有趣的英文及例句 篇一
Title: "The Quirky World of English: Fun Words and Phrases"
English is a fascinating language with its own peculiarities and idiosyncrasies. It is filled with words and phrases that can tickle our funny bones and bring a smile to our faces. In this article, we will explore some of the most amusing and interesting words and phrases in English, along with their meanings and usage examples. So let's dive into the quirky world of English!
1. "Bazinga" - This term gained popularity from the TV show "The Big Bang Theory." It is often used as a catchphrase before or after playing a prank or pulling a joke on someone. For example, "I hid your keys, bazinga!"
1. “Bazinga” - 这个词汇因电视剧《生活大爆炸》而广为流行。它经常在戏弄或开玩笑之前或之后被用作口头禅。例如:“我藏了你的钥匙,bazinga!”
2. "Kerfuffle" - This word refers to a commotion or fuss about something trivial. It is often used to describe a small argument or disagreement blown out of proportion. For example, "There was a kerfuffle at the office when someone ate someone else's lunch from the fridge."
2. “Kerfuffle” - 这个词汇指的是对微不足道的事情的骚动或纷争。它经常用来描述一个小争论或过度放大的不同意见。例如:“当有人从冰箱里吃了别人的午餐时,办公室里发生了一场骚动。”
3. "Lollygag" - This word means to spend time aimlessly or to dawdle around without purpose. It is often used to describe someone who is wasting time or being lazy. For example, "Stop lollygagging and get to work!"
3. “Lollygag” - 这个词是指浪费时间或无目的地闲逛。它常用来形容那些浪费时间或懒散的人。例如:“别磨蹭了,开始工作吧!”
4. "Gobbledygook" - This word refers to language that is meaningless or hard to understand, often filled with jargon or technical terms. It is used to criticize confusing or overly complicated writing or speech. For example, "The legal document was filled with gobbledygook that made it hard to understand."
4. “Gobbledygook” - 这个词指的是没有意义或难以理解的语言,通常充斥着行话或技术术语。它用于批评混淆或过于复杂的写作或讲话。例如:“那份法律文件充满了让人难以理解的废话。”
English is a language that never fails to surprise us with its quirkiness. The above examples are just a glimpse into the amusing world of English words and phrases. So the next time you come across an interesting or funny word, don't hesitate to use it and bring some laughter into your conversations. After all, language should not only be functional but also enjoyable!
有趣的英文及例句 篇二
Title: "Eccentric English Expressions: Idioms that Make You Laugh"
Idioms are a fascinating aspect of any language, and English is no exception. These expressions, often consisting of a group of words whose meaning cannot be understood from the individual words themselves, add color and humor to our conversations. In this article, we will explore some of the most eccentric and amusing idioms in English, along with their meanings and usage examples. Get ready to have a good laugh!
1. "Break a leg" - This idiom is used to wish someone good luck, especially before a performance or an important event. It is believed to have originated from the theater, where actors would wish each other the opposite of good luck before going on stage. For example, "Break a leg in your audition tomorrow!"
1. “Break a leg” - 这个习语用于祝愿某人好运,尤其是在表演或重要事件之前。据信它源于剧院,在上台之前,演员们会互相祝福好运的相反面。例如:“祝你明天的试演成功!”
2. "Bite the bullet" - This idiom means to face a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage and determination. It originated from the practice of giving soldiers a bullet to bite on during surgery to help them endure the pain. For example, "I have to bite the bullet and tell my boss about the mistake I made."
2. “Bite the bullet” - 这个习语意思是勇敢和决心地面对困难或不愉快的情况。它源于在手术中给士兵一颗子弹咬住,以帮助他们忍受疼痛的做法。例如:“我必须勇敢地告诉老板我犯的错误。”
3. "Cat got your tongue?" - This idiom is used to ask someone why they are not speaking or why they are suddenly silent. It is often used humorously in situations where someone is unexpectedly quiet. For example, "You usually have so much to say. Cat got your tongue?"
3. “Cat got your tongue?” - 这个习语用于问某人为什么不说话或突然沉默。它通常在某人意外地保持安静的情况下幽默地使用。例如:“你通常总是有很多话要说。是猫把你的舌头咬住了吗?”
4. "Steal someone's thunder" - This idiom means to take the credit or attention away from someone by doing or saying something that is more impressive or attention-grabbing. It originated from the practice of a playwright, John Dennis, using a machine to create the sound of thunder in his play, only to have a rival playwright steal the idea. For example, "My coworker stole my thunder by presenting my idea as his own."
4. “Steal someone’s thunder” - 这个习语意思是通过做或说一些更令人印象深刻或引人注目的事情,从某人那里夺走荣誉或注意力。它源于剧作家约翰·丹尼斯使用一台机器在他的戏剧中制造雷声的做法,结果竞争对手剽窃了这个想法。例如:“我的同事将我的想法表现为他自己的想法,抢走了我的风头。”
Idioms are a unique and amusing part of the English language. They add flavor and humor to our conversations and can often surprise and entertain those learning English. So the next time you hear or come across an eccentric idiom, embrace it, and let it bring a smile to your face. After all, language is not just about words, but also about the joy it brings!
有趣的英文及例句 篇三
It is very amusing.
很有趣。The party was enjoyable.
晚会很有趣。A matter of especial interest
特别有趣的事.This is interesting, matthew
这很有趣啊,matthewThe story sounds funny .
这故事听来有趣。The story is wickedly funny.
这故事非常有趣。It may be funny to play chess .
下棋可能是有趣的`。It can be fun to look Back on what you did in school.
回忆学生生活是有趣的。This film is at once interesting and instructive.
这部影片既有趣又有益。How funny the story is !
adj. 引起兴趣的;有趣的;令人关注的
Interest will not lie.
兴趣不会说谎。He had both fractional interests and majori
他兼有零星的股权和大宗股权。He had both fractional interests and majority interests
adj. 迷人的
v. fascinate的ing形式
The scenery of the play is fascinating.
这出戏的舞台布景引人入胜。He is fascinated with that classic stereo.
他对那台经典样式收音机着迷的不行。We have a fascinating statistics.
adj. 有趣的,好玩的
v. amuse的ing形式
An amusement park is under construction.
一座娱乐公园正在兴建中。They found the baroque architecture amusing.
他们觉得这奇异的建筑式样令人发笑。Something,especially an amusement,that distracts.