英语六级常考形容词A~I字母开头 篇一
Amazing, Astonishing, Attractive: The Impact of Technology on Modern Society
In today's fast-paced world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. From smartphones to social media, the advancements in technology have undoubtedly made our lives more convenient and efficient. However, it is also important to consider the impact of these technological developments on society as a whole. In this article, we will explore the positive and negative effects of technology, focusing on the commonly used adjectives that start with the letters A to I.
One adjective that perfectly describes the impact of technology is "amazing." With the click of a button, we can access a wealth of information, connect with people from all over the world, and even control our homes remotely. The possibilities seem endless, and it is truly amazing how technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate.
However, along with the amazing advancements, there are also astonishing consequences that come with the rapid growth of technology. One adjective that captures this aspect is "astonishing." The rise of artificial intelligence and automation has led to concerns about job loss and the potential for a widening wealth gap. It is astonishing to witness the extent to which technology has transformed industries and disrupted traditional ways of doing things.
Yet, despite the potential drawbacks, technology remains attractive to many people. The convenience and efficiency it offers are undeniable. From online shopping to streaming services, technology has made our lives more convenient than ever before. The adjective "attractive" perfectly captures the allure of technology and its ability to enhance our daily experiences.
In conclusion, the impact of technology on modern society is both amazing and astonishing. While it offers convenience and efficiency, it also poses challenges and concerns. As we navigate this rapidly changing technological landscape, it is important to be mindful of the effects it has on our lives and society as a whole. By understanding and harnessing the power of technology, we can ensure that it continues to be a force for positive change.
英语六级常考形容词A~I字母开头 篇二
Brave, Brilliant, and Inspiring: The Journey of an Entrepreneur
Starting a business requires a unique set of qualities and characteristics. Entrepreneurs must possess the bravery to take risks, the brilliance to innovate, and the ability to inspire others. In this article, we will explore the journey of an entrepreneur, highlighting the commonly used adjectives that start with the letters A to I.
One adjective that perfectly describes an entrepreneur is "brave." Starting a business involves stepping into the unknown and taking risks. It takes bravery to leave the stability of a traditional job and venture into the unpredictable world of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs must be willing to face challenges head-on and overcome obstacles with determination and courage.
Another adjective that characterizes successful entrepreneurs is "brilliant." In order to stand out in a competitive market, entrepreneurs must possess the ability to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions. They must have the brilliance to identify gaps in the market and develop unique products or services that meet the needs of customers. It is this brilliance that allows entrepreneurs to disrupt industries and create new opportunities.
Finally, entrepreneurs are often described as "inspiring." Through their hard work, dedication, and success, they inspire others to pursue their dreams and follow their passions. They serve as role models for aspiring entrepreneurs, showing them that with the right mindset and determination, anything is possible. The ability to inspire others is a powerful quality that sets entrepreneurs apart and drives them to achieve even greater success.
In conclusion, the journey of an entrepreneur is characterized by bravery, brilliance, and inspiration. Starting a business is not for the faint of heart, but rather for those who possess the courage to take risks. It requires brilliance to innovate and stand out in a competitive market. And most importantly, successful entrepreneurs inspire others to believe in themselves and pursue their own entrepreneurial dreams.
英语六级常考形容词A~I字母开头 篇三
abnormal adj.不正常的
absurd adj.荒缪的
abundant adj.丰富的
acute adj.敏锐的 锋利的
aggressive adj.侵略的
ambiguous adj.模棱两可的 模糊的
ambitious adj.有雄心的 有抱负的
appropriate adj.合适的 恰当的
authentic adj.可靠的 可信的
average adj.一般的 普通的
barren adj.贫瘠的 不毛的
bound adj.一定的
chronic adj.慢性的
commentary adj. 实况报道
compact adj.紧凑的 小巧的
competitive adj.竞争性的 具有竞争力的
compact adj. 紧凑的,小巧的
competitive adj. 竞争性的,具有竞争力的
compulsory adj. 强迫的,强制的,义务的
confidential adj. 机紧的,秘密的
conservative adj. 保守的,传统的
consistent adj. 和……一致
conspicuous adj. 显而易见的,引人注目的
crucial adj. 关键的
current adj. 当前的
current adj. 当前的
decent adj. 体面的,像样的,还不错的
delicate adj. 精细的,微妙的,精心处理的
destructive adj. 毁灭
economic adj. 经济的
elegant adj. 优雅的,优美的,精致的
embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的
energetic adj. 精力充沛的
equivalent adj. 相等的
eternal adj. 永恒的,无休止的
exclusive adj. 独有的,排他的
extinct adj. 灭绝的
extinct adj. 灭绝的,绝种的
fatal adj.假的,冒充的
fatal adj.致命的,毁灭性的
feasible adj.可行的
feeble adj.脆弱的,虚弱的
gloomy adj.暗淡的
greasy adj.油腻的、
identical adj.相同的,一样的
imaginative adj.富有想象力的,爱想象的
inaccessible adj.可接近的,易使用的
inadequate adj.不充分的,不适当的
incredible adj.难以置信的`
indifference adj.不关心的,冷漠的
indignant adj.生气的,愤怒的
infectious adj.传染的,传染性的
inferior adj.较次的,较劣的
inferior adj.地位较低的,较差的
inherent adj.固有的,生来的
inspirational adj.灵感的
intent adj.专心的,专注的
intricate adj.复杂精细的
intrinsic adj.固有的,本质的,内在的
irreplaceable adj.不能替换的,不能代替的