渴望你的爱英语作文 篇一
Title: Longing for Your Love
Love is a powerful emotion that can transform our lives. It brings joy, happiness, and a sense of belonging. In this essay, I will share my personal experience of longing for someone's love and the impact it had on my life.
Growing up, I always longed for my parents' love and attention. I felt like they were too busy with their work and other responsibilities to notice me. This led to a sense of loneliness and a desire to be seen and loved.
As I entered my teenage years, this longing for love only intensified. I saw my friends receiving affection and support from their parents, and it made me yearn for the same. I craved for someone to listen to my thoughts, understand my dreams, and provide guidance when I needed it the most.
However, instead of seeking love in healthy relationships, I turned to negative coping mechanisms. I sought attention from others, often making poor choices and compromising my values. I was searching for love in all the wrong places, leading to more disappointment and heartbreak.
It wasn't until I started practicing self-love and self-acceptance that things began to change. I realized that I needed to fill the void within myself before expecting someone else to do it for me. I started investing time and energy into my own personal growth, pursuing my passions, and surrounding myself with positive influences.
Through this journey of self-discovery, I learned that love starts from within. When we love and accept ourselves, we attract healthy relationships and genuine love from others. It was a gradual process, but I started to feel more content and fulfilled in my life.
Longing for someone's love can be a challenging experience, but it is essential to remember that love starts with ourselves. By practicing self-love, we can attract the love we desire and deserve. It is a journey of growth and self-discovery that requires patience and perseverance. So, let us embrace the love within ourselves and share it with others.
渴望你的爱英语作文 篇二
Title: The Power of Love
Love is a universal language that transcends boundaries and brings people together. It has the power to heal, inspire, and transform lives. In this essay, I will explore the impact of love on individuals and society as a whole.
Love has the power to heal emotional wounds and provide comfort during difficult times. When someone feels loved and supported, they are more likely to overcome challenges and find strength within themselves. Love acts as a guiding light, helping individuals navigate through the ups and downs of life.
Moreover, love has the ability to inspire and bring out the best in people. When someone believes in us and shows us their love, it motivates us to reach our full potential. Love provides a sense of purpose and empowers individuals to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact on the world.
On a broader scale, love has the potential to transform society. When communities are built on a foundation of love, there is greater understanding, empathy, and cooperation among individuals. Love fosters inclusivity, where everyone feels accepted and valued for who they are. It promotes harmony and unity, bridging the gaps between different cultures, races, and religions.
However, it is important to note that love is not always easy. It requires effort, understanding, and forgiveness. Love involves sacrifice and compromise, as we learn to put the needs of others before our own. It requires us to be vulnerable and open ourselves up to the possibility of getting hurt. But despite the challenges, the rewards of love far outweigh the risks.
Love is a powerful force that has the ability to transform individuals and society. It brings healing, inspiration, and unity. Love has the power to change lives, and it is up to each of us to embrace and spread love in our own unique way. So, let us cherish and nurture the love within ourselves and share it with the world.
渴望你的爱英语作文 篇三
it is cold, so bitter cold, on this dark, winter day in 1942. but it is no different from any other day in this nazi concentration camp. i stand shivering in my thin rags, still in disbelief that this nightmare is happening. i am just a young boy. i should be playing with friends; i should be going to school; i should be looking forward to a future, to growing up and marrying, and having a family of my own. but those dreams are for the living, and i am no longer one of them. instead, i am almost dead, surviving from day to day, from hour to hour, ever since i was taken from my home and brought here with tens of thousands other jews. will i still be alive tomorrow? will i be taken to the gas chamber tonight?
back and forth i walk net to the barbed wire fence, trying to keep my emaciated body warm. i am hungry, but i have been hungry for longer than i want to remember. i am always hungry. edible food seems like a dream. each day as more of us disappear, the happy past seems like a mere dream, and i sink deeper and deeper into despair. suddenly, i notice a young girl walking past on the other side of the barbed wire. she stops and looks at me with sad eyes, eyes that seem to say that she understands, that she, too, cannot fathom why i am here. i want to look away, oddly ashamed for this stranger to see me like this, but i cannot tear my eyes from hers.
then she reaches into her pocket, and pulls out a red apple. a beautiful, shiny red apple. oh, how long has it been since i have seen one! she looks cautiously to the left and to the right, and then with a smile of triumph, quickly throws the apple over the fence. i run to pick it up, holding it in my trembling, frozen fingers. in my world of death, this apple is an epression of life, of love. i glance up in time to see the girl disappearing into the distance.the net day, i cannot help myself-i am drawn at the same time to that spot near the fence. am i crazy for hoping she will come again? of course. but in here, i cling to any tiny scrap of hope. she has given me hope and i must hold tightly to it.and again, she comes. and again, she brings me an apple, flinging it over the fence with that same sweet smile.this time i catch it, and hold it up for her to see. her eyes twinkle. does she pity me? perhaps. i do not care, though. i am just so happy to gaze at her. and for the first time in so long, i feel my heart move with emotion.
for seven months, we meet like this. sometimes we echange a few words. sometimes, just an apple. but she is feeding more than my belly, this angel from heaven. she is feeding my soul. and somehow, i know i am feeding hers as well.one day, i hear frightening news: we are being shipped to another camp. this could mean the end for me. and it definitely means the end for me and my friend.the net day when i greet her, my heart is breaking, and i can barely speak as i say what must be said: "do not bring me an apple tomorrow," i tell her. &
and then one day, just like that, the nightmare is over. the war has ended. those of us who are still alive are freed. i have lost everything that was precious to me, including my family. but i still have the memory of this girl, a memory i carry in my heart and gives me the will to go on as i move to america to start a new life.years pass. it is 1957. i am living in new york city. a friend convinces me to go on a blind date with a lady friend of his. reluctantly, i agree. but she is nice, this woman named roma. and like me, she is an immigrant, so we have at least that in common."where were you during the war?" roma asks me gently, in that delicate way immigrants ask one another questions those years."i was in a concentration camp in germany," i reply.roma gets a far away look in her eyes, as if she is remembering something painful yet sweet."what is it?" i ask.
"i am just thinking something from my past, herman," roma eplains in a voice suddenly very soft. "you see, when i was a young girl, i lived near a concentration camp. there was a boy there, a prisoner, and for a long while, i used to visit him every day. i remember i used to bring him apples. i would throw the apple over the fence, and he would be so happy."
roma sighs heavily and continues. "it is hard to describe how we felt each other-after all, we were young, and we only echanged a few words when we could-but i can tell you, there was much love there. i assume he was killed like so many others. but i cannot bear to think that, and so i try to remember him as he was for those months we were given together."
with my heart pounding so loudly i think it wil1 eplode, i look directly at roma and ask, "and did that boy say to you one day, do not bring me an apple tomorrow. i am being sent to another camp?""why, yes," roma responds, her voice trembling."but, herman, how on earth could you possibly know that?"i take her hands in mine and answer, "because i was that young boy, roma."for many moments, there is only silence. we cannot take our eyes from each other, and as the veils of time lift, we recognize the soul behind the eyes, the dear friend we once loved so much, whom we have never stopped loving, whom we have never stopped remembering.
finally, i speak: "look, roma, i was separated from you once, and i dont ever want to be separated from you again. now, i am free, and i want to be together with you forever. dear, will you marry me?"
i see that same twinkle in her eye that i used to see as roma says, "yes, i will marry you," and we embrace, the embrace we longed to share for so many months, but barbed wire came between us. now, nothing ever will again.
almost forty years have passed since that day when i found my roma again. destiny brought us together the first time during the war to show me a promise of hope and now it had reunited us to fulfill that promise.
valentines day, 1996. i bring roma to the oprah winfrey show to honor her on national television. i want to tell her infront of millions of people what i feel in my heart every day:
"darling, you fed me in the concentration camp when i was hungry. and i am still hungry, for something i will never get enough of: i am only hungry for your love."