
日常乘坐交通工具的英语口语 篇一

Taking a Taxi in English

Taking a taxi is a common way to get around in many cities. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, knowing how to communicate with the taxi driver in English can be very helpful. Here are some essential English phrases and expressions for taking a taxi.

1. Hailing a taxi:

- Excuse me, could you please stop? (请问,能停一下吗?)

- Taxi! (出租车!)

- Can I get a taxi here? (这里可以打车吗?)

- Is this taxi available? (这辆出租车有人吗?)

2. Destination:

- Could you take me to [destination]? (请送我去[目的地].)

- I need to go to [destination], please. (请送我去[目的地].)

- How much is the fare to [destination]? (去[目的地]要多少钱?)

- Do you know the way to [destination]? (你知道去[目的地]的路吗?)

3. Giving directions:

- Take a right/left turn. (向右/左拐.)

- Go straight ahead. (一直往前走.)

- Stop here, please. (请在这里停一下.)

- It's on the corner of [street name]. (在[街道名]的拐角处.)

4. Asking about the fare:

- How much does it cost to get to [destination]? (去[目的地]要多少钱?)

- Does the meter include the toll? (计价器是否包含过路费?)

- Do you accept credit cards? (你们接受信用卡吗?)

- Can you give me a receipt? (可以给我一张收据吗?)

5. Other useful phrases:

- Please drive more slowly. (请开慢一点.)

- Could you turn on the air conditioning, please? (请打开空调.)

- I'm in a hurry, can you please drive faster? (我有点急,可以开快点吗?)

- Thank you, keep the change. (谢谢,不用找了.)

Remember to speak clearly and politely when communicating with the taxi driver. It's also helpful to have the address or name of your destination written down or saved on your phone, in case there are any language barriers. Taking a taxi can be a convenient and efficient way to travel, so make sure to use these English phrases to make your journey smoother.

日常乘坐交通工具的英语口语 篇二

Taking Public Transportation in English

Using public transportation is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to get around in many cities. Whether you are taking a bus, train, or subway, it's important to know how to communicate in English to navigate the public transportation system. Here are some useful English phrases and expressions for taking public transportation.

1. Asking for information:

- Excuse me, where is the nearest bus stop/train station? (请问,最近的公交车站/火车站在哪里?)

- Which bus/train goes to [destination]? (去[目的地]的是哪一路公交车/火车?)

- How often does the bus/train come? (公交车/火车多久来一次?)

- Is there a direct bus/train to [destination]? (去[目的地]有直达的公交车/火车吗?)

2. Buying tickets:

- How much is a ticket to [destination]? (去[目的地]的票价是多少?)

- Can I buy a ticket on board? (可以在车上买票吗?)

- Do I need to validate the ticket? (需要验证票吗?)

- Is there a discount for students/seniors? (学生/老年人有优惠吗?)

3. Asking for directions:

- Which platform/track does the train/bus leave from? (火车/公交车从哪个站台/轨道出发?)

- How many stops until [destination]? (到[目的地]还有几站?)

- Where is the nearest subway entrance? (最近的地铁入口在哪里?)

- Could you please tell me when we arrive at [destination]? (到达[目的地]时请告诉我,好吗?)

4. Other useful phrases:

- Excuse me, can you move to the back to make room for others? (请让一下,给其他人腾出位置好吗?)

- Please wait for the passengers to get off before boarding. (请等乘客下车后再上车.)

- Mind the gap between the train and the platform. (请注意列车与站台之间的缝隙.)

- Thank you, have a nice day! (谢谢,祝您有个愉快的一天!)

When using public transportation, it's important to be aware of your surroundings and follow any instructions or regulations. Make sure to have the correct fare or ticket ready before boarding and be respectful to other passengers. By using these English phrases, you will be able to navigate the public transportation system confidently and efficiently.

日常乘坐交通工具的英语口语 篇三


  Is anyone sitting here? (有人坐这儿吗?)

  Can I sit here? (我可以坐这儿吗?)

  Do you mind if I sit here? (我坐这儿可以吗?)

  Is this seat free?


  Isn't the traffic


  Isn't it crowded?

  Isn't the road congested?


  A subway map, please.

  Could I have a subway map, please? *比较礼貌的说法。


  Where's the ticket counter?


  How much is the fare to Shinjuku?

  How much is the fare to Shinjuku? (到新宿多少钱?)

  I'll find out for you. (我看一下。)

  What is the fare to Shinjuku?

  How much does it cost to get to Shinjuku?

  What's the price of a ticket to Shinjuku?

  How much do I pay to go to Shinjuku?


  It's one hundred fifty yen.


  Which train should I take to Shinjuku?

  Which train goes to Shinjuku? (哪趟车到新宿?)

  Which train stops at Shinjuku? (哪趟车在新宿停?)

  Which train is going toward Shinjuku? (哪趟车开往新宿?)


  Where am I supposed to change? *be supposed to…“应该做……”。

  Where am I supposed to change? (我应该在哪站换车?)

  At Shinjuku. (在新宿。)

  Where do I change trains?

  Where should I change trains?

  Where am I supposed to transfer?

  At what station should I change?


  Where am I supposed to get off for Ogikubo?


  You can change to the JR Chuo Line at Shinjuku.


  Where can I catch an express train? *特快是a limited express, 每站都停的车是a local train。


  Go to track number two.

  Go to track two.

  Take this train. (坐这趟车。)

  Take the orange train. (坐那辆黄色的车。)

  Take the Chuo Line. (坐中央线。)


  How often do the trains come?

  How frequently do the trains come? *frequently 表示频繁程度,“不时地,频繁地”。

  How many trains run in an hour? (一个小时有几趟车?)

  When do the trains come? (车什么时候来?)


  The trains come every ten minutes. *every表示“每”。

  The trains run six times an hour. (一个小时有6趟车。)

  The trains come very often. (一会儿一趟。)

  The trains come five times a day. (一天5趟车。)


  When is the next express?

  When is the next express? (下趟快车是几点?)

  At 1:10. (1点10分。)


  What time is the last train to Chofu?

  What time is the last train to Chofu? (到调布的末班车是几点?)

  I'm not sure. Probably around midnight. (不清楚,大概是夜里12点吧。)


  Is the next train an express?


  Does this train stop at Chofu?

  Does this train stop at Chofu? (这趟车在调布停吗?)

  Yes, it does. (停。)

  Will this train stop at Chofu?

  Does this train go to Chofu? (这趟车去调布吗?)


  It's the fourth stop from here.

  How far is it to Shinjuku? (到新宿有多远?)

  It's the fourth stop from here. (从这到那儿有4站地。)

  There are four more stops to Shinjuku.

  There are four more stops before Shinjuku.


  After the next stop.

  The second stop. (第2个站。)

  Two more stops. (还有两站。)


  How many stops are there to Shinjuku?

  How many stops are there to Shinjuku?(到新宿还有几站?)

  There are four more stops to Shinjuku.(到新宿还有4站。)


  What's the next stop?

  What's the next station?

  Could you tell me what the next station is? (您能告诉我下站是哪儿吗?)

  Would you tell me what the next stop is? (请告诉我下站到哪儿了?)

  I was wondering what the next station is. (我不知道下站是哪儿。)

  Is the next station Chofu? (下站是调布吗?)


  The next stop is Chofu.







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