托福考试词汇H字母开头 篇一:How to Enhance Your Vocabulary for the TOEFL Exam
The TOEFL exam is a crucial step for non-native English speakers who wish to study or work in an English-speaking country. One of the key components of this exam is the vocabulary section, which tests your understanding and usage of a wide range of words. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to enhance your vocabulary specifically focusing on words starting with the letter "H."
1. Read extensively: Reading is an excellent way to expose yourself to new words. Choose a variety of materials such as novels, newspapers, and magazines to widen your vocabulary. Highlight or jot down any unfamiliar words starting with "H" that you come across and look up their meanings later. This will help you remember and understand these words in context.
2. Create flashcards: Flashcards are a popular tool for learning and memorizing new words. Write the words starting with "H" on one side of the flashcard and their definitions on the other. Review these flashcards regularly, testing yourself on the meanings and trying to use them in sentences. This active engagement will aid in retention.
3. Use mnemonic devices: Mnemonic devices are memory techniques that help you remember information. Create associations or images in your mind that connect the word starting with "H" to its definition. For example, for the word "hierarchy," imagine a triangle with different levels representing the power structure of an organization.
4. Engage in conversations: Practice speaking and listening to English as much as possible. Engage in conversations with native English speakers or take part in language exchange programs. Use the words starting with "H" that you have learned in these conversations to reinforce your understanding and improve your fluency.
5. Play word games: Make learning fun by playing word games that focus on words starting with "H." Crossword puzzles, word searches, and online vocabulary quizzes are excellent resources for interactive learning. Challenge yourself to complete these games within a time limit to sharpen your vocabulary skills.
6. Write regularly: Expressing your thoughts and ideas in writing is an effective way to reinforce vocabulary retention. Practice writing essays or journal entries that incorporate words starting with "H." This will not only improve your vocabulary but also enhance your writing skills.
7. Use online resources: Take advantage of various online resources specifically designed to improve TOEFL vocabulary. Websites and apps offer word lists, flashcards, and interactive exercises tailored to the TOEFL exam. These resources are an excellent complement to your study routine.
Remember, building vocabulary is a gradual process that requires consistent effort and practice. Set aside dedicated study time each day to focus on words starting with "H" and gradually expand your vocabulary to include words from other letters of the alphabet. With perseverance and the right strategies, you can enhance your vocabulary effectively and perform well on the TOEFL exam.
托福考试词汇H字母开头 篇二:The Importance of Honing Your Listening Skills for the TOEFL Exam
The TOEFL exam assesses your ability to comprehend and understand spoken English, making listening skills a crucial aspect of your preparation. In this article, we will discuss the importance of honing your listening skills specifically for the TOEFL exam and provide strategies to improve them.
1. Familiarize yourself with different accents: The TOEFL exam includes a variety of English accents, such as American, British, Australian, and Canadian. Expose yourself to different accents by watching movies, TV shows, and documentaries in English. This will help you become accustomed to different speech patterns and improve your ability to understand various accents during the exam.
2. Practice active listening: Active listening involves fully engaging with the audio material and focusing on understanding the main ideas and supporting details. Practice active listening by listening to podcasts, lectures, or TED Talks on a wide range of topics. Take notes while listening and try to summarize the main points afterwards. This will improve your ability to comprehend spoken English and extract important information.
3. Use authentic TOEFL listening materials: Familiarize yourself with the format and style of the TOEFL exam by practicing with authentic listening materials. These materials are designed to simulate the actual test conditions and will help you become familiar with the types of questions asked in the listening section. Look for TOEFL practice tests or online resources that provide sample listening exercises.
4. Take advantage of technology: Utilize technology to enhance your listening skills. There are numerous apps and websites available that provide listening exercises and interactive activities. These resources often allow you to adjust the speed and difficulty level of the audio, making it easier to practice and improve your listening comprehension.
5. Join English conversation groups or language exchanges: Engaging in conversations with native English speakers is an excellent way to improve your listening skills. Join English conversation groups in your community or participate in language exchange programs online. Actively listen to the conversations and try to understand the context and meaning of the spoken words.
6. Practice time management: The listening section of the TOEFL exam is timed, so it is essential to practice managing your time effectively. During your practice sessions, set a timer to mimic the exam conditions and make sure you complete the questions within the allocated time. This will help you become comfortable with the time constraints and ensure that you can complete the section without rushing.
7. Seek feedback and guidance: Ask for feedback from a teacher, tutor, or native English speaker on your listening skills. They can provide valuable insights into areas that need improvement and suggest specific strategies to enhance your listening abilities. Take their advice and incorporate it into your practice routine.
Remember, improving your listening skills takes time and consistent effort. Set aside regular practice sessions dedicated to honing your listening abilities, and gradually increase the difficulty level of the materials you use. With perseverance and the right strategies, you can significantly improve your listening skills and perform well on the TOEFL exam.
托福考试词汇H字母开头 篇三
exhilarating [i^5zilEreitiN] 令人喜欢的,爽快的,使人愉快的
词根词缀释义: ex-出来,hilar-高,ating-的.
本词根简单词: hilarity [hi5lAriti]欢闹
本词根高阶词: exhilarate [i^5zilEreit]使兴奋
exhilarant [i^5zilErEnt]兴奋剂
Hilary [5hilEri]希拉里
本单词形近词: excitement [Ik5saItmEnt] n. 刺激, 兴奋, 激动, 搔动
grasshopper [5^rB:shRpE(r); (?@) 5^rAshBpEr]蚱蜢,蝗虫,小型侦察机
词根词缀释义: grass草,hop-跳跃,er-后缀
本词根简单词: hop [hRp]跳
hip [hip]臀
词根词缀释义: hip-跳
本词根简单词: hip-hop原义:扭屁股
本词根高阶词: hypo- [5haipEu]后面的、次的
hypocrisy [hi5pCkrEsi]伪善,虚伪
本单词形近词: hop v. 单脚跳, (鸟, 蛙等)跳跃
hypocrisy [hi5pCkrEsi]伪善,虚伪
词根词缀释义: hypo-后面、背后,crisy=critic-批评
本词根简单词: hypothesis [hai5pCWisis]假设(suppose假设)
本词根高阶词: hypocrite [5hipEkrit]伪君子
本单词近义词: insincerity n. 不真诚, 无诚意, 伪善
hypocrite [5hipEkrit]伪君子
词根词缀释义: hypo-后面、背后,crisy=critic-批评
本词根简单词: criterion n. (批评判断的)标准, 准据, 规范-
本词根高阶词: hypocrisy [hi5pCkrEsi]伪善,虚伪
本单词形近词: hypothesis [hai5pCWisis]假设(suppose假设)
hypothesis [hai5pCWisis]假设
词根词缀释义: hypo-后面、背后,thes= thet =put, is-后缀
本词根简单词: hypothetic [7haipEu5Wetik] adj. 假设的, 假定的
本词根高阶词: synthetic adj. 合成的, 人造的, 综合的
synthesis n. 综合, 合成
本单词近义词: suppose / in case of
hormone [5hC:mEun]荷尔蒙
词根词缀释义: horm-高、兴奋,one-后缀。
背景知识链接: 激素亦称“荷尔蒙”,希腊文原意为“奋起活动”,它对肌体的代谢、生长、发育和繁殖等起重要的调节作用。
本单词形近词: form样式、格式/norm标准、正常/ worm蠕虫
exhale [eks5heil, e^5zeil]呼气,发出
词根词缀释义: ex-外,hale-呼吸
本词根简单词: inhale 吸气
本单词近义词: expire 期满, 终止, 呼气, 断气, 届满
本单词形近词: inhale吸气/stale陈旧的/tale寓言/male男性 /pale苍白
exhaust [i^5zC:st]用尽,耗尽,抽完,使精疲力尽,用不完的
词根词缀释义: ex-向外,hau-haul-拉车、拖拉,st-后缀。
本词根简单词: haul拖、拉
本单词近义词: deplenish v. 用尽, 耗尽
habitat [5hAbitAt]生活环境,栖息地
词根词缀释义: habit-习惯、居留,at-在
本词根简单词: inhabit [in5hAbit]居住
本词根高阶词: habitation [7hAbi5teiFEn] n. 居住, 生活环境, 住所
habit [5hAbit]习惯、习性
词根词缀释义: hab-have-拥有,it-它。
本词根近义词: custom习惯, 风俗