坐飞机常用的英语口语 篇一
1. 在机场
- Excuse me, where can I check in?
- I need to check my luggage, where is the baggage drop-off?
- Where is the security checkpoint?
- Can you tell me where the boarding gate for my flight is?
- Is there a duty-free shop in this terminal?
2. 登机
- May I see your passport and boarding pass, please?
- Do you have any carry-on luggage?
- Please place your bags in the overhead compartment.
- Please fasten your seatbelt and put your seat in the upright position.
- Could you please turn off your electronic devices?
3. 询问
- Excuse me, is this seat taken?
- Can I have an extra blanket, please?
- Could you please adjust the air conditioning? It's too cold/warm.
- Can you tell me when we will be landing?
4. 餐食服务
- What options do you have for vegetarian meals?
- Can I have a cup of coffee, please?
- Could I have some water, please?
- Is there a snack bar on this flight?
5. 紧急情况
- Is there a problem with the plane?
- Can you please explain the emergency procedures?
- Where are the emergency exits?
- Is there a life jacket under my seat?
6. 到达目的地
- Excuse me, where can I pick up my luggage?
- Is there a taxi stand outside the airport?
- Could you please call a taxi for me?
坐飞机常用的英语口语 篇二
1. 在机场
- Excuse me, where is the check-in counter?
- Can you tell me where the baggage claim is?
- Where can I find the customs?
- Is there a currency exchange booth in this terminal?
- Could you please direct me to the nearest restroom?
2. 登机
- May I see your boarding pass, please?
- Do you have any checked luggage?
- Please place your bags on the conveyor belt for security screening.
- Please remove your shoes and place them in the bin.
- Could you please step aside for a random security check?
3. 询问
- Excuse me, is this the right gate for flight XYZ?
- Can you please double-check my seat assignment?
- Could you please lower the window shade? It's too bright.
- Can you tell me when the meal service will begin?
4. 餐食服务
- What options do you have for gluten-free meals?
- Can I have a glass of orange juice, please?
- Could I have some ice, please?
- Is there a vegetarian option for the meal?
5. 紧急情况
- Is everything okay? I heard a strange noise.
- What should I do in case of an emergency?
- Where are the oxygen masks located?
- Is there a first aid kit on board?
6. 到达目的地
- Excuse me, where can I collect my checked luggage?
- Is there a shuttle service to the city center?
- Could you please help me find a taxi?
坐飞机常用的英语口语 篇三
What would you like to drink?
Well, what do you have?
Anything to drink?
Coffee, please. 来杯咖啡.
With sugar and cream?要加牛奶和糖吗?Yes, please. /No, thank you.
What would you like for dinner, beef or fish? 午餐您要牛肉还是要鱼./Beef or fish for dinner?
Which would you like, beef or fish?
Beef, please. 请给我牛肉.
Have you finished?
你用完了吗? /Are you through?
No, not yet. 还没有.
May I clear the table? 我可以收走了吗?
May I clear the plates off the table?
Clear the table, please. 请您收拾一下桌子吧--Yes, sir.
Can I have some water?你能给我一杯水吗?
Can I have something to drink?
A blanket, please. 毯子
I feel cold/hot.我觉得冷/热
I'll turn on the heater. 空调
I feel sick. 我觉得恶心./I'm not feeling well.
Can I have some medicine? 能给我点药吗?
May I help you?
Could u tell me how to fill out this form?您能帮我填这张表吗?
How do I fill out this form?
Can you help me with this form?
May I see ur passport, please?请出示护照
Here it is.
How long will you be staying in the United States?您在美国停留多长时间?
I plan to stay for a week.
What's the purpose of your visit?
What brought you here?
Why are you here?
Sightseeing. /Business. 旅游/工作
I'm here on business. 我是来工作的
I'm here on vacation. 我是来度假的./I'm vacationing.
Where are you staying?您住哪?
I'm staying at the Benson Hotel.
Do you have anything to declare? 报关 (有什么需要报关的吗?)
Anything to declare? --No, I don't.
At the Washington Hotel.
How much money do you have?
Four hundred dollars and one hundred thousand yen.
Okay. Have a nice stay.好了.祝您愉快
Okay. Have a nice trip.
I can't find my baggage.我找不到我的行李了.
What does it look like?
Please check it immediately.
Please check it right away.
Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you have located it.找到后请马上送到我所在的饭店.
Please deliver my baggage to my hotel as soon as you find it.
I'd like to reconfirm my flight.我想重新确认一下我的机票.
Where is the Japan Airlines counter?
Where is the boarding gate?
What time do you start boarding?
Has this flight begun boarding?
Have they begun boarding this flight?
What time will we arrive in Tokyo?
In about two hours.