如何用英语表达生气 篇一
1. "I'm really angry about..."
这是一种简单直接的表达方式,用来表达对某件事情感到非常生气。例如,"I'm really angry about the way he treated me."
2. "It makes me so mad when..."
这种表达方式用来表达对某种行为或情况感到非常生气。例如,"It makes me so mad when people cut in line."
3. "I'm furious!"
这是一种非常强烈的表达方式,用来表达愤怒和生气。例如,"I'm furious that he lied to me."
4. "I can't believe you did that!"
这是一种用来表达对某人行为感到愤怒和震惊的表达方式。例如,"I can't believe you did that! How could you?"
5. "I'm really upset with you."
这是一种比较委婉的表达方式,用来表达对某人感到生气和失望。例如,"I'm really upset with you for not keeping your promise."
6. "You really make me angry when..."
这种表达方式用来表达对某人的行为感到愤怒。例如,"You really make me angry when you don't listen to me."
7. "I'm so annoyed!"
这是一种比较轻微的表达方式,用来表达对某件事情感到恼怒和不满。例如,"I'm so annoyed that the train is delayed again."
如何用英语表达生气 篇二
1. "I'm boiling mad!"
这是一种非常强烈的表达方式,用来形容自己非常生气。例如,"I'm boiling mad at him for breaking my favorite mug."
2. "I'm fuming!"
这是一种形象生动的表达方式,用来形容自己非常愤怒。例如,"I'm fuming because they canceled the concert at the last minute."
3. "I'm seething with anger!"
这种表达方式用来形容自己感到非常愤怒,如同内心正在沸腾一样。例如,"I'm seething with anger after she insulted me in front of everyone."
4. "I'm seeing red!"
这是一种形象生动的表达方式,用来形容自己非常愤怒。例如,"I'm seeing red after he cheated on me."
5. "I'm about to explode!"
这种表达方式用来形容自己快要爆发了,因为感到非常生气。例如,"I'm about to explode if he doesn't stop talking to me like that."
6. "I'm livid!"
这是一种非常强烈的表达方式,用来形容自己非常愤怒。例如,"I'm livid that he didn't apologize for what he did."
7. "I'm at the end of my rope!"
这种表达方式用来形容自己快要到达极限,因为感到非常生气。例如,"I'm at the end of my rope with their constant excuses."
如何用英语表达生气 篇三
Take time by the forelock、要抓住时机。以下是小编为大家搜索整理的如何用英语表达生气,希望能给大家带来帮助!
英 [ɡri] 美 [ɡri]
英 [md] 美 [md]
英 [nd] 美 [nd]
使生气 make angry
很生气 Pissed off ; Burned up
别生气 Do not be angry
不要生气 Dont Get Angry
没有生气 inertness
His rudeness made me really angry.
Don't be angry over such trivial matters.
She was angry for her mother's peeping at her diary.
He was angry, wherefore I was afraid.
He was offended that we didn't agree with him.
I was angry with him for keeping me waiting.
一向不会让我生气的事, 现在竟让我生气。
I get angry at things that never used to get me angry.
His delay made the teacher angry.
She was still angry despite his conciliatory words.
1、不要再找借口了。No more excuses.
2、我不想再听你的`借口。I've heard enough of your excuses.
3、我不想再听任何借口。I don't want to hear any excuses.
4、这不是个好借口。That's not a good excuse.
5、你究竟在想些什么?What's the big idea?
6、不要只是对我嘴巴说说而已。Don't give me any lip
7、不要明令我。Don't tell me what to do.
8、我生气了。I'm mad.
9、真是令人醒悟。That's disgusting.
10、你正在触弄我,你正在惹火我。You're getting on my nerves.
11、不要取笑我。Don't make fun of me.
12、请不要生气。Don't be upset.
13、我已经无法再忍耐了。I've run out of patience.
14、好大胆你居然说的出这种话。What nerve!
15、你竟厚着脸皮说出这种话。How impudent you are to say such a thing!
16、他说的话使我生气。What he says offends me.
17、我们必须向他报复。We've got to get even.
18、那种事我十分清楚。I wasn't born yesterday.
19、别愚弄我,别欺负我。Don't think you can make a fool out of me.
20、你想让我出求。You're making fun of me.
21、你要求太多了。That's asking too much,
22、他很容易生气。He has a quick temper.
23、你知道你在和谁说话吗?Who do you think you're talking to?
24、你还有什么不满要说的吗?Do you have anything to say?
25、我不会让你为所欲为的。I won't let you have your own way!
26、那是恐吓。That's blackmail.
27、不要侮辱我。Don't insult me.
28、你真卑鄙,你真下流。You're a filthy liar.
29、你会后悔的。You'll be sorry.
30、你疯了吗?Are you crazy?
31、不要那样看我。Don't look at me like that.
32、我会向他报复的。I want to get even with him.
33、那个卑鄙低级讨厌的家伙。That's sneaky low-life crip.
34、不是这样。Is not.