谈论做事情的英语短语 篇一
In today's fast-paced world, being able to effectively communicate about our work and tasks is essential. Whether it's in a professional setting or in our personal lives, using the right phrases and expressions can help us convey our thoughts and ideas clearly. In this article, we will discuss some common English phrases related to doing things and getting tasks done.
1. Get the ball rolling: To initiate or start a process or task. Example: "Let's get the ball rolling on this project by scheduling a meeting."
2. Hit the ground running: To start a project or job quickly and energetically. Example: "I'm excited to start my new job and hit the ground running."
3. Stay on top of things: To stay informed and in control of tasks and responsibilities. Example: "I have a busy week ahead, but I will make sure to stay on top of things."
4. Keep the ball rolling: To maintain momentum and progress in a task or project. Example: "We've made great progress so far, let's keep the ball rolling."
5. Stay ahead of the game: To be proactive and anticipate future needs or challenges. Example: "In order to succeed in this competitive market, we need to stay ahead of the game."
6. Get down to business: To focus and start working on a task or project. Example: "We've had enough small talk, let's get down to business."
7. Pull your weight: To do your fair share of work or contribute equally to a task or project. Example: "Everyone needs to pull their weight if we want to meet the deadline."
8. Meet deadlines: To complete a task or project within a specified timeframe. Example: "I always strive to meet deadlines and deliver high-quality work."
9. Be on top of your game: To be at your best and perform well. Example: "I need to prepare for this presentation so I can be on top of my game."
10. Go the extra mile: To put in extra effort or do more than what is expected. Example: "If you want to stand out, you have to be willing to go the extra mile."
By incorporating these phrases into our daily conversations, we can effectively communicate about our work and tasks. Whether it's expressing our enthusiasm to start a project or ensuring that we stay on top of things, using the right phrases can help us convey our thoughts and ideas clearly.
谈论做事情的英语短语 篇二
In today's fast-paced world, being able to effectively communicate about our work and tasks is essential. Whether it's in a professional setting or in our personal lives, using the right phrases and expressions can help us convey our thoughts and ideas clearly. In this article, we will discuss some common English phrases related to doing things and getting tasks done.
1. Take the bull by the horns: To take control of a situation or task with confidence. Example: "Instead of waiting for instructions, I decided to take the bull by the horns and start working on the project."
2. Get your ducks in a row: To get organized and prepared before starting a task or project. Example: "Before we begin, let's get our ducks in a row and make sure we have all the necessary resources."
3. Keep your eye on the prize: To stay focused on the end goal and not get distracted. Example: "We may face challenges along the way, but let's keep our eye on the prize and stay motivated."
4. Put your nose to the grindstone: To work hard and diligently on a task or project. Example: "We have a tight deadline, so we need to put our noses to the grindstone and get this done."
5. Make a beeline for: To go directly or quickly towards something. Example: "After the meeting, I'll make a beeline for the coffee machine. I need a pick-me-up."
6. Get the show on the road: To start a task or project. Example: "We've discussed the plan enough, let's get the show on the road and start executing."
7. Keep your nose to the grindstone: To continue working hard and diligently on a task or project. Example: "We're making good progress, let's keep our noses to the grindstone and finish strong."
8. Get cracking: To start working on a task or project immediately. Example: "We're running out of time, so let's get cracking and finish this before the deadline."
9. Put your best foot forward: To make a good impression or do your best. Example: "This is a great opportunity, so let's put our best foot forward and show them what we're capable of."
10. Make a go of it: To try one's best and give something a chance to succeed. Example: "Even though it's a challenging project, I believe we can make a go of it if we work together."
By incorporating these phrases into our daily conversations, we can effectively communicate about our work and tasks. Whether it's taking control of a situation, staying focused on the end goal, or working hard to achieve success, using the right phrases can help us convey our thoughts and ideas clearly.
谈论做事情的英语短语 篇三
1.Toot One's Own Horn = boast
Michael's last novel was a best seller. He has no need to Toot his own horn about his literary accomplishments. His readers and critics alike will now become aware of his talent. He won't have to boast about his skill and success as a writer.
2. Stick to One's Guns = maintain one's position
In spite of the fact that it was inadvisable to have a controversial figure address the club, the chairman stuck to his guns and insisted that it would make good sense to hear the other side of the question before taking a vote on the issue. He maintained his opinion and position on the matter, even though a number of members tried to make him change his mind.
3. Get the Ball Rolling = initiate action
A: Look! You've been talking about reparing the roof for weeks now. Don't you think it's about time to get the ball rolling?
B: I know, but I've been busy with other things. I promise I'll get to it this weekend.
A: The time to start doing it is right now! According to the weather report it's supposed to rain tomorrow.
4. Hang On = persevere
During the depression years the Smiths had a great deal of trouble with their business, but somehow or other they were able to hang on. Although they almost lost their store, they managed to persevere until things got better.
5. Give It One's Best Shot = try hard
A: Can you do anything about repairing this TV set?
B: I'm not much of an electrician, but I'll give it my best shot.
A: Many thanks. I'd be most appreciative.
B: OK. I'll try my hardest to fix it, but I'm not promising that I'll succeed.
A: At this point, I'll take all the help I can get.
6. Make Ends Meet = pay one's bills
A: It's almost impossible trying to keep up with the high cost of living.
B: It's true. Things are so expensive nowadays that it's very difficult to make ends meet.
A: You know, even with Lucie's salary, our combined income is hardly enough to pay all the bills.
7. Pull String = exert influence
Steven had been unsuccessful in getting tickets for the opening game of the season. However, he pulled some strings with the manager of the team and got excellent seats. There's no doubt that he got the tickets only
8. Spread Oneself Too Thin = become involved in too many activities
Although Teresa has always been an excellent student, her marks have been going down lately because she is spreading herself too thin. Besides spending a great deal of time in after-school sports, she got a part-time job as a clerk in a department store. It's only natural that her grades would suffer. She is becoming involved in so many activities that she cannot devote the time that it takes to excel in any one of them.
9. Go to Bat for Someone = help out and support someone
A: Is it true that Don got into some trouble at work last week?
B: Yes, he did. He was reproached for not turning in his sales reports, but his secretary went to bat for him.
A: What was she able to do?
B: She helped him out a great deal by admitting that she had misplaced the reports that he gave her to be typed.
A: So, it was her fault, not his.
B: Right.
10. Duck Soup = easy, effortless
A: Can you help me hook up my new stereo equipment? I'm having quite a bit of trouble with all these connections.
B: Sure. That's duck soup for me.
A: Well, with all your experience in electronics, I have no doubt that it will be very easy for you to do.
B: No problem. Glad to help out.