
描述感受的英语单词 篇一

Awe - The Overwhelming Emotion

Awe is an emotion that can be described as a mixture of wonder, amazement, and reverence. It is that feeling that takes over when you are faced with something grand, breathtaking, or simply beyond comprehension. It is a feeling that can leave you speechless and in complete awe of the world around you.

One of the most common triggers of awe is nature. Standing on the edge of a majestic mountain range, watching a stunning sunset over the ocean, or witnessing a powerful waterfall can all evoke a sense of awe. The sheer magnitude and beauty of these natural wonders can leave us feeling small and insignificant, yet connected to something much larger than ourselves.

Awe can also be experienced through art and music. When we listen to a symphony that transports us to another realm or stand in front of a painting that evokes deep emotions, we are filled with a sense of awe. The talent and creativity of artists can leave us in awe of their ability to capture and express the human experience.

Furthermore, awe can be inspired by human achievements and acts of kindness. Witnessing someone overcome great obstacles or witnessing an act of selflessness can fill us with a profound sense of admiration and awe. It reminds us of the potential within each of us to do great things and make a positive impact on the world.

The experience of awe is not only an emotional one but also has important psychological and physiological effects. Research has shown that experiencing awe can increase feelings of well-being, improve mood, and even boost our immune system. It can expand our perception of time, making us feel like we have more time available to us.

In conclusion, awe is a powerful emotion that can be evoked by various experiences in life. It is a feeling that leaves us in awe of the world's beauty, human potential, and the interconnectedness of everything. It is a reminder of the vastness of the universe and our place within it. So, let us embrace the moments of awe that come our way and appreciate the profound impact they can have on our lives.

描述感受的英语单词 篇二

Nostalgia - The Bittersweet Memory

Nostalgia is a complex emotion that can be described as a longing for the past, a sentimental yearning for a time that has passed. It is a feeling that is often accompanied by a mix of happiness and sadness, as we reminisce about the good old days while also acknowledging that those times are gone forever.

Nostalgia can be triggered by various stimuli, such as familiar scents, songs, or even certain locations. It can transport us back to a specific moment in our lives and evoke a flood of memories and emotions. It is a way for us to reconnect with our past, to relive the moments that shaped us and made us who we are today.

This emotion is often associated with feelings of warmth, comfort, and a sense of belonging. It is a reminder of simpler times, when life seemed less complicated and responsibilities were few. Nostalgia can provide solace and a temporary escape from the challenges and uncertainties of the present.

However, nostalgia can also be tinged with a hint of sadness. It reminds us of the passage of time and the inevitability of change. The people, places, and experiences that once brought us joy may no longer be a part of our lives. Nostalgia can make us yearn for a time that can never be recreated, leaving us with a sense of loss and longing.

Despite its bittersweet nature, nostalgia can have positive effects on our well-being. Research has shown that reminiscing about the past can increase feelings of social connectedness, boost mood, and provide a sense of meaning and continuity in life. It can also serve as a source of inspiration and motivation, reminding us of the things we value and aspire to have in our present and future.

In conclusion, nostalgia is a powerful emotion that allows us to revisit cherished memories and relive moments from our past. It is a bittersweet experience that can bring both happiness and sadness. Nostalgia reminds us of the passage of time and the inevitability of change, but it also provides comfort, warmth, and a sense of belonging. So, let us embrace our nostalgic moments and appreciate the valuable lessons and beautiful memories they bring.

描述感受的英语单词 篇三

  1).stress n.精神压力,紧张

  I hear that the young man was nearly weighed down by the stress of work


  2).nervous adj.焦虑的,紧张的

  I felt very nervous when l was interviewed by the boss


  3).tired adj,疲倦的,疲劳的

  I’m too tired now and I can't concentrate on my work


  4).fatigue n.疲劳,劳累

  I hate to work overtime, for it always leaves me great fatigue


  5).weary adj.疲劳,疲倦的

  The whole day's hard work really exhausted me


  6).exhaust v.使筋疲力尽

  After a whole day's work, I'm completely exhausted


  7).toil v.辛苦劳动;n.劳累的工作

  It would take muc

h time and toil to compile an encyclopedia


  8).hardship n.艰难,困苦

  The man never feared hardship and he finally became a leader of the company


  9).embarrass v.使人窘迫,使尴尬

  His false beard fell off, which embarrassed him


  10).guilty adj.感到内疚的,有罪的

  The court found her guilty, for there was no evidence go in her favor


  11).remorse n.懊悔,遗憾

  He felt a quick remorse after killing the innocent girl.


  12).shameful adj.可耻的,丢脸的

  The famous movie star played a shameful role in this farce



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