与高矮短重等相关的一些英语单词 篇一
In the world of physical appearance, height is often a topic of discussion. Some people are tall, while others are short. Height can have both advantages and disadvantages, depending on the situation. In this article, we will explore some English words related to height.
1. Tall: This word is used to describe someone who is above average height. For example, "He is a tall basketball player."
2. Short: The opposite of tall, short is used to describe someone who is below average height. For instance, "She is quite short for her age."
3. Stature: This word refers to a person's height or overall build. It can be used to describe someone's physical appearance. For example, "He has a tall stature."
4. Heightened: This word is used to describe an increased or elevated height. It can also be used metaphorically to describe an increased level of intensity or importance. For instance, "Her anxiety was heightened by the crowded room."
5. Diminutive: This word is used to describe someone who is small in size or stature. It can also be used to describe something that is small in scale. For example, "He was a diminutive man with a big personality."
6. Dwarf: This word is used to describe someone who is extremely short in stature due to a medical condition called dwarfism. For instance, "She is a dwarf and has faced many challenges throughout her life."
7. Giant: The opposite of dwarf, giant is used to describe someone who is extremely tall. It can also be used metaphorically to describe something or someone of great importance or influence. For example, "He was a giant in the field of science."
8. Stilted: This word is used to describe a person's posture or movement that appears awkward or unnatural. It can also be used to describe a style of writing or speaking that is formal and lacks natural flow. For instance, "Her stilted gait made it difficult for her to walk quickly."
9. Lanky: This word is used to describe someone who is tall and thin, often with long limbs. It can also be used to describe something that is long, thin, and awkward. For example, "He was a lanky teenager with a lot of growing to do."
10. Slender: This word is used to describe someone who is thin and graceful. It can also be used to describe something that is thin and delicate. For instance, "She had a slender figure that turned heads wherever she went."
These are just a few words related to height in the English language. Height can have a significant impact on a person's life, both physically and socially. It is important to remember that height should not define a person's worth or abilities.
与高矮短重等相关的一些英语单词 篇三
Smart 词汇记忆组群123
burden n. 重担,精神负担,负荷
weight n. 重量,体重;砝码,秤砣;重压,负担;重要,价值
weigh vt.称,称....的重量,认真考虑,权衡
measure vt.量,测量;n.量度,措施,办法
measurable a.可测量的
gauge vt.量,测量;n.
length n. 长,长度,一段
long vi,渴望 a./ad。长长的(地)
tall n.高的,身材高的
height n.高,高度;(pl)高处,高地
high ad. 高高地,a.高的,高级的,高尚的
highly ad.高度地,很,非常
deep a.深的,深沉的,深厚的,(颜色)深的,深奥的,深刻的,ad.深地
low a.矮的,低声的,低劣的,卑鄙的
lower a.较低的,下游的,低等的;vi.降低的.,放下
short a.短的;短期的
shortly ad.立刻,简短地
shortage n.不足,缺少
shortcoming n.短处,缺点
heavy a.重的,大量的,密集的,严重的,严厉的,繁重的,过度的,忧郁的,