高考H字母开头的英语单词 篇一
Happiness: The Key to Success in the College Entrance Examination
The college entrance examination, also known as the gaokao in China, is a crucial milestone for Chinese students. It is a highly competitive and stressful time for students as they prepare for this important exam that will determine their future. In order to perform well in the gaokao, it is essential for students to maintain a positive mindset and cultivate happiness.
Happiness plays a significant role in academic success. When students are happy, they are more motivated, focused, and productive. Research has shown that happy students have higher levels of engagement in their studies and are more likely to achieve better grades. They are also more resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks, allowing them to bounce back quickly and continue their learning journey.
There are several ways in which students can cultivate happiness during the gaokao preparation period. Firstly, it is important for students to set realistic goals and expectations for themselves. By setting achievable goals, students can avoid unnecessary stress and pressure. It is also crucial for students to take breaks and engage in activities they enjoy. This can include hobbies, exercise, spending time with friends and family, or simply taking a walk in nature. Engaging in these activities can help students relax and recharge, leading to improved focus and concentration when they return to their studies.
Furthermore, it is important for students to develop a positive support system. Surrounding themselves with positive and supportive friends, family members, and teachers can greatly contribute to their overall happiness and well-being. These individuals can provide encouragement, motivation, and guidance during the challenging gaokao preparation period. Additionally, students can also seek professional support from counselors or therapists who can help them cope with stress and anxiety.
In conclusion, happiness plays a crucial role in the success of students in the college entrance examination. By cultivating happiness, students can enhance their motivation, focus, and productivity. It is important for students to set realistic goals, take breaks, engage in activities they enjoy, and surround themselves with a positive support system. By prioritizing happiness during the gaokao preparation period, students can increase their chances of achieving their desired results and creating a positive and successful future.
高考H字母开头的英语单词 篇二
Healthy Habits for Gaokao Success
The gaokao is known for its intense competition and high stakes. In order to perform well in this important exam, students must not only study hard, but also take care of their physical and mental well-being. Developing healthy habits is essential for gaokao success.
One important healthy habit is maintaining a nutritious diet. Eating a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins provides the necessary nutrients for optimal brain function. It is important for students to avoid excessive consumption of junk food and sugary snacks, as these can lead to energy crashes and decreased concentration. Drinking plenty of water is also crucial for staying hydrated and maintaining cognitive function.
Regular exercise is another healthy habit that can greatly benefit students preparing for the gaokao. Exercise has been proven to boost cognitive function, improve memory, and reduce stress and anxiety. Students can incorporate exercise into their daily routine by engaging in activities such as jogging, swimming, or practicing yoga. Even short breaks for stretching or taking a walk can help refresh the mind and increase productivity.
Adequate sleep is essential for optimal brain function and academic performance. During the gaokao preparation period, it is common for students to sacrifice sleep in order to study more. However, this can have negative effects on their performance. It is important for students to establish a regular sleep schedule and aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. This will help improve concentration, memory retention, and overall cognitive abilities.
Furthermore, managing stress and maintaining a positive mindset are crucial for gaokao success. Students can practice stress management techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or engaging in relaxation activities. Taking breaks and engaging in activities they enjoy can also help reduce stress levels. Additionally, cultivating a positive mindset by practicing gratitude and positive self-talk can help students stay motivated and focused during the gaokao preparation period.
In conclusion, developing healthy habits is essential for success in the gaokao. Students should prioritize a nutritious diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management techniques. By taking care of their physical and mental well-being, students can enhance their cognitive abilities, concentration, and overall performance in the gaokao.
高考H字母开头的英语单词 篇三
96、hot 热的
97、hot dog 热狗(红肠面包)
98、▲hotel 旅馆,宾馆
99、hour 小时
100、house 房子,住宅
101、housewife 家庭主妇
102、housework 家务劳动
103、how 怎样,如何;多少,多么
104、however 可是 然而,可是,尽管如此
105、howl 嚎叫,嚎哭
106、hug 拥抱
107、huge 巨大的,庞大的
108、human 人的,人类的 人
109、▲human being 人类
110、▲humorous 富于幽默感
111、hunger 饥饿
112、hungry (饥)饿的
113、hunt 寻找;狩猎,猎取
114、hunter 猎人
115、hurricane 飓风,十二级风
一、 背单词的重要性
语言学家TERREL认为,只要掌握了足够的词汇,即使没有多少语法知识,外语学习者也能较好理解外语和用外语进行表达。语言学家WILKINS有一句经典名言:没有语法只能传达很少的信息,没有词汇则什么也无法传达。美国语言学家Diller研究表明,如果我们认识25个单词,平均每一页上我们就认识23%的单词;如果我们认识135个单词,该百分比就达到50%;2500个单词量相应于78%;5000个单词量相应于86%;10000个单词量相应于92%。Laufer从阅读理解的角度研究后发现:认识5000个单词,阅读理解正确率为56% ;认识6400个单词,该百分比为63%;认识9000个单词,该百分比大约是70%。同样在写作、口语、听力等方面也大致如此。实践证明,在雅思考试中,词汇量较大的考生往往要比词汇量小的考生取得更高的分数。
二、 词汇手册的选用
1. 雅思词汇
2. 分类词汇
3. 核心词汇
1. 制定合理的计划,按部就班,反复循环
2. 听说读写齐头并进
3. 背诵与实践同步
英语单词归根到底还是要放在语言中进行使用的,如果只背单词却不把单词放到语境中去理解,那么记单词的效率就会大打折扣。因此考生在背诵单词的时候一定要同时辅以大量的听说读写练习,在反复的使用中巩固单词的读音、意义和用法。剑桥雅思的真题就是进行实践的好材料。在做完听力和阅读的题目并进行自己的分析之后,有时间的话最好将录音进行精听,将阅读文章进行精读,将学到的核心词汇全部记在专用的笔记本上进行反复背诵。写作和口语练习的时候,可以多借鉴这些单词。平时也要多听BBC, VOA等英语原声节目,多读The Economist, National Geographic等原版杂志,多角度接触,多方位记忆,巩固所背的单词,化消极词汇为积极词汇。
4. 注意单词之间的联系
英语单词量庞大,但是很多单词却有一定的内部或外部联系,比如,有些单词有共同的词根、词缀,如inhabit, inhabita