羽毛球赛事分类英语词汇 篇一
In the world of badminton, there are various types of tournaments that cater to different levels of players and different formats of the game. Understanding the different categories of badminton events can help players and fans alike navigate the sport more effectively. In this article, we will explore the vocabulary associated with the classification of badminton tournaments.
1. Grand Slam Tournaments:
The Grand Slam tournaments in badminton are the most prestigious and highly regarded events in the sport. There are four Grand Slam tournaments, namely the All England Open, the World Championships, the Olympic Games, and the Thomas Cup (for men) or Uber Cup (for women). These tournaments attract the best players from around the world and are known for their high level of competition.
2. Super Series Tournaments:
The Super Series tournaments are a series of elite badminton events organized by the Badminton World Federation (BWF). These tournaments are ranked just below the Grand Slam events in terms of importance and attract a strong field of international players. Some of the prominent Super Series tournaments include the China Open, the Malaysia Open, and the Indonesia Open.
3. International Challenge:
The International Challenge tournaments are considered the next level below the Super Series events. They are open to players of all nationalities and provide a platform for developing players to gain experience and improve their rankings. Examples of International Challenge tournaments include the Scottish Open and the Belgian International.
4. International Series:
The International Series tournaments are one step below the International Challenge events. They are usually smaller in scale and offer fewer ranking points. These tournaments are primarily aimed at players who are starting their professional badminton careers or those who are looking to maintain their ranking positions. The Spanish International and the Hungarian International are examples of International Series tournaments.
5. Future Series:
The Future Series tournaments are the entry-level events in badminton. They are designed for players who are at the early stages of their careers and are looking to gain valuable tournament experience. These tournaments provide an opportunity for young players to showcase their skills and potentially move up to higher-level tournaments. The Uganda International and the Nepal International are examples of Future Series tournaments.
Understanding the classification of badminton tournaments is essential for players and fans to navigate the sport effectively. Whether it is the prestigious Grand Slam events or the entry-level Future Series tournaments, each category offers a unique platform for players to compete and improve their skills. By familiarizing ourselves with the vocabulary associated with these different tournament categories, we can enhance our appreciation and understanding of the sport of badminton.
Word Count: 452
羽毛球赛事分类英语词汇 篇二
Badminton is a sport that offers a wide range of tournaments for players of all levels. From elite international events to local competitions, there is something for everyone in the world of badminton. In this article, we will explore the vocabulary associated with the classification of badminton tournaments, focusing on the different formats of the game.
1. Singles:
Singles is a format of badminton where two players compete against each other. It is a popular format at all levels of the sport, from recreational play to professional tournaments. Singles matches require players to cover the entire court on their own, which tests their physical fitness and agility.
2. Doubles:
Doubles is a format of badminton where two teams of two players each compete against each other. It is a fast-paced and highly tactical format that requires strong teamwork and coordination. Doubles matches are known for their exciting rallies and strategic play.
3. Mixed Doubles:
Mixed doubles is a format of badminton where a male and a female player form a team and compete against another mixed team. This format adds an extra layer of excitement and diversity to the game, as players must adapt their playing style to accommodate their partner's strengths and weaknesses.
4. Team Events:
Team events in badminton are competitions where teams from different countries or regions compete against each other. These events usually consist of singles, doubles, and mixed doubles matches, with each team aiming to win the majority of the matches to secure victory. The Thomas Cup (for men) and the Uber Cup (for women) are examples of prestigious team events in badminton.
5. Exhibition Matches:
Exhibition matches are non-competitive events that are often held to showcase the skills of top players or promote the sport. These matches are usually played in a friendly and entertaining manner, with players sometimes engaging in trick shots or unconventional play to entertain the audience.
The classification of badminton tournaments extends beyond just the level of competition; it also encompasses the different formats of the game. Whether it is the intense singles matches, the strategic doubles games, or the exciting mixed doubles encounters, each format offers a unique and thrilling experience for players and fans alike. By familiarizing ourselves with the vocabulary associated with these different tournament formats, we can better appreciate the diversity and excitement that badminton has to offer.
Word Count: 403
羽毛球赛事分类英语词汇 篇三
2.世界羽毛球锦标赛:World Badminton Championships
3.世界羽毛球大奖赛:World Grand Prix Badminton
4.全英羽毛球公开赛:All-England Open Badminton Championships
5.汤姆斯杯(男子团体冠军赛):Thomas Cup
6.尤伯杯(女子团体冠军赛):Uber Cup
7.苏迪曼杯(男女混合团体冠军赛):Sudirman Cup
8.羽毛球运动员:badminton player; shuttler
9.打网前位置的球员(双打):net man [player]
10.发球裁判员:service judge
11.司线员:line judge
13.一方得零分的一局:love game
14.一方得零局的一场:love match
15.再[加分]赛:set (the score)
16.选择再赛权:choice [option] of setting
17.错区:wrong court
18.站错位:out of position
23.死球:dead bird; shuttle not in play
24.有效还击:good return
25.击球犯规:foul hit
26.持球;拖带动作:slung; hold
27.连击:hit twice
28.球触身:touch the body
29.球触网:touch the net; net tap
30.过网击球:over net
33.试球:test the shuttle
34.换球:change the shuttle
35.发球方得分制:side-out scoring system
36.换发球:service over
38.发球方位:serving position
39.发球顺序:order of service
40.发球顺序错误:serve out of turn
41.发球方位错误:serve from a wrong court
42.交换发球区:alternate courts
43.发球权:right to serve; service privilege
45.掌握发球权一方:"in" side
47.失去发球权:hand-out; loss of service
48.失去发球权的一方:retired side
49.发球违例:service fault
50.过手:service above hand
51.过腰:service above the waist
52.脚违例:foot fault
53.一次发球权:one hand
54.两次发球权:two hands
55.第一发球:first serve
56.第一发球权;第一轮:first inning
57.失去第一发球权:one down [out]; one hand out
58.第二发球:second serve
59.两次发球失误:two down
60.发球动作:delivery of service
61.抖腕发球:flick service
62.发平球:flat service
63.发短低球:short low service
64.发高球:high service
65.发高远球:deep high service; long high
66.发短[网前]球:short service
67.发远球:long service
68.发深球:deep service
69.发球方:serving side
70.接发球方:receiving side
71.接球预备姿势:on guard
72.基本击球法:basic strokes
73.东方式握拍法:Eastern grip
74.西方式握拍法:Western grip
75.握手式握拍法:shake-hand grip
76.移指握拍:finger the grip
77.向前挥拍:fore swing
79.全力挥拍:full swing
81.击球:strike; hit; bat; stroke; shot
83.高手击球:overhand stroke
84.低手击球:underhand stroke
85.过渡球:transitional ball
88.齐肩高平抽球:shoulder-high drive
89.抽平高球:drive clear
92.点[短]杀:overhead wrist shot
93.锋利扣杀:razor-sharp smash
94.绕头顶扣杀:round-the-head stroke
95.头顶击球:overhead stroke
96.绕身后击球:round-the-back stroke
97.侧手球:side-hand[sidearm]stroke; swipe
98.搓球:lunge stroke
99.推球:push shot
100.挑高球:lob;toss; lofted shot
102.正手高远球:forehand clear
103.低球:low shot
104.短击:stop; no swing
106.吊球:drop; dink
107.顺风:before the wind
108.逆风:against the wind
109.借助风力的攻球:drift-assisted attack
110.轻挑短球(近网直起直落):hair-pin shot
113.贴网下落的.扣球:stop volley
114.贴网快平球:driven flight
115.近网扑球或扣杀:net shot
116.扑球:rush shot
117.曲线近网球:net fly
120.对角线球:crosscourt shot
121.勾对角:crosscourt flight
122.场内落球点:court spot
124.落点的准确性:accuracy of placement
125.善于找落点的球员:placer; place-hitter
126.追身球:body hit
127.超身球:passing shot
131.抢打同伴的球:poach; hog the court
132.滑步:sliding step
133.交叉步:cross step
135.下蹲防守:crouch defense
136.打法变化:variation of shots
137.网前打法:net play
138.上网:rush; take [approach] the net
139.封网:block the net
141.后场打法:backcourt play
142.底线球战术:baseline game
143.四方球;快速拉开:fast clear out
144.扣吊结合:smashes combined with drops
145.前后站位:up [front] and back
146.左右站位:side by side
147.对角线阵形:diagonal formation
148.轮转配合打法:rotation system
149.攻人战术:one-man attack
150.边线:sideline; side boundary line
151.端线:base line; back boundary line
152.端线外的空地:back room;runback
153.发球区:service court
154.左发球区:left service court
155.右发球区:right service court
156.前发球线:front[short; inside]service line
157.后发球线:rear [long:outside] service line
158.单打球场:singles court
159.双打球场:doubles court
160.单、双打两用球场:combination court
161.单打边线:singles [inside] sideline
162.单打发球区:singles service court
164.双打发球区:doubles service court
165.双打发球线:doubles service line
166.边线狭长地带:side alley [lane]
167.端线狭长地带:back alley [lane]
168.无障碍物空间:clearance; head-room
169.球网装置:net assembly
170.网的上缘:top line of the net
171.网顶白布边:white top band
173.羽毛球拍:badminton racket
177.拍面:racket face
178.羊肠线:gut string
179.尼龙线:nylon string
183.皮包软木羽毛球:leather-covered cork shuttle
184.塑料羽毛球:plastic [synthetic] shuttle
185.底托:cork base
187.坏球:broken shuttle