圣诞节创意英语手抄报图片 篇一
Christmas is a holiday that is celebrated all over the world on December 25th. It is a time for joy, love, and giving. People decorate their homes with lights and ornaments, exchange gifts, and spend time with their loved ones. In this article, we will explore some creative ideas for an English Christmas-themed scrapbook.
1. The Origins of Christmas: Start your scrapbook by including a section about the origins of Christmas. Explain how Christmas is celebrated to honor the birth of Jesus Christ. Include some historical facts and stories about the nativity scene, the three wise men, and the star of Bethlehem.
2. Christmas Traditions: Another interesting section to include in your scrapbook is about Christmas traditions. Write about how people celebrate Christmas in different countries around the world. Include information about the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, and the exchange of gifts. You can also include pictures of traditional Christmas foods from different cultures.
3. DIY Christmas Decorations: Get creative and include a section about DIY Christmas decorations. Provide step-by-step instructions on how to make ornaments, wreaths, and stockings. Include pictures of the finished products and encourage readers to try making them at home. This section will inspire others to get into the Christmas spirit and decorate their homes.
4. Christmas Recipes: Christmas is a time for delicious food and treats. Include a section in your scrapbook with some traditional Christmas recipes in English. You can include recipes for gingerbread cookies, roast turkey, eggnog, and Christmas pudding. Make sure to include pictures of the dishes and write clear instructions for each recipe.
5. Christmas Carols: Christmas wouldn't be complete without some festive music. Create a section in your scrapbook with the lyrics of popular Christmas carols in English. Include pictures of carolers and encourage readers to sing along. You can even provide QR codes or links to online recordings for readers to listen to the carols.
6. Personal Reflections: Finally, encourage readers to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Ask them to write a short paragraph about what Christmas means to them and why they enjoy celebrating it. Include their responses in your scrapbook to add a personal touch.
By following these creative ideas, you can create a beautiful and informative English Christmas-themed scrapbook. It will not only be a fun project to work on but also a great way to learn about different Christmas traditions and spread the joy of the season.
圣诞节创意英语手抄报图片 篇二
Christmas is a time for creativity and celebration. It is a holiday that brings people together and fills the air with joy and happiness. In this article, we will explore some creative ideas for an English Christmas-themed scrapbook.
1. Christmas Vocabulary: Start your scrapbook by including a section about Christmas vocabulary. Write down a list of commonly used English words and phrases related to Christmas. Include words like "Santa Claus," "Christmas tree," "ornaments," "gifts," and "reindeer." You can also include pictures or illustrations to help readers understand the meaning of each word.
2. Christmas Stories: Another interesting section to include in your scrapbook is about Christmas stories. Write down some famous Christmas stories in English, such as "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens or "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry. Include a brief summary of each story and encourage readers to read them during the holiday season.
3. Christmas Crafts: Get creative and include a section about Christmas crafts. Provide step-by-step instructions on how to make paper snowflakes, Christmas cards, or DIY ornaments. Include pictures of the finished crafts and encourage readers to try making them at home. This section will inspire others to unleash their creativity and make their own Christmas decorations.
4. Christmas Traditions Around the World: Write about how people celebrate Christmas in different countries around the world. Include information about unique traditions and customs. For example, in England, people pull Christmas crackers, while in Sweden, they celebrate with a Julbord feast. Include pictures and descriptions of these traditions to help readers gain a deeper understanding of different cultures.
5. Christmas Movie Recommendations: Create a section in your scrapbook with recommendations for English Christmas movies. Include a list of classic movies like "It's a Wonderful Life" or "Home Alone." Write a brief summary of each movie and include pictures or movie posters. Encourage readers to watch these movies during the holiday season for some extra Christmas cheer.
6. Christmas Games and Activities: Finally, include a section with Christmas-themed games and activities. Provide instructions for games like "Pin the Nose on Rudolph" or "Christmas Trivia." Include printable game boards or templates for readers to use. This section will ensure that the Christmas spirit is not only celebrated passively but also actively through fun games and activities.
By following these creative ideas, you can create a beautiful and engaging English Christmas-themed scrapbook. It will not only be a fun project to work on but also a great way to learn about Christmas traditions, improve English language skills, and spread the joy of the season.
圣诞节创意英语手抄报图片 篇三
这项英式传统早在几个世纪以前就流传开了,以前人们在平安夜喝梅花粥。随着时间 慢慢推移,人们还会享用果脯、蜂蜜及香料食物等,随后圣诞蛋糕便代替梅花粥出现了。圣诞蛋糕由鸡蛋、黄油、甜点、水果等烘制而成。现如今,圣诞蛋糕已成为圣诞菜谱不可或缺的一部分。
1.Ave Maria(圣母颂 Charlotte Charles Francois Gounod)
2. Gloria In Excelsis Deo(荣耀归于神 伴奏版)
3. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
4. Joy To The World(伴奏版)
5. Frosty The Snowman
6. Here Comes Santa Claus (Elvis Presley)
7. Jingle Bells
8. Santa Claus is Coming to Town
9. Silver Bells(演奏)
10. Sleigh Ride (Billy Gilman)
11. The First Noel (all 4 one)
12. Mary’s Boy Child(伴奏版)
13. We Three Kings Of Orient Are
14. What Child Is This
15. silent night(Elvis Presley)
16. O Holy Night(Celine Dion)
17. O Holy Night(Leann Rimes)
Leann Rimes重新诠释荡气回肠圣诞经典圣诗
18. Halleluja
19. Have Yourself A merry little Christmas
20. When A Child Is Born(演奏)