平版印刷相关英语词汇 篇一
In the world of printing, offset lithography, also known as offset printing, is a widely used technique for mass producing high-quality prints. This method involves transferring ink from a plate to a rubber blanket and then onto the printing surface. To help you navigate the terminology associated with offset lithography, here are some key English words and phrases you should know:
1. Offset printing: Also referred to as offset lithography, this printing technique uses a flat plate to transfer ink onto the paper or other printing medium.
2. Plate: The metal or plastic sheet that carries the image to be printed. There are different types of plates, such as aluminum plates and polyester plates.
3. Rubber blanket: A thick rubber sheet that receives the ink from the plate and transfers it to the paper. It helps to ensure an even distribution of ink and prevents direct contact between the plate and the paper.
4. Printing press: The machine used to perform offset lithography. It consists of multiple units, including the plate cylinder, blanket cylinder, and impression cylinder.
5. Ink fountain: The reservoir that holds the ink in the printing press. It supplies ink to the plate, allowing for continuous printing.
6. Fountain solution: A mixture of water and chemicals that is applied to the plate to keep it moist and prevent ink from spreading uncontrollably.
7. Registration: The alignment of different colors and images in a print. Proper registration ensures that the final print appears sharp and accurate.
8. DPI (dots per inch): A measure of the resolution or clarity of an image. The higher the DPI, the more detailed the print will be.
9. CMYK: The four primary colors used in offset printing - cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. Different combinations of these colors can create a wide range of hues and shades.
10. Bleed: The area of a print that extends beyond the final trim size. It allows for variations in cutting and ensures that the ink reaches the edge of the paper.
Understanding these key terms will help you communicate effectively with printers and better comprehend the offset lithography process.
平版印刷相关英语词汇 篇二
The world of offset lithography is filled with a plethora of technical terms and jargon. To help you navigate this complex field, here are some additional English words and phrases related to offset printing:
1. Registration marks: Small crosshairs or targets placed on the printing surface to aid in aligning the different colored plates during the printing process.
2. Gripper edge: The edge of the paper held by the grippers on the press. This edge is not printed and is usually trimmed off after printing.
3. Ink key: A mechanism on the printing press that controls the flow of ink to the plate. Ink keys allow for precise adjustments to achieve the desired color density.
4. Fountain roller: The roller in the ink fountain that transfers ink to the ink duct roller, which then delivers the ink to the plate.
5. Plate cylinder: The cylinder that holds the printing plate. It rotates during the printing process to transfer the image onto the blanket cylinder.
6. Blanket cylinder: The cylinder covered with a rubber blanket that receives the ink from the plate cylinder and transfers it to the paper.
7. Impression cylinder: The cylinder that presses the paper against the blanket cylinder to create the final print.
8. UV coating: A protective coating applied to the printed surface and cured with ultraviolet light. It enhances the durability and appearance of the print.
9. Grain direction: The direction in which the fibers of the paper are aligned. Grain direction affects the flexibility and strength of the paper during printing and folding.
10. Overprinting: The process of printing one color on top of another, creating new colors or effects. Overprinting is often used to achieve richer and more vibrant prints.
By familiarizing yourself with these additional terms, you will be better equipped to communicate with professionals in the offset lithography industry and gain a deeper understanding of the printing process.
平版印刷相关英语词汇 篇三
石印 stone lithography 以石板为印版的平版印刷。
实地 solid 印版上未加网的、全部均匀受墨的平面。
收纸装置 delivery unit 印刷机上收集印张的机构。
输墨装置 inking unit 胶印机的组成部分,在每印刷过程之前调节和传递油墨并将油墨均匀地涂布到印版上。
输纸装置 sheet feeder 胶印机中将所要印刷的纸张从纸堆上输送到定位机构的装置。
双面印 perfecting 用两块不同的印版,在同一承印物上同时完成正面和反面印刷。
双色版胶印 duotone offset printing 通过两种互补色油墨叠印,能产生多色效果的印刷方式。
水斗辊 water fountain roller 从水斗输出润湿液的辊。
水-墨平衡 ink-water balance 在平版印刷过程中油墨和润湿液之间的相对稳定关系。
四色胶印 four-color offset pri
四色连续表格印刷 four color continuous forms printing 使用窄幅面卷筒纸的表格胶印
套色顺序 color sequence 在多色印刷中,按一定的颜色顺序将分色版依次套印在承印物上的颜色顺序。
套印 registering 两色以上印刷时,各分色版图文能达到和保持位置准确的套合。
条痕 streaks 出现在网纹平面上与滚筒轴向平行的条状印痕,属胶印印品故障。
铁皮印刷 metal decorating 以金属板为承印物的平版印刷。
涂胶 gumming 在胶印版上涂拭阿拉伯树胶或其他代用胶液。用以保护印版,改善印版空白部分亲水性。
脱墨 roller stripping 金属墨辊受润液浸蚀发生氧化而排斥油墨的`现象。
网点增大 dot gain 承印物上网点面积比印版上相对应部分的网点面积增大。
无水胶印 waterless offset printing 在平版上用斥墨的硅橡胶层作为印版空白部分,不需要润版,用特制油墨印刷的一种平印方式。
相对反差值 relative contrast value 实地与网目调的积分密度之差同实地密度的比值,称K值。用以确定打样和印刷的标准给墨量。
橡皮布 balnket 胶印机上转印滚筒的包覆物;包衬的组成部分。
小胶印 small offste printing 用A2以下的纸张在小型胶印机上进行小批量施印的印刷方式。
印金 metallic ink printing 用金或银色金属粉油墨施印。
油墨叠印 trapping 在湿压湿印刷中,两种以上油墨叠合时的受墨状态。
油墨乳化 ink emulsification (1)印刷过程中油墨吸收润湿液的现象。(2)由于油墨中吸收润湿液过多而造成的印刷故障。
预涂感光平版 presensitized plate 预先涂覆感光层的、可随时进行晒版的平印版,简称PS版。
匀墨辊 ink distributing roller 传递和碾匀油墨的辊。
脏版 suumming 因印版润湿不良,造成空白部分着墨。
增墨 ink piling 油墨和其他物质沉积在墨辊或橡皮布上,形成浮雕状的沉积物,影响油墨和印迹转移。
直接平印 direct lithography 用平版经润湿后着墨,图文不经橡皮布滚筒转印而直接印在承印物上的印刷方式。
着墨 inking 通过墨辊将油墨涂布在印版图文部分。
着墨辊 form inking roller 印刷机中将油墨涂布到印版上的辊。
着水辊 form dampening roller 平版印刷机中将润湿液涂布到印版上的辊。
紫外线干燥 UV curing 承印物上的紫外线油墨或亮光油通过紫外线照射,迅速聚合固化。