1. The company's profits ________ significantly last year.
A. decreased
B. increased
C. maintained
D. remained
2. The sales team needs to ________ new strategies to attract more customers.
A. develop
B. decline
C. refuse
D. ignore
3. The government has implemented new ________ to promote renewable energy.
A. policies
B. traditions
C. hobbies
D. ceremonies
4. The conference ________ participants from all over the world.
A. attracted
B. rejected
C. avoided
D. ignored
5. The company is known for its ________ customer service.
A. excellent
B. terrible
C. average
D. satisfactory
6. The ________ of the project was achieved through teamwork.
A. success
B. failure
C. disappointment
D. boredom
7. The manager ________ the employee for his hard work.
A. rewarded
B. punished
C. criticized
D. ignored
8. The company is ________ to hire new employees this year.
A. planning
B. refusing
C. avoiding
D. accepting
9. The government needs to ________ policies to support small businesses.
A. implement
B. decline
C. reject
D. ignore
10. The course ________ students to improve their English speaking skills.
A. enables
B. discourages
C. prevents
D. prohibits
1. The company's profits ________ significantly last year.
A. decreased
B. increased
C. maintained
D. remained
2. The sales team needs to ________ new strategies to attract more customers.
A. develop
B. decline
C. refuse
D. ignore
3. The government has implemented new ________ to promote renewable energy.
A. policies
B. traditions
C. hobbies
D. ceremonies
4. The conference ________ participants from all over the world.
A. attracted
B. rejected
C. avoided
D. ignored
5. The company is known for its ________ customer service.
A. excellent
B. terrible
C. average
D. satisfactory
6. The ________ of the project was achieved through teamwork.
A. success
B. failure
C. disappointment
D. boredom
7. The manager ________ the employee for his hard work.
A. rewarded
B. punished
C. criticized
D. ignored
8. The company is ________ to hire new employees this year.
A. planning
B. refusing
C. avoiding
D. accepting
9. The government needs to ________ policies to support small businesses.
A. implement
B. decline
C. reject
D. ignore
10. The course ________ students to improve their English speaking skills.
A. enables
B. discourages
C. prevents
D. prohibits
17年托业考试考前词汇辅导试题 篇三
“ 读书破万卷,下笔如有神。 ” 诚能 “ 破其卷而取其神 ” ,则读书作文之道得矣。以下是小编为大家搜索整理的17年托业考试考前词汇辅导试题,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!
1.v. to recover
(a) accompany
(b) get over
(c) envision
(d) evict
2.v. to go on a journey; to move; to go from one place to another
(a) link
(b) envision
(c) travel
(d) coach
3.v. to support; to provide for; to finance; to assist; to encourage
(a) wait
(b) sustain
(c) occur
(d) carry out
4.v. to channel; to centralize
(a) funnel
(b) classify
(c) note
(d) pert
5.v. to extend; to lengthen
(a) break down
(b) delegate
(c) prolong
(d) venture
答案: bcbac
1.abbr. pound; unit of weight in ancient Rome equaling approximately 12 ounces
(a) attn.
(b) lb
(c) pd.
(d) AOL
2.abbr. manpower; personnel; human work force; human labor; staff
(a) corp.
(b) H.R.
(c) R&D
(d) HTML
3.abbr. directed to a particular person (generally used when addressing a letter or message) or issue
(a) attn.
(b) PTO
(c) C.T.O.
(d) C.C.
4.abbr. between noon and midnight; in the afternoon; after the hour of 12:00 noon
(a) p.m.
(b) C.C.
(c) C.O.O.
(d) Ltd.
5.abbr. secondary email address; copy of a document, message, or email that is sent to a third party
(a) G.D.P.
(b) PR
(c) i.e.
(d) C.C.
1.adv. as a result; therefore
(a) plain
(b) entirely
(c) consequently
(d) comparatively
2.adv. evidently; obviously; allegedly; seemingly
(a) regardless
(b) adversely
(c) apparently
(d) surely
3.adv. hardly; scarcely
(a) consequently
(b) anyway
(c) barely
(d) upwards
4.adv. intentionally; purposefully; methodically
(a) deliberately
(b) anyway
(c) apparently
(d) fair
5.adv. to a higher le
(a) unfortunately
(b) yearly
(c) upwards
(d) close