如何用英语表达有潜力 篇一
In our ever-evolving world, the ability to express potential in English has become a valuable skill. Whether you are a student, a job seeker, or simply someone looking to enhance their communication abilities, knowing how to articulate one's potential can greatly impact personal and professional success. In this article, we will explore various phrases and expressions that can effectively convey the idea of having potential in English.
To begin with, one common phrase to express potential is "show promise." This phrase implies that someone or something exhibits qualities or abilities that indicate future success or growth. For example, you could say, "John is a young artist who shows promise in his ability to capture emotions through his paintings."
Another way to express potential is by using the phrase "have a bright future." This phrase suggests that someone has the ability or potential for success in their chosen field or endeavor. For instance, you could say, "The young athlete has a bright future in professional sports, as she consistently demonstrates exceptional talent and dedication."
Furthermore, the phrase "be full of potential" can also be used to convey the idea of having great potential. This phrase suggests that someone or something has abundant possibilities for growth and development. For instance, you could say, "This startup company is full of potential, with innovative ideas and a strong team."
Additionally, the phrase "be on the verge of something big" can be used to express potential. This phrase suggests that someone or something is at the edge of achieving significant success or breakthrough. For example, you could say, "The young entrepreneur is on the verge of something big, as her groundbreaking technology is poised to revolutionize the industry."
Moreover, the phrase "have great prospects" can be used to convey potential. This phrase implies that someone or something has a high likelihood of achieving success or prosperity in the future. For instance, you could say, "The company's new product has great prospects, as it meets a growing demand in the market."
In conclusion, expressing potential in English is crucial for effective communication in various contexts. Whether you are discussing personal goals, evaluating job candidates, or simply expressing admiration for someone's abilities, using phrases and expressions that convey potential can greatly enhance your language skills. By incorporating phrases such as "show promise," "have a bright future," "be full of potential," "be on the verge of something big," and "have great prospects," you can effectively articulate the idea of having potential in English.
如何用英语表达有潜力 篇二
In today's competitive world, being able to express potential in English is essential for various purposes. Whether you are a student applying for scholarships, a professional seeking career advancement, or an individual aiming to impress others with your abilities, knowing how to articulate your potential in English can make a significant difference. In this article, we will explore different strategies and techniques to effectively express potential in English.
One effective way to express potential is by using strong adjectives. Adjectives such as "promising," "talented," "remarkable," and "exceptional" can be used to describe someone's potential. For example, you could say, "She is a promising young artist with exceptional talent."
Another useful approach is to provide evidence or examples of past achievements or accomplishments. By highlighting specific achievements, you can demonstrate your potential for future success. For instance, you could say, "I have consistently achieved excellent results in my academic studies, which indicates my potential for success in this field."
Furthermore, using action verbs can help convey potential in a dynamic and impactful way. Verbs such as "demonstrate," "exhibit," "display," and "showcase" can be used to emphasize the active demonstration of one's potential. For example, you could say, "She consistently demonstrates her potential through her innovative problem-solving skills."
Additionally, using comparative language can effectively express potential. Comparing oneself or something to others who have already achieved success can highlight the potential for similar achievements. For instance, you could say, "He has the potential to become the next great leader in his field, following in the footsteps of renowned pioneers."
Moreover, incorporating future-oriented language can convey an optimistic outlook and potential for growth. Phrases such as "poised for success," "destined for greatness," and "bound for achievement" can effectively express potential. For example, you could say, "With her determination and passion, she is destined for greatness in her chosen career."
In conclusion, effectively expressing potential in English is a valuable skill in today's competitive world. By using strong adjectives, providing evidence of past accomplishments, using action verbs, employing comparative language, and incorporating future-oriented language, you can effectively articulate your potential in English. Whether you are writing a personal statement, attending a job interview, or engaging in informal conversations, these strategies and techniques will help you convey your potential to others in a confident and persuasive manner.
如何用英语表达有潜力 篇三
1. Diamonds in the rough
未经雕琢的钻石只差好好打磨就能bling bling啦!归根到底,说明人家还是块材料啊!
例:She may seem shy and ordinary right now, but give her a couple more years - she truly is a diamond in the rough.
2. Have the makings of something
例:He has the makings of a first-rate lawyer.
3. Promising
例:He was voted the most promising new actor for his part in the movie.
4. Room for improvement
例:There's still room for improvement in his cooking.
5. Wits
例:She's got the wits to make it work.
办公室口语新技能get√ Coffee hour闲聊
Found yourself in a work situation whilst you are still learning the English you need to get by? Or maybe you have an English-speaking colleague that you would like to get closer to.
At the coffee machine
Latte in hand, spreadsheets on hold: these are a few phrases you are more than likely to hear amongst your work colleagues as you relax. They’re easy to pick up and use, too.
1.(to) play catch up – to be late starting something so you make a big effort to overcome it; it doesn’t mean you have been lazy!– more often it refers to when something comes in last minute, or you are working to a tight deadline.
(to) play catch up –开始做某件事情有点晚,使你不得不花大力气去完成它;这并不是指你懒惰!-它经常更多的是指做某事到最后关头了,或者你临近截止日期,尽力追赶的意思。
e.g.“We’re playing catch-up on that commission from France.”
Meaning: we’re working overtime to get everything ready for the commission from France.
When might you use it?
To express being a bit stressed out or under pressure to deliver a project; to express the effort required to overcome something for which you are currently behind schedule. You might also use the phrase to motivate or drive your own team to complete something – “we’re playing catch-up here, guys” – as it can add an air of competition.
2.(to) pay a premium– meaning you pay a higher price for something because the quality or reputation is better
e.g.“We’re paying a premium for the plug from X Box, but it’s worth it”
When might you use it?
This can be used in coffee machine conversation very easily – it just refers to a deal you’ve made where the company (or yourself) has paid a price that is above the normal market price. You might use it to gain a bit of prestige/boast about your purchase.
3.an uphill struggle/battle– meaning it’s a big obstacle to overcome
If you’re in an American business you are more likely to hear ‘uphill battle’; ‘uphill struggle’ is the UK equivalent.
如果你处在美国商业环境中,你可能更多的听到的是‘uphill battle’; ‘uphill struggle’在英国是同等的意思。
e.g.“Getting this new construction under budget is an uphill struggle, but we have to make it happen.”
When might you use it?
When talking about a project that is particularly difficult – or if you want to make something sound difficult. It would also work very nicely alongside ‘playing catch-up’ – i.e. “we’re playing catch-up on the construction project and it’s going to be an uphill struggle.”
4. (to) go up market – to sell the brand to a wealthier audience/to begin appealing to high-end markets
e.g.“We’ve decided to go upmarket and sell our scarves at Liberty/Macy’s/smart department store…”
When might you use it?
To describe an ‘upgrade’ in your business plan/a decision to increase the price and quality of a product and sell it to higher-income consumers. This is going to be very useful if you work in retail. But you can also use it in a more casual way to talk about yourself and your possessions – i.e. “We’re looking to get a new car…thinking of going upmarket and getting something sporty.”
5.(to) buy into – to support/endorse or agree with
This doesn’t usually get used to mean actually purchasing something – it has become a business metaphor mostly used for when someone supports or seconds an action of a colleague/the company.
e.g. “David in finance says there are pay rises on the way. I’m definitely buying into that!”
When might you use it?
When you are interested or intrigued by something which you think could be a good prospect for you/the business. You can use it for potential clients too, to indicate a level of interest in their offer – i.e. “the plan you’re offering is definitely something we would consider buying into”
1. Do me a favor!
2. Wake up!
3. Come off it!
4. What an idea!
5. Get real!
如果我们真想把口语说好和学好,我们应该花费更多的时间去练习表达。学习口语最终的目标就是交流,交流主要就是能表达我们想要表达的,真正好的口语不是我们的发音非常的好,懂得很多中西方的文化,而是we can express what we want.
还有full和fool,很多同学也会把full这个词读成fool,这样当我们说“吃饱了”(I am full)就变成了“我是傻子”(I am fool),甚至有的同学问别人“你吃饱了吗”,读的也是长音,这样就是在问别人“你是傻子吗”(Are you fool)。而回答的同学也发错了,发得也很长,回答的是“我是傻子”(I am fool)。
关于文化,文化的东西我们确实需要了解和知道,尤其在和老外交流的时候,如果不了解有可能会有很多的误会,西方文化的核心是 inpidualism(个人主义),比如他们吃饭喜欢AA制,他们不喜欢别人帮忙喜欢自己搞定,甚至他们人和人之间都会保持一定的距离等(不像我们中国人两个好朋友尤其女性喜欢手牵着手,甚至还有男性)。
关于表达,就是平时一定要多说英语,多和别人交流(去英语角或者晨读或者没事自己多背诵一些东西都可以),要是能找一个老外就更好了,正所谓:The more you speak the more progress you will make.
有一个例子能很好地说明这一点,就是以前一个中国人去加拿大定居,这个人英语单词量很小,很多单词都不会说,但是他经常能很好地表达自己,有一天他去商店买发酵粉(baking powder)这个英语单词确实很难,但是他用了一些小学词汇表达了这个词的概念,说的是:I wanna buy something make steamed bread can bigger and bigger.
Ha: use when you don't really find something funny, and you want to make that fact obvious.
Was that a joke?
This is no laughing matter!
Haha: 你不觉得好笑,但是又不好意思驳人家面子。
Haha: use when you don't really find something funny, but you would like to be polite.
有种假笑,短信里叫“Haha”,英文里假装笑笑,还可以用fake a laugh来表示。
Hahaha: 确实让你会心一笑,别忘了多加个“哈”。
Hahaha: use when their text made you smile.
好笑程度相当于你平时说的,“It's so funny.” ( 真逗。)
Hahahaha+: use when you sincerely laughed.
英文里,你还可以说:You crack me up. ( 你笑死我了)
HAHA+: one of the few exceptions to the no-caps rule. Use when you find something hysterical.
如果用英文说把脑袋都笑掉了,那一定是让你大笑不止:We laugh our heads off. ( 我们都快笑死了。)
另外一个表示纵情大笑的短语是laugh like a drain。
Lol是英文Laugh out loud的简写,表示“大声笑”。 这个简写符号可以用于表达太好笑了。
Lol: Use when you want the sincerity of your laughter to be a mystery.
美国人最喜欢用的口头禅 哪句最适合你?
Thousand times no!
Easy does it.
Don't push me.
Have a good of it.
What is the fuss?
Still up?
It doesn't make any differences.
Don't let me down.
God works.
Don't take ill of me.
Does it serve your purpose?
Don't flatter me.
Big mouth!
Sure thing!
Don't over do it.
Can you dig it?
You want a bet?
What if I go for you?
Who wants?
Follow my nose.