高考英语必背E字母开头的单词 篇一
1. Educate (v.) – 教育
Education is the key to success. (教育是成功的关键)
2. Efficient (adj.) – 高效的
He is an efficient worker. (他是一个高效的工人)
3. Eloquent (adj.) – 雄辩的
She gave an eloquent speech at the conference. (她在会议上发表了一篇雄辩的演讲)
4. Empathy (n.) – 同理心
Having empathy towards others is important. (对他人有同理心是很重要的)
5. Enthusiasm (n.) – 热情
She showed great enthusiasm for the project. (她对这个项目表现出了极大的热情)
6. Essential (adj.) – 必要的
Regular exercise is essential for good health. (定期锻炼对于健康是必要的)
7. Evaluate (v.) – 评估
The teacher will evaluate our performance in the exam. (老师将评估我们在考试中的表现)
8. Evidence (n.) – 证据
The evidence proves his innocence. (证据证明了他的清白)
9. Evolve (v.) – 发展,演变
Technology has evolved rapidly in the past decade. (在过去的十年里,科技发展迅速)
10. Exaggerate (v.) – 夸大
He tends to exaggerate his achievements. (他倾向于夸大他的成就)
高考英语必背E字母开头的单词 篇二
1. Eclectic (adj.) – 折衷的
She has an eclectic taste in music, listening to everything from classical to hip-hop. (她在音乐上的品味很折衷,从古典到嘻哈音乐都有听)
2. Elaborate (adj.) – 精心设计的
The wedding ceremony was elaborate, with flowers and decorations everywhere. (婚礼仪式很精心设计,到处都是鲜花和装饰品)
3. Embarrass (v.) – 使尴尬
He felt embarrassed when he realized he had forgotten his lines on stage. (当他意识到自己在舞台上忘记了台词时,他感到尴尬)
4. Endeavor (v.) – 努力
She will endeavor to complete the project on time. (她将努力按时完成这个项目)
5. Engage (v.) – 参与
Students should engage actively in classroom discussions. (学生们应该积极参与课堂讨论)
6. Enhance (v.) – 提高
Regular exercise can enhance your overall health. (定期锻炼可以提高你的整体健康状况)
7. Envy (n.) – 嫉妒
She felt a pang of envy when she saw her friend's new car. (当她看到她朋友的新车时,她感到了一阵嫉妒)
8. Evident (adj.) – 明显的
His lack of preparation was evident in his poor performance. (他准备不足在他的糟糕表现中显而易见)
9. Exemplify (v.) – 举例说明
The painting exemplifies the artist's unique style. (这幅画体现了画家独特的风格)
10. Exploit (v.) – 利用
He tried to exploit her weaknesses to gain an advantage. (他试图利用她的弱点来获取优势)
高考英语必背E字母开头的单词 篇三
101、▲exchange 交换,调换;交流
102、excite 使兴奋,使激动
103、excuse 借口;辩解 原谅;宽恕
104、▲exercise 锻炼,做操;练习,习题 锻炼
105、▲exhibition 展览;展览会
106、exist 存在
107、existence 存在;生存;存在物
108、exit 出口,太平门
109、expand 展开
110、▲expect 预料;盼望;认为
111、expectation 预料;期望
112、expense 消费;支出
113、▲expensive 昂贵的
114、▲experience 经验;经历
115、▲experiment 实验
116、expert 专家,能手
117、▲explain 解释,说明
118、▲explanation 解释,说明
119、explicit 详尽的,直率的
120、explode 爆炸
121、▲explore 探索,探险
122、▲export 输出(品),出品 输出,出口
123、expose 揭露
124、▲express 表达;表示 快车,特快专递
125、▲expression 表达;表示;词句,说法;表情
126、extension 延长,扩充
127、extra 额外的,外加的
128、extraordinary 离奇的;使人惊奇的
129、extreme 极端的,极度的
130、eye 眼睛
131、eyesight 视力;视觉