我发高烧了 I Have A High Fever小学英语作文(经典3篇)

I Have A High Fever


I woke up one morning feeling unwell. My head was pounding, and my body felt extremely hot. I told my mom that I had a high fever. She immediately took my temperature and confirmed that I indeed had a high fever.

My mom quickly called the doctor and made an appointment for me. While we waited for my turn, my mom made sure I drank plenty of water and took some fever-reducing medicine. She also gave me a wet cloth to place on my forehead to help cool down my body temperature.

When it was finally my turn to see the doctor, he examined me and asked about my symptoms. He confirmed that I had a high fever and prescribed some medicine to help lower my temperature. The doctor also advised me to rest and take it easy until I felt better.

Back home, I followed the doctor's advice and rested in bed. My mom stayed by my side, making sure I had everything I needed. She prepared light meals for me and encouraged me to drink lots of water to stay hydrated. She also read me my favorite storybooks to distract me from feeling unwell.

After a few days of rest, my fever finally went down. I started to feel better and could get out of bed. I was grateful for my mom's care and the doctor's help in making me feel better.

Having a high fever was not a pleasant experience, but it taught me the importance of taking care of my health. I learned that rest, hydration, and medicine are essential when I am feeling unwell. I also realized the love and care my mom has for me, as she stayed by my side throughout my sickness.


One day, I woke up feeling very sick. I had a high fever and felt weak all over. I told my mom about my condition, and she immediately sprang into action. She took my temperature and confirmed that I had a high fever.

My mom called the doctor right away and explained my symptoms. The doctor advised us to go to the hospital for a check-up. We quickly got ready and headed to the hospital.

At the hospital, the doctor examined me and asked me questions about how I was feeling. He prescribed some medicine to help lower my fever and advised me to rest at home until I felt better. The doctor also reminded me to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Back home, my mom took good care of me. She made sure I took my medicine on time and prepared light meals to help me recover. She also checked my temperature regularly to monitor my progress.

Although I felt weak and tired, I followed my mom's instructions and rested in bed. I read some books and watched my favorite cartoons to pass the time. My mom sat beside me, comforting me and encouraging me to get better soon.

After a few days, my fever gradually went down. I started to regain my energy and could finally get out of bed. I was relieved that I was feeling better and could resume my regular activities.

Having a high fever was not a pleasant experience, but it taught me the importance of taking care of my health. I learned that it is crucial to listen to my body and seek medical help when necessary. I also realized the love and support my mom provides, as she took care of me throughout my sickness.

I am grateful for my mom's care and the doctor's expertise in helping me recover from my high fever. I now understand the importance of rest, hydration, and proper medical care when I am feeling unwell.

我发高烧了 I Have A High Fever小学英语作文 篇三

我发高烧了 I Have A High Fever小学英语作文

  在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,下面是小编精心整理的'我发高烧了 I Have A High Fever小学英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。

  Now is summer, but I get a high fever. I don not know why. When I wake up in the morning, I feel tired and there is a headache in my heart. It is hard for me to open my eyes. I try hard to wake up and tell my mother. Then she take me to the hospital. The doctor gives me some medicine and asks me to get more rest. I don’t need to go to school today.





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