毕业的英语词汇 篇一
Graduation Vocabulary
As the academic year comes to an end, it is time for students to bid farewell to their school and embark on a new journey. Graduation is a momentous occasion that marks the completion of one's studies and symbolizes a new beginning. To fully understand and appreciate this important milestone, it is essential to familiarize oneself with the vocabulary associated with graduation.
Firstly, let's start with the word "graduation" itself. Graduation refers to the ceremony or act of receiving or conferring an academic degree or diploma. It is the formal recognition of a student's successful completion of their studies. During the graduation ceremony, students are often referred to as "graduates" or "graduating students."
Next, we have the term "commencement." This word is often used interchangeably with graduation, but it specifically refers to the beginning or start of something new. It signifies the start of a new chapter in the graduates' lives, whether it be further studies, entering the workforce, or pursuing other personal goals.
Another important term associated with graduation is "cap and gown." These are the traditional attire worn by graduates during the ceremony. The cap, also known as a mortarboard, is a flat square hat with a tassel that is worn on the head. The gown is a long robe-like garment that is worn over regular clothing. The colors of the cap and gown may vary depending on the academic institution or the degree being conferred.
Furthermore, the word "diploma" is crucial when discussing graduation. A diploma is an official document or certificate that is awarded to a student upon the successful completion of their studies. It serves as proof of their academic achievements and can be used for various purposes, such as applying for further education or seeking employment.
Lastly, we have the term "valedictorian." The valedictorian is the student who delivers a farewell speech on behalf of the graduating class during the graduation ceremony. This honor is typically bestowed upon the student with the highest academic achievements in their class.
In conclusion, graduation is a significant event in a student's life, and understanding the vocabulary associated with it is essential. From the ceremony itself to the attire and the official document received, these words and phrases help encapsulate the experience of completing one's studies and moving forward into the next phase of life. So, as you prepare for your own graduation, make sure to familiarize yourself with these important terms and embrace the exciting journey that lies ahead.
毕业的英语词汇 篇二
The Importance of Graduation
Graduation is an important milestone in one's academic journey, marking the successful completion of years of hard work and dedication. It is a time when students reflect on their achievements, celebrate their accomplishments, and look forward to new opportunities. The significance of graduation goes beyond receiving a piece of paper; it holds immense value for both individuals and society as a whole.
Firstly, graduation is a symbol of personal growth and achievement. It represents the culmination of years of learning, late-night study sessions, and overcoming challenges. Graduates can look back on their academic journey with pride and a sense of accomplishment. It is a testament to their perseverance, resilience, and commitment to their education.
Secondly, graduation provides individuals with a sense of closure. It marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. For many students, this transition can be both exciting and daunting. Graduation allows them to say goodbye to their alma mater, their teachers, and their friends, while also celebrating the memories and experiences they have gained along the way. It serves as a moment of reflection and gratitude for the opportunities and support they have received.
Furthermore, graduation plays a vital role in shaping one's future. It opens doors to new opportunities, whether it be further education, career advancement, or personal growth. A diploma serves as evidence of one's academic achievements and can enhance employment prospects. Graduation is often seen as a rite of passage that marks the transition into adulthood, where individuals are expected to take on more responsibilities and contribute to society.
Moreover, graduation is not only significant for individuals but also for society as a whole. It represents the investment made in education and the potential for a brighter future. Graduates bring new knowledge, skills, and perspectives to the workforce and contribute to the development of their communities. They become part of a network of professionals who can drive innovation, solve societal challenges, and make a positive impact on the world.
In conclusion, graduation holds immense importance in one's academic journey and beyond. It represents personal growth, provides closure, opens doors to new opportunities, and contributes to the betterment of society. It is a time to celebrate achievements, recognize the hard work of students, and embrace the endless possibilities that lie ahead. So, as you prepare to graduate, remember the significance of this momentous occasion and embrace the exciting future that awaits you.
毕业的英语词汇 篇三
典礼上演讲的,还有这样一个人: valedictorian。
“Graduated as the valedictorian”可不是谁都能放上简历的。
Cap上那个穗穗就叫tassel(流苏) 。
通常是校长或系主任,会为每个degree candidate(学位候选人)turn the tassel(拨穗),象征着transition from candidate to graduate。
一般拨穗完成后,毕业生们就能拿着diploma(文凭),degree congregation(学位授予)基本完成。
tossing of the cap 扔帽子
Graduation Dinner/Party
graduation celebration dinner 或graduation dinner(毕业宴),很多学校都会为毕业生们举办。
graduation party则是相对更放松的毕业派对。
美国不少家庭也会in honor of 毕业生而举办graduation dinner/party,向亲友发出invitations。
这些farewell dinner(饯别宴,俗称“散伙饭”)上,常有包含毕业元素、精心设计的decorations,如graduation balloons、graduation cakes等。
Graduation Keepsakes
A keepsake is a small present that someone gives you so that you will not forget them. 纪念品;信物。
graduation card(毕业卡片)大家比较熟悉了。
* class ring 毕业戒指
又叫graduation, graduate, senior, or grad ring,高中、大学的毕业年级一般都会设计这一届独特的class ring,例如刻字、内嵌徽章等。
don one’s class ring。
最早设计并佩戴自己独特毕业戒指的,据说是美国西点军校(the United States Military Academy at West Point.)1835届的毕业生们。
* memory book 纪念册
现在数字化的毕业季,这种scrap books(剪贴簿)越来越少啦。
Graduation Thesis/Dissertation
英式英语里,本科和硕士论文都叫dissertation, 博士论文叫thesis;
Paper可以指课程论文,或某个具体研究在会议或者期刊上发表的论文。如term paper, course paper, research paper。
如doctoral dissertation defense 博士学位论文答辩。
Congratulations, graduate. May all your dreams and plans turn to fulfillment and success.