初三英语单词表 篇一
1. Achieve (v.) - 实现,达到
Example: I believe that if you work hard, you can achieve your goals.
2. Confidence (n.) - 自信,信心
Example: She gained confidence after winning the competition.
3. Determine (v.) - 决定,确定
Example: It's important to determine your goals before starting a project.
4. Enthusiasm (n.) - 热情,热忱
Example: The students showed great enthusiasm for the science experiment.
5. Independent (adj.) - 独立的
Example: He is an independent person who can take care of himself.
6. Knowledge (n.) - 知识
Example: Reading books can help you gain knowledge about various subjects.
7. Opportunity (n.) - 机会
Example: Don't miss out on this opportunity to travel abroad and experience new cultures.
8. Perseverance (n.) - 毅力,坚持不懈
Example: With perseverance, you can overcome any obstacles in life.
9. Responsibility (n.) - 责任
Example: It is important to take responsibility for your actions.
10. Support (v.) - 支持
Example: I will always support you no matter what.
初三英语单词表 篇二
1. Accomplish (v.) - 完成,实现
Example: She worked hard to accomplish her goals and succeeded.
2. Challenge (n.) - 挑战
Example: The math problem was a challenge, but he managed to solve it.
3. Determination (n.) - 决心,毅力
Example: With determination, you can overcome any difficulties.
4. Essential (adj.) - 必要的,重要的
Example: Good communication skills are essential in today's world.
5. Improve (v.) - 改进,提高
Example: Practice can help you improve your English speaking skills.
6. Knowledgeable (adj.) - 博学的,有知识的
Example: The teacher is knowledgeable about various subjects.
7. Opportunity (n.) - 机会
Example: Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn a new language.
8. Perseverance (n.) - 坚持不懈
Example: With perseverance, you can achieve your goals.
9. Responsible (adj.) - 负责任的
Example: He is a responsible student who always completes his homework on time.
10. Supportive (adj.) - 支持的
Example: My family is always supportive of my dreams and goals.
初三英语单词表 篇三
decry 谴责
dedicate 献身,致力,奉献
deduce 推想,推论
deduct 扣除
deface 伤毁(外表)
defer 顺从
deflate 放出空气,使坍陷,减消
deject 使沮丧
delay 延期
deliberate 熟思,考虑,有意,存心的
demean 贬抑,降低
demerit 短处,过失,缺点
demise 死亡
demoralize 使沮丧,败坏
demote 降级
demure 佯作端庄,端庄的
denominate 命名
denote 表示,指示,意指
denounce 当众指责
deny 否认,不承认
depict 描写,叙述
deplore 悲痛
deposit 存储,放下,置下
deprave 使败坏
depredation 劫掠,抢夺
depress 降低,压下
deprive 剥夺
derelict 被弃的
deride 嘲笑,嘲弄
descend 降
designate 指派,任命
desolate 荒凉,荒芜的
despicable 可鄙,卑劣的
despise 轻视,蔑视
despoil 夺取,掠夺
destitue 穷困的
destroy 毁坏,毁灭
determine 决心,决定
dethrone 废(君)
detonate 使爆炸
detour 绕行之路
devaluate (使)贬值
devastate 破坏,蹂躏
devoid 缺乏,无的
devolve 移交,委任