
英文建议信作文格式 篇一

Title: Suggestions for Improving School Facilities

Dear Principal Johnson,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to offer some suggestions for improving the school facilities at our beloved institution, XYZ High School. As a concerned student, I believe that a few changes can greatly enhance the learning environment and overall experience for both students and staff.

Firstly, I would like to propose the installation of air conditioning systems in all classrooms. As you may be aware, summers in our region can be extremely hot and humid, making it difficult for students to focus and concentrate during lessons. By providing a comfortable temperature-controlled environment, students' attention and productivity levels will significantly improve.

Secondly, I suggest renovating the school library. The current library lacks adequate seating and reading spaces, hindering students' ability to utilize this valuable resource effectively. By adding more comfortable seating options, creating designated quiet study areas, and updating the book collection, the library will become a more inviting and engaging space for students to study and conduct research.

Furthermore, I believe it is essential to enhance the school's sports facilities. Our current gymnasium is outdated and lacks proper equipment. Investing in new sports equipment, such as basketball hoops, volleyball nets, and exercise machines, will encourage more students to participate in physical activities and promote a healthier lifestyle among the student body.

Lastly, I would like to suggest the creation of a dedicated space for extracurricular activities. Currently, clubs and societies often struggle to find suitable areas for meetings and rehearsals. By allocating a designated room or area for these activities, students will have a space to freely express their interests and talents, fostering a more vibrant and inclusive school community.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that implementing these suggestions will greatly enhance the school facilities and improve the overall learning experience for students. I kindly request you to consider these proposals and take necessary actions to bring about positive changes. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to seeing our school flourish under your leadership.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

XYZ High School Student

Word Count: 355 words

英文建议信作文格式 篇二

Title: Suggestions for Reducing Plastic Waste in Our Community

Dear Mayor Johnson,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to offer some suggestions regarding the issue of excessive plastic waste in our community. As a concerned resident, I believe that taking immediate action to address this problem is crucial for the well-being of our environment.

Firstly, I propose implementing a plastic bag ban within our city limits. Many other cities and countries have successfully implemented similar bans, resulting in a significant reduction in plastic waste. By encouraging residents to switch to reusable bags made from sustainable materials, we can drastically reduce the number of single-use plastic bags that end up polluting our streets, rivers, and oceans.

Secondly, I suggest promoting the use of reusable water bottles by installing water refill stations in public places such as parks, shopping centers, and schools. This initiative will not only reduce the consumption of single-use plastic water bottles but also encourage healthier and more sustainable hydration habits among our community members.

Furthermore, I recommend organizing awareness campaigns and educational programs to educate residents about the negative impacts of plastic waste on our environment. By partnering with local schools, community centers, and businesses, we can raise awareness about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling plastic. These initiatives can include workshops, seminars, and public events focused on educating residents of all ages.

Lastly, I urge the implementation of stricter regulations on plastic packaging by collaborating with local businesses and industries. Encouraging the use of eco-friendly alternatives to plastic packaging, such as biodegradable materials, will significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste generated by our community.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that implementing these suggestions will contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future for our community. I kindly request you to consider these proposals and take necessary actions to address the issue of plastic waste. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to seeing our community become a leader in environmental sustainability.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Concerned Resident

Word Count: 363 words

英文建议信作文格式 篇三

Dear ____,

  I am writing to expremy views concerning ________.In the first place,I would like to say thank you for the help and everything else you have been offering to us.Meanwhile,I also want to make some advice to better _________.

  Firstly,we have found that ________.Secondly,we want to ________.Finally,we hope that __________.

  I am looking forwards to your consideration about my proposals.Thanks in advance for that.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming

英文建议信作文格式 篇四

Dear Marry,

  I am delited to learn that you will graduate from the university very soon.Last time you asked me for some advice as to your personal choice after graduate.now I am writting to put forward some proposal sa to this issue.

  In my opinion,it will be a berrer choice for you to further your study for graduation because higher degree will make you more competitive in the job market in the days to com.On the other hand,it will greatly broaden your vision and enrich your life experience,which is benefit to your further development.That is all that I want to tell you.

  At last,I do hope that you will find my proposals constructive and I am looking forwand to your early.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming

英文建议信作文格式 篇五

Dear Headmaster,

  I’m writing to persuade you to let us surf the Internet in the classroom.We know you’re afraid that we may be exposed to unhealthy websites or spend too much time playing games online.Personally,I think surfing the Internet can bring us much more advantages.

  First of all,we can surf the Internet for a wide range of learning resources in a short time without working hard in the library.Furthermore,during the lunchtime,we can communicate with our foreign friends,sharing our experiences,cultures and studies through the Internet.This way,we can improve our language skills by chatting online.Last but not least,as high school students,we are old and wise enough to tell right from wrong.Believe in us and we will learn how to stay away from unhealthy websites.

  I do hope you can take my suggestion into consideration and let us get access to the Internet at school.

  Looking forward to your reply.


  Li Ming

英文建议信作文格式 篇六

Dear Liming,

  How are you doing? I learned that you have trouble in getting along well with your new classmates,feeling rather annoyed.So,I write this letter to give you a hand.There are two main reasons for your problem.For one thing,so shy are you that seldom do you chat with others.For another,you have few friends here.

  Here are several useful and practical suggestions for you.First and foremost,only when you start to talk with us can you make new friends.Additionally,if I were you I would participate in more afterschool activities.Last but not least,you’d better make others know more about you.

  As the vice monitor,I will introduce my own friends to you.Hopefully your problem would be solved soon.

  Yours sincerely,








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