns consist of small, round dots evenly spaced on the fabric. This pattern is commonly used in dresses, blouses, and tops. The English term "polka dot" describes this particular pattern, which originated from the dance called the polka.
3. Striped Pattern
Striped patterns feature parallel lines of various widths and colors. This pattern can be found in shirts, dresses, trousers, and even accessories like bags. The English term "striped" is used to describe this pattern, emphasizing the presence of stripes.
4. Checkered Pattern
Checkered patterns consist of alternating colored squares or rectangles on the fabric. This pattern is commonly used in shirts, dresses, skirts, and even home decor items like curtains and tablecloths. The English term for this pattern is "checkered," which refers to the presence of checks or squares.
5. Houndstooth Pattern
Houndstooth patterns are characterized by a distinctive broken check or abstract four-pointed shapes. This pattern is commonly used in jackets, skirts, and trousers. The English term "houndstooth" describes this particular pattern, which resembles the tooth of a hound.
6. Paisley Pattern
Paisley patterns feature a teardrop-shaped motif with intricate and colorful designs. This pattern is commonly used in scarves, shawls, and blouses. The English term "paisley" refers to this distinctive and ornamental pattern.
7. Chevron Pattern
Chevron patterns consist of inverted V-shaped designs that are repeated throughout the fabric. This pattern can be found in dresses, skirts, and even home decor items like pillows and rugs. The English term "chevron" describes this particular pattern, emphasizing the presence of the inverted V-shapes.
8. Gingham Pattern
Gingham patterns feature a checked design with even-sized and evenly spaced squares. This pattern is commonly used in shirts, dresses, and skirts. The English term "gingham" refers to this particular pattern, which originated from the Malay word "genggang," meaning striped.
In conclusion, clothing patterns add variety and visual interest to garments. Understanding the different English names for these patterns allows us to effectively communicate and describe the style and design of various clothing items.
各种服装样板的英语名称 篇二
Various Clothing Patterns and Their English Names
The fashion industry is a vibrant and ever-changing world, with clothing patterns playing a significant role in defining style and design. In this article, we will explore different clothing patterns and their corresponding English names, allowing us to better understand and appreciate the diverse range of options available.
1. Animal Print Pattern
Animal print patterns imitate the skin or fur of animals, such as leopard, zebra, or snake. These patterns are commonly used in clothing items like dresses, tops, and accessories like bags and shoes. The English term "animal print" refers to any design that replicates the appearance of an animal's skin or fur.
2. Tartan Pattern
Tartan patterns are associated with Scottish heritage and consist of a crisscross pattern of horizontal and vertical lines, forming various colored squares. This pattern is commonly used in kilts, scarves, and skirts. The English term "tartan" describes this particular pattern, which is often associated with Scottish clans.
3. Camouflage Pattern
Camouflage patterns were initially developed for military purposes and are characterized by irregular patches of color that blend into the background. This pattern is commonly used in jackets, trousers, and accessories like hats and backpacks. The English term "camouflage" refers to this particular pattern, emphasizing its ability to conceal or disguise.
4. Plaid Pattern
Plaid patterns consist of intersecting lines forming squares or rectangles of different colors. This pattern is commonly used in shirts, skirts, and even home decor items like curtains and blankets. The English term "plaid" describes this distinctive pattern, which is often associated with Scottish kilts.
5. Herringbone Pattern
Herringbone patterns feature a series of V-shaped lines that resemble the bones of a fish. This pattern is commonly used in jackets, coats, and trousers. The English term "herringbone" describes this particular pattern, emphasizing its resemblance to the skeletal structure of a herring.
6. Abstract Pattern
Abstract patterns do not depict recognizable objects or shapes, but instead focus on creating a visually interesting and unique design. This pattern can be found in dresses, tops, and even accessories like scarves and bags. The English term "abstract" refers to this particular pattern, emphasizing its non-representational nature.
7. Argyle Pattern
Argyle patterns consist of diamond-shaped designs, often with a diagonal crisscross pattern. This pattern is commonly used in sweaters, socks, and accessories like scarves. The English term "argyle" describes this distinctive pattern, which originated from the tartan of the Clan Campbell in Scotland.
8. Lace Pattern
Lace patterns are delicate and intricate designs created using a variety of techniques, such as knitting, crocheting, or weaving. This pattern is commonly used in dresses, blouses, and lingerie. The English term "lace" refers to this particular pattern, emphasizing its delicate and ornamental nature.
In conclusion, clothing patterns contribute to the rich tapestry of the fashion industry. Understanding the different English names for these patterns allows us to appreciate the artistry and creativity behind each design, enhancing our overall fashion knowledge.
各种服装样板的英语名称 篇三
1、initial sample,proto sample——原样、头样、初样。根据设计图起做的样板。或者工厂自己的一些客户的产品给另外一个客户参考的款式。泛指客人第一次给工厂做样的所需的样板。主要参考款式和工艺;而面料、颜色都可以不同,尺寸很大机会会有改动。
2、fitting sample——试身样。一般跟size set sample(跳码样)一起,主要是看模特穿起的效果以及尺寸(跳码)问题。
如HPS to waist够不够长,前后领深跳的合理不合理,夹圈跳得够不够,到了大码前长加得够不够,整件衫会不会前后不平衡,起hiking等。
3、salesman sample,ShowRoom Sample——销售样,也叫大样,行街样。客人用于展销会的展样,或开货前做给客人试卖的样,目的为了将之前所做出的新款式,通过展销样获得定单。一般销售样要求齐色齐码,凡大货做到的东西,几乎都要做到,但销售样还可以在大货中再作修改。重在
4、photo sample——照相样、影相样。是提供给客人作模特试身照相做的样板,有些是要作入印刷本用的,用于制作大货的彩图参考。主要是颜色和款式要正确。
5、pp sample,pre-production sample——大货样,产前样。就是大货生产前的样,主要是让客人确认大货开货用的。此样是做大货的完全参照样,所有东西都要符合要求,不然大货也可能会错。如果不符合要求的话,客人可能会要求做几次,直到符合要求为止。
6、test sample——测试样。有些客要求做测试的,就需要做此样。主要测试洗水、颜色、环保方面是否符合客人要求。也可能要做多次。
7、shipping sample、shipment sample——船头样。主要是给客人做参考,确定所要出的货如此。代表整批大货的质量,所以工艺要和大货一致,做工要好。
8、counter sample——对等样品,又称回样。是由工厂根据客户提供的原样(proto sample)制作并寄回客户经客户确认的样品。主要是确认款式、工艺、尺寸等。
9、bulk sample——先行样、货前样。用大货布做,主要是看工艺、尺寸、缩率、所需机器等在大货生产时有没有问题,车间做出来后就交给QC检查款式、尺寸、做工方面有没有问题,然后把检查报告给纸样、车间、洗水部等相关部门参考,如果洗后/烫后尺寸有问题,就要在纸样上做相应的修改,先行样不是客人要求做的,也不用给客人批,而是工厂自己为大货试做的,但如果工厂觉得某些地方工艺需要改动的话,就要通知跟单跟客人磋商,客人同意后才能改。先行样有时候也可以不做,如翻单(但如果大货布是新布的话,一般也要做,以免缩率变动)。
micro fibre 超细纤维,严格的说凡是使用这种材料的面料均可以称为“麦克布”。很多桃皮绒、人造麂皮都使用超细纤维,都可以叫做麦克布。
vest 多指正式的西装背心,tank指较休闲的,无袖的上装。
merrow 是美国的一个以前很出名的制作拷边机(锁边机)的公司,所以美国人就把拷克(锁边)叫
merrow,等同于overlock, serge。
pearl stitch: used in knitting, for fancy borders and edges, one which worked back on itself
allowing a rippled effect to be made. Because of this, he received the nickname of "perley wilson".
户外服装通常有三层,排汗层/内层(wicking layer/base layer) 、保温层(insulation layer)和外套(shell)。可以分开穿着,冷了就加一层,热了就减一层。
hand loom 手织样,指生产大货前所打的一小块布样,用来确认颜色、格型等效果。
t/p=teck pack 技术档案。客人要你做样板时给你的资料。通常包括参考图、做工指示、尺寸等。
Shade Band 缸差样。用于提交给客户以确定可接受的色光范围。