
五年级的英语作文 篇一:My Favorite Animal

I have always been fascinated by animals and the natural world. Among all the animals, my favorite animal is the dolphin. Dolphins are known for their intelligence and playful nature, and I find them truly amazing creatures.

Firstly, dolphins are highly intelligent animals. They have a large brain compared to their body size, which allows them to perform complex tasks and solve problems. Dolphins are also known for their ability to communicate with each other using a series of clicks, whistles, and body movements. They can even understand and respond to human commands and gestures. This intelligence makes dolphins one of the smartest animals on Earth.

Secondly, dolphins are incredibly social animals. They live in groups called pods and are known to be very friendly towards humans. They often approach boats and interact with people, which makes them a popular attraction for tourists. Dolphins also show a great sense of teamwork and cooperation within their pods. They work together to hunt for food, protect each other from predators, and care for their young. Their strong social bonds and cooperative behavior make them truly remarkable animals.

Lastly, dolphins are known for their acrobatic and playful nature. They are famous for their jumps, flips, and spins in the water, which are a delight to watch. Dolphins also love to surf on waves and ride the bow waves created by boats. Their playful behavior not only provides entertainment for us but also serves important purposes in their lives, such as strengthening social bonds and practicing hunting skills.

In conclusion, dolphins are my favorite animal due to their intelligence, social nature, and playful behavior. They are truly remarkable creatures that deserve our admiration and protection. I hope to have the opportunity to see dolphins in their natural habitat someday and learn more about their fascinating lives.

五年级的英语作文 篇二:My Dream Vacation

If I could choose any place to go for my dream vacation, I would choose to visit the beautiful country of Japan. Japan is a country that has always fascinated me with its unique culture, stunning landscapes, and rich history.

One of the main reasons why I would love to visit Japan is to experience its rich and diverse culture. Japan is known for its traditional arts such as tea ceremonies, calligraphy, and flower arranging. I would love to participate in a traditional tea ceremony and learn the art of calligraphy. I am also a big fan of Japanese anime and manga, so visiting Japan would be a dream come true for me.

Another reason why Japan is my dream vacation destination is its breathtaking landscapes. From the iconic Mount Fuji to the beautiful cherry blossom trees, Japan offers a variety of stunning natural wonders. I would love to hike to the summit of Mount Fuji and witness the breathtaking views from the top. I would also love to visit the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove in Kyoto and take a peaceful stroll through the tall bamboo trees.

Lastly, Japan has a rich history that I would love to explore. The country is filled with ancient temples, castles, and shrines that tell stories of its past. I would love to visit the historic city of Kyoto and explore its numerous temples and shrines. I am particularly interested in visiting the Fushimi Inari Shrine, famous for its thousands of torii gates.

In conclusion, Japan is my dream vacation destination due to its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and fascinating history. I hope that one day I will have the opportunity to visit this beautiful country and immerse myself in its unique charm.

五年级的英语作文 篇三








五年级的英语作文 篇四

  My holiday was good. I stayed at home for sometime. I went to Tianyi Square and bought same games. But one day, my monther, my younger brother and I went to Tianyi digital square to buy games. And I bought a new uniform in the evening. I‘d like to have a glass of apple juice my monther bought it for me. I says, “ Thanks a lot. “ I bought some shoes. I want a pair of sports shoes. In the shop, the wonderful song added tour pleasure. I see the black shoes. my monther says, “ There are beautiful !“

  I was happy that day, because I went to Tianyi Square and had a lot of fum.

五年级的英语作文 篇五



  沈老师先教我们读“sit down”和“stand up”,有些同学没学过,读出来总是怪怪的,好像舌头打了结,我们都哈哈大笑。接下来沈老师有给我们玩了一个小游戏,老师喊“stand up”我们就要起立,喊“sit down”我们就要坐下,到最后,老师做手势了,她说“stand up”却做坐下的手势。这下很多人都闹笑话了,逗得大家哄堂大笑。很多同学都觉得记英语单词虽然很难,但努力地学还是能够学会的。最后,沈老师教我们读字母,我们都学得非常认真。


五年级的英语作文 篇六






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