英语单词crawl的用法和辨析 篇一
Crawl is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts, each with a slightly different meaning. In general, crawl refers to the act of moving slowly on hands and knees or with the body close to the ground. However, it can also be used metaphorically to describe the slow and laborious progress of a person or an object. In this article, we will explore the different uses of crawl and provide examples to help you understand its nuances.
One common use of crawl is to describe the movement of a person or an animal on hands and knees. For example, babies typically crawl before they learn to walk. Similarly, insects such as ants and beetles crawl on the ground. In these cases, crawl implies a slow and deliberate movement, often with the body close to the ground.
Crawl can also be used to describe the movement of a person or an object in a prone position. For example, soldiers may crawl on their bellies to avoid detection in combat. Similarly, a snake crawls along the ground using its belly scales to propel itself forward. In these cases, crawl emphasizes the stealthy and cautious nature of the movement.
In addition to literal movement, crawl can also be used metaphorically to describe a slow and laborious progress. For example, a traffic jam can be described as crawling when the vehicles are moving at a very slow pace. Similarly, a project can be said to be crawling when it is progressing slowly and with great difficulty. In these cases, crawl suggests a lack of speed and efficiency.
It is important to note that crawl is different from other similar verbs such as creep and slither. While all three verbs imply a slow and low movement, crawl specifically refers to movement on hands and knees or with the body close to the ground. Creep, on the other hand, suggests a stealthy and cautious movement without specifying the body position. Slither implies a smooth and sinuous movement, often associated with snakes and other reptiles.
To summarize, the word crawl has multiple uses and meanings. It can describe the movement of a person or an animal on hands and knees, the movement of a person or an object in a prone position, or a slow and laborious progress. Understanding these nuances will help you use crawl accurately in different contexts.
英语单词crawl的用法和辨析 篇二
In this article, we will continue exploring the uses and distinctions of the English word crawl. While crawl is commonly associated with slow movement on hands and knees or with the body close to the ground, it can also have other meanings and applications. Let's dive deeper into its usage.
One common usage of crawl is in the context of the internet. Web search engines "crawl" websites to index their content, making it searchable for users. This process involves systematically visiting and analyzing web pages to gather information. In this sense, crawl refers to the automated process of exploring and cataloging web content.
Another usage of crawl is in the realm of sports. In swimming, crawl refers to a specific swimming stroke, also known as freestyle. The crawl stroke involves a continuous alternating movement of the arms and legs, propelling the swimmer through the water. This stroke is considered the fastest and most efficient in competitive swimming.
Crawl can also be used to describe the action of climbing or scaling a vertical or near-vertical surface. This usage is often associated with rock climbing or mountaineering. When climbers "crawl" a wall or a cliff, they use their hands, feet, and other body parts to make slow and deliberate progress upwards. This requires strength, skill, and careful maneuvering.
Furthermore, crawl can be used metaphorically to describe a feeling or sensation. For example, when the skin crawls, it refers to a tingling or prickling sensation, often caused by fear, disgust, or anxiety. This usage implies a physical reaction to an emotional or psychological stimulus.
Lastly, crawl can be used in the context of computer programming or data processing. Crawlers or web crawlers are automated bots that systematically browse the internet, collecting information for various purposes such as indexing, data mining, or monitoring. These crawlers follow hyperlinks to discover and retrieve web pages, similar to how search engines crawl websites.
In conclusion, crawl is a versatile word with various applications and meanings. It can refer to the process of indexing web content, a swimming stroke, climbing a vertical surface, a physical sensation, or the action of automated bots exploring the internet. Understanding these different uses will enhance your comprehension and usage of the word crawl in different contexts.
英语单词crawl的用法和辨析 篇三
It is rush
The traffic on the approach road slowed to a crawl.
The crawl is considered the speediest.
Can you do the crawl?
爬行,匍匐行进 [I,T]
The guy in the buick opened the door. "Crawl in——you'll get wet out there."
He watched the baby crawl across the room.
谄媚,拍马屁 [I]
Don't crawl to your boss.
He openly crawled to the boss.
缓慢行进,艰难前进 [I,T]
I crawled out of bed at nine-thirty.
Hairpin turns force the car to crawl at 10 miles an hour in some places.
这些动词都有“爬”之意。 creep多指人或四足动物匍匐爬行,尤指偷偷地或不出声地缓慢向前爬行。也指植物的蔓延生长等。 climb通常指用手或足爬上或爬下,也指飞机、日、月的上升,还可用作比喻。 crawl指人或动物以身躯贴着地面缓慢地移动。
crawl space
front crawl
爬泳, 自由泳
Can you do the crawl?
The crawl is considered the speediest.
Soldiers quietly crawl to advance to enemy.
Don't crawl to your boss.
Soldiers quietly crawl to advance to enemy.
He watched the baby crawl across the room.
He watched the baby crawl across the room.
Leap out of bed (don't crawl out of it).
I began to crawl on my hands and knees towards the door.
Hairpin turns force the car to crawl at 10 miles an hour in some places.