
托福考试独立写作 篇一:高校是否应该取消考试成绩作为录取标准?






托福考试独立写作 篇二:是否应该向所有学生提供免费午餐?






托福考试独立写作 篇三




  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sometimes it is better not to tell the truth .Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.


  I agree that sometimes it is better not to tell the truth. In some cases the truth is going to hurt someone and no good will be gained by it. If so, then I don't think that person should be told the truth. There are times when a person needs to know the truth in order to make an important decision, There are also times when telling the truth is the only way to help someone who's being self-destructive. However, often telling the truth only benefits the teller, not the person being told.

  If someone has said something nasty about a person, those words don't need to be repeated. However, what if a person has told a shameful secret to a friend, and that friend has told the secret to others? Then that person needs to know that she can't trust her friend, Otherwise ,she might tell that friend other secrets.

  What if someone is doing something self-destructive, like partying all night in college instead of studying? Then he needs to be told that this behavior is upsetting his friend who are worried about him. However, if he skips class and teacher asks his friend why he isn't there, it’s not necessary for the friend to tell the truth. He doesn't have to be, but he also doesn't have to give information about his friend's behavior.   Sometimes people needs to know the truth before they can make an important decision. Suppose you're selling your house and you know there's water in the basement. Then you should tell the truth about that to anyone interesting in buying your house. If you don’t, you could be in trouble legally as we

ll as ethically! However, you don't need to tell the truth about the cranky neighbor who lives next door. The neighbor may not be as cranky with someone else as he was with you. Sometimes It's better not to tell.


  Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



  I think it’s a good idea for schools to ask students to evaluate their teachers. This informs teachers of how students react both to their teaching methods and to them as inpiduals. Teachers can weigh the criticisms and change what they think needs to be changed. Praise from students is also valuable. It can reinforce teachers’ opinions about how they’re teaching and give them confidence.

  It’s also helpful for school administrators to hear what students think about their teachers. It keeps administrators in touch with what’s going on in the school. It also gives them some idea of which teachers effectively reach the students. However, good administrators know that student evaluations need to be reviewed with a keen eye for prejudice and adolescent attitudes. After all, and evaluation is a good way for students to get back at teachers who expect more of them than they want to give.

  Evaluating teachers is also a good exercise for the students. They have to organize their thoughts about what they think of their teachers. In that way, they pinpoint for themselves what they expect of those teachers. They begin to understand what they value in a teacher and what is phony or useless. Evaluating their teachers is also a way for students to think about how they would evaluate themselves. Are they working as hard as they should in class? Is that why their teachers are sometimes critical of their work? Isn’t that what a teacher should do—push us to try harder? Thinking about these things can help students do better in class. At the very least, they will understand better what is expected of them.

  Student evaluations of teachers also make students feel as if they have a voice in what happens in their schools. It makes them feel as if they’re part of the education process when their opinion is valued by the administration. Finally, it teaches them responsibility.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should take several different kinds of job before they take a career in a long term.


  Today’s economy is perse and full of opportunities. While there are some people that are able to study a subject or skill and then upon graduation jump right into their career, more and more people are choosing a less traditional path to their careers. Before starting their careers, they try many different kinds of jobs. I believe having many different kinds of jobs helps establish a foundation for success in one’s future career.





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