有趣的十二生肖英语习语 篇一
1. Rat(鼠)
- "Smell a rat"(闻到老鼠的气味):意味着察觉到某种欺骗或阴谋。
- "Rat race"(老鼠赛跑):指的是竞争激烈的工作环境。
2. Ox(牛)
- "Stubborn as an ox"(像牛一样固执):形容某人非常固执或难以说服。
- "A bull in a china shop"(瓷器店里的公牛):用来形容一个笨拙或粗鲁的人。
3. Tiger(虎)
- "Paper tiger"(纸老虎):形容一个表面上强大但实际上无力的人或事物。
- "Fight like a tiger"(像虎一样战斗):指的是勇敢地战斗或努力争取。
4. Rabbit(兔子)
- "Breeding like rabbits"(像兔子一样繁殖):形容某种动物或人口数量迅速增长。
- "Pull a rabbit out of a hat"(从帽子里拔出一只兔子):指的是以出人意料或不可能的方式解决问题。
5. Dragon(龙)
- "A dragon's breath"(龙的呼吸):形容非常炽热或恶劣的气候。
- "Slay the dragon"(杀死龙):指的是成功地解决一个困难或挑战。
6. Snake(蛇)
- "Snakes in the grass"(草地里的蛇):指的是背后潜伏的不可信任的人。
- "Snake oil"(蛇油):用来形容虚假或无效的药物或物品。
7. Horse(马)
- "Hold your horses"(抱紧你的马):意味着停下来或冷静下来。
- "Change horses in midstream"(在中途更换马匹):形容在进行中的事情中改变计划或策略。
8. Goat(羊)
- "Separate the sheep from the goats"(将绵羊与山羊分开):指的是区分出最优秀的人或事物。
- "Get someone's goat"(得到某人的山羊):意味着惹恼或激怒某人。
9. Monkey(猴子)
- "Monkey business"(猴子的事情):指的是不诚实或不道德的行为。
- "Make a monkey out of someone"(逗某人发笑):意味着戏弄或捉弄某人。
10. Rooster(公鸡)
- "Cock of the walk"(走路的公鸡):指的是一个自负或自大的人。
- "Wake up with the chickens"(和鸡一起醒来):形容早起的习惯。
11. Dog(狗)
- "Dog eat dog"(狗吃狗):指的是残酷或激烈的竞争环境。
- "Work like a dog"(像狗一样努力工作):形容非常努力或勤奋。
12. Pig(猪)
- "When pigs fly"(猪会飞):意味着某种事情非常不可能发生。
- "In a pig's eye"(猪的眼睛里):表示对某种说法或情况表示怀疑。
有趣的十二生肖英语习语 篇二
1. Rat(鼠)
- "Rat on someone"(告发某人):指的是向有权机构揭发某人的不法行为。
2. Ox(牛)
- "As strong as an ox"(像牛一样强壮):形容某人体力或精神力量非常强大。
3. Tiger(虎)
- "A paper tiger"(纸老虎):指的是表面上强大但实际上无力的人或事物。
4. Rabbit(兔子)
- "Scaredy cat"(胆小如鼠):形容某人非常胆小或容易害怕。
5. Dragon(龙)
- "Dragon lady"(龙女士):指的是一个强势或难以处理的女性。
6. Snake(蛇)
- "Snake in the grass"(草地里的蛇):指的是背后潜伏的不可信任的人。
7. Horse(马)
- "Dark horse"(黑马):指的是一个意外取得成功的人或事物。
8. Goat(羊)
- "Get someone's goat"(得到某人的山羊):意味着惹恼或激怒某人。
9. Monkey(猴子)
- "Monkey see, monkey do"(猴子看到,猴子做):形容模仿他人的行为或习惯。
10. Rooster(公鸡)
- "Rule the roost"(统治鸡群):指的是掌控某个群体或组织。
11. Dog(狗)
- "Dog tired"(累得像狗一样):形容非常疲惫或劳累。
12. Pig(猪)
- "Pig out"(大吃特吃):指的是大量进食或贪婪地享受某种事物。
有趣的十二生肖英语习语 篇三
Rat 鼠
1. smell a rat 觉得可疑
E.g. I smelt a rat when he started being so helpful!
2. play cat and mouse with sb. 欲擒故纵;(像猫抓耗子似地)欺负(折磨、虐待)某人
E.g. The policeman decided to play cat and mouse when he saw the woman stealing the dress in the store.
Ox 牛
1. a bull in a china shop 经常闯祸的人,笨手笨脚的人
E.g. He’s like a bull in a china shop, always knocking things over.
2. kill the fatted calf 热情款待,设宴欢迎
E.g. He welcomed me at home by killing the fatted calf.
Tiger 虎
1. paper tiger 貌似强大而实质虚弱的人,纸老虎
E.g. As long as we are not afraid of this kind of threat, the paper tiger’s true face will come out in the wash.
Hare 兔
1. hunt with the hounds and run with the hare 同时支持相对立的两派;脚踩两只船
E.g. Which team are you going to support? Make up your mind now. You can’t hunt with the hounds and run with the hare.
Dragon 龙
1. sow (the) dragon’s teeth 挑起纠纷或引起争端
E.g. Wherever he went, he sowed(the) dragon’s teeth by preaching racial (种族的) segregation (隔离).
Snake 蛇
1. a snake in the grass 潜伏的危险或敌人,阴险而伪善的朋友
E.g. How could I ever trust that snake in the grass?
Horse 马
1. hold your horses 忍耐,克制,别急躁
E.g. Don’t get so angry. Just hold your horses and find an appropriate solution.
2. flog a dead horse 徒劳,浪费精力
E.g. You’ll just be flogging a dead horse if you try to make her change her mind about it.
Sheep 羊
1. a wolf in sheep’s clothing 披着羊皮的狼,伪装善良的坏人
E.g. Mrs. Martin trusted the lawyer until she realized that he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
2. a black sheep 害群之马,败家子
E.g. There is a black sheep in every flock.
Monkey 猴
1. monkey about / around 胡闹,恶作剧
2. get(have) one’s monkey up 生气,发脾气
E.g. Don’t get your monkey up for nothing.
Cock 鸡
1. cock up 把……弄糟
E.g. They completely cocked up the arrangements for our holiday.
Dog 狗
1. a dog in the manger 占着茅坑不拉屎的人,自私自利的人
E.g. Don’t be such a dog in the manger. Lend your bicycle to him since you will not go out this afternoon.
2. lead a dog’s life 过困苦的生活
E.g. Many new immigrants in the U.S. led a dog’s life.
Pig 猪
1. pigs might fly 无稽之谈
E.g. “The management might offer us a decent pay rise.” “Pigs might fly!”
2. buy a pig in a poke (未见实物而)乱买东西(吃了亏)
E.g. You’ll have to show me the car; I don’t intend to buy a pig in a poke.