1. With the founder or CEO 和公司创始人或首席执行官交谈
You: “Hi! How’s your week going?”
CEO: “Not bad. Busy! How about yours?”
You: “It’s going well. I’m excited to be working on [whatever project feels most significant to you].”
2. With the newbie 和新同事交谈
You: “Hi. You started [this week, last Friday], right? My name is [Your Name] and I’m a part of the [X] team. Are you starting to feel settled? Have you been to [popular coffee shop in area] yet?”
Newbie: “Good, thanks. There’s a lot to learn, but I’m really enjoying it. How long have you been here?”
You: “I started in [whenever you started], and I can’t believe [ something memorable here about your time at the company].”
Remember, it’s not easy being the new kid on the block. If you value your company and your role, you should also make a point to appreciate its growth and culture —and that starts with you not ignoring someone in hopes your colleagues will shoulder the responsibility of befriending him or her.
3.With the colleague who’s been there forever 和资深同事交谈
You: “Hey, I’m looking for recommendations for places to go for a networking lunch this week. I haven’t gotten to know the neighborhood well, but I thought, as someone who seems to know the ins and outs around here, you might have some suggestions.”
Colleague: “What kind of place are you looking for?”
It’s not ill-advised to bring up a work-related topic, though that’s probably going to be easier if you’ve got some inkling of what the person does and what she’s working on. Appealing to her sense of expertise(in this example, knowledge of the area) is a smart point of entry. It’s likely that she’s a perfectly nice person, and your assumptions were incorrect —but there’s only one way to find out, and that’s bravely beginning the exchange.
4. With an event organizer 与活动策划人交谈
You: “This space is great. Thanks so much for organizing it. Do you plan things like this often?”
Organizer: “You know, I do because in my office…”
Placing the conversation lead on an event organizer is rarely going to backfire, and the bonus is that if you get the person talking about himself, you might even find that you can interject here or there, ultimately making a strong impression and adding something to the conversation.
5. With the person from the department you know nothing about 与一无所知的部门成员交谈
You: “How’s your week going? Busy with projects?”
Person: “Busier than usual because we’ve got [names major initiative the team is focused on].”
You: “Oh, interesting. I hadn’t thought how that might affect your team. What are you working on specifically?”
By being vague in your opening, you allow for the fact that you don’t know exactly what the person does (don’t worry, he probably doesn’t know too much about your day-to-day either), but you, nonetheless, make an effort to engage him in a conversation about his work and his team and department.
Of course, the scenarios depicted here are, in part, pure speculation. It’s nearly impossible to know how the person on the receiving end of the conversation you start is going to respond. But, that’s not what matters. If you can master the approach and the initiation, you’ll sail through the rest of it almost always. Be