英语单词带读音 篇一
Title: Learning English Words with Pronunciation
Learning English words with their correct pronunciation is crucial for improving language skills. In this article, we will explore the importance of learning English words with their pronunciation and provide some effective strategies to enhance your pronunciation skills.
1. Importance of Learning English Words with Pronunciation:
a. Enhances Listening Skills: Learning the correct pronunciation of words helps in understanding spoken English more accurately.
b. Improves Speaking Skills: Pronouncing words correctly is important for effective communication in English.
c. Builds Confidence: Knowing the correct pronunciation of words boosts confidence while speaking in English.
2. Strategies to Learn English Words with Pronunciation:
a. Listen to Native Speakers: Listening to native English speakers helps in acquiring the correct pronunciation of words. Online resources, such as podcasts and YouTube videos, can be helpful in this regard.
b. Practice with Audio Materials: Use audio materials, such as language learning apps or CDs, to practice pronunciation. Repeat after the native speakers to improve your pronunciation.
c. Use Pronunciation Guides: Many dictionaries and language learning books provide pronunciation guides. Utilize these resources to learn the correct pronunciation of words.
d. Record Yourself: Record your own voice while speaking English and compare it with native speakers. This will help you identify areas where you need improvement.
e. Seek Feedback: Ask a native English speaker or language teacher to provide feedback on your pronunciation. They can point out mistakes and offer suggestions for improvement.
Learning English words with their correct pronunciation is essential for effective communication. By following the strategies mentioned above and practicing regularly, you can improve your pronunciation skills and become a more confident English speaker.
Word Count: 285
英语单词带读音 篇二
Title: The Benefits of Learning English Words with Pronunciation
Learning English words with their correct pronunciation not only improves language skills but also offers several other benefits. In this article, we will discuss the advantages of learning English words with their pronunciation and provide practical tips to incorporate this practice into your language learning routine.
1. Improved Vocabulary Retention:
a. When learning words with their pronunciation, the auditory memory is engaged, making it easier to remember and recall the words later.
b. Pronouncing the words aloud reinforces their meaning and aids in long-term retention.
2. Enhanced Cultural Understanding:
a. Learning the correct pronunciation of English words helps in understanding the cultural context in which they are used.
b. Accurate pronunciation allows learners to appreciate nuances in language and effectively communicate with native speakers.
3. Increased Phonemic Awareness:
a. By focusing on pronunciation, learners develop a better understanding of the sounds and phonemes of the English language.
b. This increased awareness helps in distinguishing between similar sounds and improving overall speaking and listening skills.
4. Better Pronunciation in Conversations:
a. Learning words with their correct pronunciation helps in avoiding misunderstandings and miscommunications during conversations.
b. Clear pronunciation enhances fluency and makes it easier for native speakers to understand non-native speakers.
5. Improved Confidence:
a. Knowing the correct pronunciation of words boosts confidence and encourages learners to engage in conversations without the fear of being misunderstood.
b. Confidence in pronunciation leads to improved overall language skills and a more positive learning experience.
Learning English words with their correct pronunciation offers numerous benefits, including improved vocabulary retention, enhanced cultural understanding, increased phonemic awareness, better pronunciation in conversations, and increased confidence. By incorporating pronunciation practice into your language learning routine, you can enhance your English language skills and become a more effective communicator.
Word Count: 296
英语单词带读音 篇三
anyone ['eniwn] pron 任何人
anywhere ['eniwe(r)] adv 任何地方 n 任何(一个)地方
wonderful ['wndfl] adj 精彩的;极好的
few [fju] adj 很少的;n 少量
most [mst] adj 最多的;大多数的;
something ['smθ] pron 某事物;
nothing(=not…anything) ['nθ] pron 没有什么n 没有
myself [ma'self] pron 我自己
everyone ['evriwn] pron 每人;人人
yourself [j'self] pron 你自己;你亲自
hen [hen] n 母鸡;雌禽
bored [bd] adj 无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的
pig n 猪
diary ['dari] n 日记;日记簿(keep a diary)
seem [sim] vi 似乎;好像
someone ['smwn] pron 某人;有人
quite a few相当多;不少(后接可数名词)
of course [vks] 当然
activity [k'tvti] n 活动;活跃
decide [d'sad] v 决定;选定(decide to do sth )
try [tra] v 尝试;设法;努力 (try to do sth /try doing sth )
bird [bd] n 鸟;禽
paragliding ['prɡlad] n 空中滑翔跳伞
bicycle ['baskl] n 自行车
building ['bld] n 建筑物
trader ['tred(r)] n 商人;商船
wonder ['wnd(r)] v 惊奇;想知道;怀疑
difference ['dfrns] n 差异;不同
top [tp] n 顶部;顶
wait [wet] v 等;等待(wait for)
umbrella [m'brel] n 伞;雨伞
wet [wet] adj 湿的;雨天的
below [b'l] prep 低于;在 下面adv 在下面
as [z] conj 如同;像 一样
enough ['nf] adj 足够的adv 足够地;充分地
duck [dk] n 鸭肉;鸭
hungry(反full) ['hɡri] adj 饥饿的;渴望的
feel like(doing sth )想要
dislike [ds'lak] v 不喜欢;厌恶 n 不喜爱;厌恶;反感
because of因为;由于
have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun(doing sth )玩得痛快
英语单词带读音 篇四
fabric [fbrik] n 织物, 布;构造, 组织
fabulous [fbjuls] a 寓言般的, 难以置信的;极为美好的
facile [fsail] a 容易达到的;便利
facsimile [fksimili] n (文字、图画等的)副本;传真;
fair [f]a 公平的 ad 公正地 n 游乐场,集市;博览会
faith [feiθ] n 信任,信赖,信心;信仰,信条
fake [feik] n 假货;骗子 a 假的的 vt 伪造;伪装
fallow [flu] a 犁过而未播种的,休闲的;(指耕地)未经耕作的;休闲地,休耕地
falsehood [f:lshud] n 谎言;假话;虚假
falsification ['f:lsifi'kein] n 篡改;伪造;
fame [feim] n 名声, 名望
famine [fmin] n 饥荒
fan [fn] n 扇子; 风扇; 扇形物;狂热爱好者, 迷
fancy [fnsi] vt 喜欢 a 高档的 n 爱好;想象力;设想
fantasy [fntsi] n 想像, 幻想;
fare [f] n 费用, 票价;
fascinate [fsineit] vt 使着迷, 使极感兴趣;
fatal [feitl] a 致命的;灾难性的;重大的, 决定性的
fatigue [fti:g] n 疲劳,劳累 v (使)疲劳
feast [fi:st] n 盛宴;节日
feather [fe] n 羽毛
fee [fi:] n 费, 酬金
feeble [fi:bl] a 虚弱的, 衰弱的, 无力的
feisty ['faisti] a 个性强而好争辩的
felon [feln] n 重罪犯
fertile [f:tail] n 多产的, 富饶的
festive [festiv] a 节日的,
fete [feit] vt 庆祝
fetid [fi:tid] a 恶臭的
fib [fib] n 小谎,无关紧要的谎话
fierce [fis] a 凶猛的; 凶狠的;
fiery [fairi] a 燃烧的;易怒的, 暴躁的
figure [fig] n 数字;图解, 图表
filling [fili] n 馅
fission ['fin] n (原子的)分裂, 裂变;
fissure [fi] n 狭长裂缝或裂隙,分裂
fizzle ['fizl] v 发嘶嘶声n 嘶嘶声
flair [fle] n 天资;天分;眼光;才华
flash [fl] vi 闪光;掠过 n 闪光(烁,现);闪光灯
flatten [fltn] v 把…弄平;击倒
flattery [fltri] n 奉承,拍马屁
flax [flks] n 亚麻
flee [fli:] vi 逃走, 逃掉;vt 逃离, 逃避
flexible [fleksbl] a 易弯曲的, 柔韧的;
flood [fld] v (使)为水淹没;n 洪水
flour [flau] n 面粉
flourish [flri] vi 茂盛, 繁荣;兴旺发达
fluctuate [flktueit] vi 波动, 涨落, 起伏
flue [flu:] n 烟道, 暖气管
flute [flu:t] n 长笛
fodder [fd] n 草料, 饲料
foil [fil] n 箔, 金属薄片;
fold [fuld] v 折叠,交叠 n 褶痕,褶缝,折叠的部分
foolhardy [fu:lhɑ:di] a 莽撞的;有勇无谋的
forbearance [f:berns] n 忍耐,克制;宽容
forbid [fbid] vt 禁止, 不许;阻止, 妨碍
force [f:s] n 力量; 力气;武力;影响力
foretell [f:'tel] v 预言;预示
forethought ['f:θ:t] n 事先考虑
forewarning [f:'w:ni] a 预先警告的
forgive [fgiv] vt 原谅; 饶恕;免除
formal [f:ml] a 正式的;礼仪上的, 形式上的
formation [f:mein] n 形成, 构成;编队, 排列
formidable [f:midbl] a 可怕的, 令人畏惧的;
fort [f:t] n 堡垒, 城堡
fortify [f:tifai] vt 增强; 强化
fortnight [f:tnait] n 两星期, 十四天
fortunate [f:tnt] a 交好运的, 带来好运的; 幸运的
fossil [fsl] n 化石;
foster [fst] vt 培养, 促进;
foundation [faundein] n 建立, 设立, 创办;基,基金(会)
founder [faund] n 建立者; 创设者;v 轮船沉没,计划失败
fountain [fauntin] n 喷水; 喷泉
fractious [frks] a 易怒的',急躁的
fragile [frdail] a 易碎的, 脆的, 脆弱的;
fragrant [freigrnt] a 芳香的,香的
frail [freil] a 脆弱的, 薄弱的,
frame [freim] n 框架;骨架, 构架;
frantic [frntik] a 发疯似的, 发狂的;
frequent [fri:kwnt] a 时常发生的, 常见的;
fret [fret] v (使某人) 不愉快, 烦躁;磨损, 咬坏;
friction [frikn] n 摩擦;;冲突, 不和
frightful [fraitfl] a 吓人的,令人惊恐的;可怕的
fringe [frind] n (外衣, 小地毯等的)饰边,穗子, 流苏,须边
frog [frg] n 青蛙
frown [fraun] v 皱眉,不悦, 不赞成
frugal [fru:gl] a 节省的, 节俭的;
frustrate [frstreit] vt 使不成功, 挫败, 阻止
fulfill [fulfil] vt 履行,实现,完成(计划等)
furious [fjuris] a 狂怒的, 暴怒的;强烈的, 激烈的
furnace [f:nis] n 熔炉, 火炉
fusion [fju:n] n 熔合;核聚变;联合, 合并
fussy [fsi] a 大惊小怪的
futile [fju:tail] a 无效的, 无用的, 无意义的
英语单词带读音 篇五
housework ['haswk] n 家务劳动
hardly ['hɑdli] adv 几乎不;简直不;刚刚
ever ['ev(r)] adv 曾经;在任何时候
once [wns] adv 一次;曾经
twice [twas] adv 两倍;两次
Internet ['ntnet] n 因特网
program ['prɡrm] n 节目;程序;课程;节目单
full [fl] adj 满的;充满的;完全的
swing [sw] n 摇摆;秋千v 摇摆;旋转
maybe ['mebi] adv 或许;也许;可能
swing dance摇摆舞
least [list] adj 最小的;最少的
at least至少
hardly ever很少;几乎从不;难得
junk n 垃圾;废旧杂物
coffee ['kfi] n 咖啡;咖啡色
health [helθ] n 健康;人的身体或精神状态
result [r'zlt] 结果;后果
percent [p'sent] adj 百分之 的
online [n'lan] adj 在线的adv 在线地
television ['telvn] n 电视机;电视节目
although [l'] conj 虽然;尽管;然而;可是
through [θru] prep 穿过;凭借;一直到
body ['bdi] n 身体
mind [mand] 头脑;想法;意见;心思
such [st] adj 这样的;如此的
together [t'ɡe(r)] adv 共同;一起
die [da] v 死;枯竭;消失
writer ['rat(r)] n 作者;作家
dentist ['dentst] n 牙科医生
magazine ['mɡzin] n 杂志
however [ha'ev(r)] adv 然而;无论如何;不管多么
than [n] conj 比
almost ['lmst] adv 几乎;差不多
none [nn] pron 没有人;没有任何东西,毫无
less [les] adj 更少的;较少的
point [pnt] n 看法;要点;重点;小数点;目标;分数
such as例如;诸如
英语单词带读音 篇六
will [wil, wl,] 将、会、要
robot ['rubt] n 机器人
won't=will not
they'll=they will
everything [evriθi] pron 每件事物
paper ['peip] n 纸;纸张
fewer ['fju:] adj (few的比较级)较少的;较少数
pollution [p'lun] n 污染
tree [tri:] n 树;树木
she'll=she will
building ['bildi] n 建筑物;房屋
astronaut ['strn:t] n 宇航员,航天员
rocket ['rkit] n 火箭
space [speis] n 空间;太空
space station 空间站
fly [flai] v 飞行
took [tk] v take的过去式
moon [mu:n] n 月亮;月球
I'll = I will
fall [f:l] v 落下;跌落;变为
fell [fel] v fall的过去式
fall in love with 爱上
alone ['lun] adv 单独地;孤独地
pet [pet] n 宠物
parrot ['prt] n 鹦鹉
go skating去滑冰
suit [sju:t] n 一套衣服
able ['eibl] 能、能够
be able to 有能力做某事、会做某事
dress [dres] v 穿衣
casually ['kjl] adv 非正式地;随意地
which [hwit,wt] pron 哪个;哪几个
even ['i:vn] adv 甚至
The World [w:ld] Cup 世界杯
wrote [rt] v write的过去式
myself [mai'self] pron (反身代词)我自己;我本人
interview ['intvju:] n 面试;面谈
predict [pri'dikt] v 预报;预言
sound [saund] n 声音
company ['kmpni] n 公司
Thought [θ:t] v think的过去式
strategy ['strtidi] 策略、战略
fiction ['fikn] n 小说
unpleasant [n'pleznt] adj 使人不愉快的
scientist ['saintist] n 科学家
in the future ['fju:t] 未来、将来
hundred ['hndrd] n 一百
hundreds of 大量、许多
already [:l'redi] adv 早已;先前
made v make的过去式
factory ['fktri,fktri] n 工厂
simple ['simpl] adj 简单的;简易的
such [st] adj 这样的;这种
bored [b:d] adj 厌烦的;厌倦的
everywhere ['evrihw] adv 各地;到处
human ['hju:mn] n 人;人类
huge [hju:d] n 巨大的;极大的
shape [eip] n 外形;形状
earthquake [':θkweik] n 地震
snake [sneik] n 蛇
possible ['psbl] adj 可能的
electric [I'lektrik] adj 电的;导电的
toothbrush ['tu:θ'br] n 牙刷
seem v 像是;似乎
impossible [im'psbl] adj 不可能的;不会发生的