国外邀请函格式 篇一
1. 头部信息:邀请函的头部信息应包括邀请人的姓名、职务、单位名称、地址、电话和电子邮件等联系方式。同时,也需要填写被邀请人的姓名、职务、单位名称等个人信息。
2. 邀请语:在邀请函的正文部分,首先应该写上一段邀请语,表达邀请人对被邀请人的诚挚邀请和期待。可以使用一些礼貌用语,如“尊敬的先生/女士”、“非常荣幸邀请您参加……”等等。
3. 活动信息:接下来,需要详细介绍活动的时间、地点和内容。活动时间应包括具体的日期和时段,如“2022年1月1日上午9点至下午5点”。活动地点应包括详细的地址和乘车路线,以方便被邀请人的参与。活动内容应简明扼要地介绍,包括主题、议程安排和参与人员等。
4. 住宿和交通安排:如果需要为被邀请人提供住宿和交通安排,邀请函中应明确说明。可以提供酒店预订信息、接机服务等,以方便被邀请人的参与。
5. 其他注意事项:在邀请函的最后,可以附上一些其他注意事项,如参会费用、签证办理、会议注册等。同时,也可以提供邀请人的联系方式,以便被邀请人有任何疑问或需要进一步的信息时进行咨询。
国外邀请函格式 篇二
1. 头部信息:邀请函的头部信息应包括邀请人的姓名、职务、单位名称、地址、电话和电子邮件等联系方式。同时,也需要填写被邀请人的姓名、职务、单位名称等个人信息。
2. 邀请语:在邀请函的正文部分,首先应该写上一段邀请语,表达邀请人对被邀请人的诚挚邀请和期待。可以使用一些礼貌用语,如“尊敬的先生/女士”、“非常荣幸邀请您参加……”等等。
3. 活动信息:接下来,需要详细介绍活动的时间、地点和内容。活动时间应包括具体的日期和时段,如“2022年1月1日上午9点至下午5点”。活动地点应包括详细的地址和乘车路线,以方便被邀请人的参与。活动内容应简明扼要地介绍,包括主题、议程安排和参与人员等。
4. 住宿和交通安排:如果需要为被邀请人提供住宿和交通安排,邀请函中应明确说明。可以提供酒店预订信息、接机服务等,以方便被邀请人的参与。
5. 其他注意事项:在邀请函的最后,可以附上一些其他注意事项,如参会费用、签证办理、会议注册等。同时,也可以提供邀请人的联系方式,以便被邀请人有任何疑问或需要进一步的信息时进行咨询。
国外邀请函格式 篇三
The appellation "referred to as" the use of the invitation, and referred to as the honorific in front. For example, "respected * * * * * * * Sir / madam" or "respected * * general manager" (secretary)".
The invitation refers to business etiquette organizers informed the invited party held ceremonies of the reason, purpose, matters and requirements, stating the ceremonial activities schedule, time, place, and a decent, sincere invitation to the invited party.
The end of the text should be written in common terms of invitation. Such as "please come", "welcome"".
In the example, the text pided into three paragraphs. Among them, the second paragraph states the reason, time, place and arrangement of the "2005 year-end customer appreciation meeting"". (see the original)
The first paragraph of the first sentence - "in the past year, we build a platform carefully, you are our focus of attention and support of the wealth of the protagont."." The third section and conclusion: "let's friendship with Syria,
These two sentences are pided into paragraphs, conce, semantic coherence, head and tail, and in line with the requirements of etiquette documents. It a perfect combination of business and etiquette.
To specify the full name inscribed ceremonial activities organizer and written date.
Dear sir/madam:
I'm delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the conference in [city] on [date].
As we agreed, you'll be speaking on the topic from [time] to [time]. There will be an additional minutes for questions.
Would you please tell me what kind of audio-vual equipment you'll need. If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], I'll have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.
Thank you again for agreeing to speak.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,