my weekend五年级下英语作文(精选6篇)

my weekend五年级下英语作文 篇一

A Fun-filled Weekend

Last weekend, I had a great time with my family and friends. On Saturday morning, I woke up early and went to the park with my parents. The weather was perfect for outdoor activities. We played frisbee, flew kites, and had a picnic. I enjoyed running around and laughing with my parents. We even made funny faces while taking selfies!

In the afternoon, I went to my friend's birthday party. We played games, danced, and ate delicious cake. I gave my friend a special present that I had made myself. It was a handmade card with a heartfelt message inside. My friend loved it and gave me a big hug.

On Sunday, I visited my grandparents. They live in the countryside, surrounded by beautiful green fields and tall trees. I helped my grandma in the garden, planting flowers and watering the plants. My grandpa taught me how to ride a bicycle. It was challenging at first, but with his guidance, I was soon able to ride on my own. I felt a sense of accomplishment and couldn't wait to show my parents when I got home.

In the evening, my family and I had a movie night. We watched a funny animated film and laughed a lot. We also made popcorn and drank hot chocolate. It was a cozy and relaxing way to end the weekend.

Overall, my weekend was filled with fun and memorable moments. I cherished the time spent with my loved ones and enjoyed every activity we did together. I can't wait for the next weekend adventure!

my weekend五年级下英语作文 篇二

A Relaxing Weekend

Last weekend, I had a relaxing time at home. After a busy week at school, I needed some rest and time for myself. On Saturday morning, I slept in and woke up feeling refreshed. I had a leisurely breakfast with my family and then spent some time reading my favorite book.

In the afternoon, I decided to try a new hobby - painting. I set up my easel in the backyard and started to paint the beautiful flowers in our garden. The colors on the canvas brought me joy and helped me express my creativity. It was a peaceful and meditative experience.

On Sunday, I spent the day doing things that I love. I played the piano and practiced a new song that I had been learning. Music always helps me relax and express my emotions. I also wrote in my journal, reflecting on the week and setting goals for the upcoming week. Writing has a therapeutic effect on me and helps me organize my thoughts.

In the evening, I had a movie marathon. I watched my favorite movies and snacked on popcorn and chips. It was a cozy and enjoyable way to end the weekend.

Although my weekend was quiet and calm, it was exactly what I needed. It allowed me to recharge, pursue my interests, and spend quality time with myself. I feel ready to face the challenges of the new week ahead.

my weekend五年级下英语作文 篇三

  This weekend is very special, because there is a called "Sixth smart little clever happy mathematics" game. Yesterday I have been gearing up, review the math, to meet the game!

  I wait and so on, and finally wait until this moment! I picked up my little backpack, to participate in this math game myself! Yeah, how have so many people! One of the black pressure, all gearing up, eager, presumably master gathered, it is difficult to deal with. Just that stock is very high, must pass the spirit of a burst of cold wind blows out. "Or first review it!" I thought. I quietly opened the book, my heart silently carrying the formula.

  Suddenly, "the classmates in the playground upstairs." I pulled out from the book sea abruptly out. I strode to the past, poles step on the floor, found the seat sat down. May be too boring, I have been quietly looking out the window in a daze, until the bell rang, the teacher hair volume. I got the papers, cast a glance at the first question, found very simple, so they mentioned the pen buried up. The second question, the third question, the fourth question ... ... Road, I was "broken" the. But I saw the sixth question, the head is big. Now I still vaguely remember the subject. He is: a four-digit, each digit is +5, get a new number more than 4 times the original number 5. I was scratching the gills, wretched, wait for all the knowledge of all spit it out, and then one by one to find. After the subject more and more difficult. Finally, I lost 2 questions of "score" lost to this test paper.

  Pay the volume, just listen to many students are in the answer. My heart more and more lost, anxious to dig a pit, drill into.

my weekend五年级下英语作文 篇四

  This is a story that happened on Sunday. At that time, I do not know how to get hooked. I like to play chess, my mother naturally became my chess friends. That night, my mother and I set out the "battlefield", ready to kill a "die you live." I looked at the board and thought about the first step. Mother is sitting opposite, calmly fight. I think again and again, and finally out of the first step. My mother is also a relatively step, we are so go. The two forces will clash, and I first control the manding heights, did not think my mother actually avoided my edge, biased a step away. What does it mean? I am nervous about the board. Oh, thats where she wants to ride herself, and then fly through my chess. I quickly blocked, thinking: "how do you see?" Mom smiled, brought a pawn, direct to the top of my position. I am suddenly stunned, and quickly returned to my mothers pawn, anxiously said: "No no, I do not go so, you get back, I go back!" Mother said: "This is not!" I said: Good mother, you let me go back, on a back! "Mom said, but I agreed. I took a step back, my mother had no choice but to step back. I took the pieces and took a step, suddenly found himself there is a step wonderful, very subtle. I hastened to mention the pawn to return, my mother grabbed my hand, said: "I do not want to regret chess." I am very embarrassed, had to give up that step wonderful chess, but secretly pray mother do not see that step. Days do not follow the wishes of the mother happens to see, and took a move, it blocked my army forward. I am so angry enough to hammer chest, but there is no way, had no choice but to sigh.

  This time playing chess, make me feel happy, had an unforgettable happy weekend!

my weekend五年级下英语作文 篇五

  Today is Sunday, afternoon, I finished my homework, then wrapped around my father and mother want to find some fun? Mom and Dad are busy bored, but also want to music, so their eyes invariably cast me? I see the father My mothers mind, so I came up with a way, I said: "The United States has a April Fools Day, why not e today fool festival?" Parents agreed?

  Everyone agreed that todays cheated people, not angry, not angry, who was the most deceived, who is the "stupid king"? Finished, I went back to the study reading, my father watching TV, my mother went to dinner?

  For a while, my father called me: "Lu Yuting, you like to see the" two-gun "began!" I heard, apart from anything else, went to the living room, a look, how can there be "double-gun", but advertising? The son of a turn, came up with a yarn approach to look back at him? I hold back laugh, while knocking on the door, while learning the voice of Wang Bobo: "Some people have your letter?" Dad heard, Hurry to e to open the door? He saw me, they know they fooled? At this time, only to hear my mother while washing things, while said: "You two e to eat my good apple!" We eat an apple, Then you catch me rush to the kitchen to the kitchen a look, what is the wash of Apple, is clearly radish Well? I and my father are stupid?

  In the evening, I announced the results: "Mom was cheated twice, my father was cheated twice, I was cheated three times?" Finally, I won the first "fool festival" "fool king" title? Although I was "stupid king "But I am also very happy because we have spent a pleasant day together

my weekend五年级下英语作文 篇六

  I have a busy weekend,On Satursday,I cleaned my room. In the afteroon,I did my homework,It was a little diffcult,In the night,I visit my aunt,my aunt cooked dinner for me.On Sunday ,I went to the library I read a book about geography,Then in the afternoon,I played soccer with my friend,in the night,I wathed TV.



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