托福语法介词专项辅导 篇一
1. in表示在某个时间段内,例如in the morning(早上)、in the afternoon(下午)、in the evening(晚上)等。
2. on表示在某天或某个具体的日期,例如on Monday(星期一)、on May 1st(5月1日)等。
3. at表示在具体的某个时刻,例如at 8 o'clock(8点钟)、at noon(中午)等。
1. in表示在某个大的范围内,例如in the city(在城市里)、in the room(在房间里)等。
2. on表示在某个平面或表面上,例如on the table(在桌子上)、on the wall(在墙上)等。
3. at表示在某个具体的地点,例如at the park(在公园里)、at the bus station(在公交车站)等。
1. to表示向某个地方或目标移动,例如go to school(去学校)、send a letter to him(给他寄信)等。
2. from表示从某个地方来或从某个地方出发,例如come from China(来自中国)、travel from New York to Los Angeles(从纽约到洛杉矶旅行)等。
1. for表示表示目的、原因或利益,例如study for the exam(为了考试而学习)、work hard for a better future(为了更好的未来而努力)等。
2. because of表示由于某个原因,例如because of the rain(因为下雨)、because of his illness(因为他的病)等。
托福语法介词专项辅导 篇二
1. about表示关于某个话题,例如talk about the weather(谈论天气)、write an essay about pollution(写一篇关于污染的文章)等。
2. with表示伴随或附带某个动作,例如play with friends(和朋友一起玩)、go shopping with my mother(和我妈妈一起去购物)等。
3. by表示通过某种方式或手段,例如send a message by email(通过电子邮件发送消息)、learn English by watching movies(通过看电影学英语)等。
1. 不要将介词at用于表示某个地点的名词前面,例如不要说at the beach,正确的表达应该是on the beach。
2. 不要将介词in用于表示某个大的范围前面,例如不要说in the world,正确的表达应该是on the world。
3. 在表示某个时间点时,不要使用介词on,例如不要说on 8 o'clock,正确的表达应该是at 8 o'clock。
4. 不要将介词to用于表示某个地点前面,例如不要说to the park,正确的表达应该是at the park。
托福语法介词专项辅导 篇三
1. between/among,between不一定只是两者之间,among 一定是两者以上
The distance/reaction between the stars/trees. 两两之间
among the two separate realms.领域 ×
2. in/for/since (与时态有关)
(1) in + 时刻点 eg: in 1979 用于一般过去时
in+一段时间 eg: in recent years 用于完成时态, in two days 用于将来时态
(2) for 作爲conj. “因为”,引导塬因状语从句,并列连词,不能位于句首只能位于句中
for 作爲prep. for+ 一段时间 for three years 可用于各种过去时态或完成时态
Adella Prentiss Hrghes (served) (as) (manager) of the Cleveland Orchestra (since) fifteen years.
答案: D sinceàfor
(3) since 作爲conj., “因为”“自从”, 引导塬因状语从句,句首居多,Since +句子,句子。等于because
作爲prep., “自从”+时刻点, eg: since 1949 用于完成时态(“自从”+句子,出现较少)
作爲adv. A. 与完成时连用,表示过去某个时间某个事件到现在 since have done
B. 与过去时连用时 = ago
50. Tom was elected (president) last semester, (but) he (since has devoted) (few) of his time to his job.
答案: D fewàlittle
51. The (oldest) public edifice in Washington D.C., the White House was (originally) constructed in the 1790’s, (also) has been rebuilt or extensively remodeled (three times since).
答案: C alsoàand
52. Eleanor Roosevelt (set) the standard against which the (wives) of (all) United States Presidents since have (evaluated).
答案: D evaluatedàbeen evaluated
3. through/ throughout
(1)through: “穿过”(某一具体物体) eg: through the earth
“通过”(某一具体方式)=by eg: through X-ray analyses
(Although) fluorine氟 (tests) and x-ray analyses, archaeologists (can prove) the (validity)合理性 of artifacts.
答案: A althoughàthough
(2)throughout +时间,“贯穿” eg: throughout his lifetime
(Throughout) the 1930’s, United States government (patronage the) arts (was concentrated) in the section of the Works Progress Administration (known as) Federal One.
答案: B patronage theà patronage to the
thoughout+地点,“遍佈” eg: throughout the world
(Serving) as chief of the United States Children’s Bureau from 1921 to 1934, Grace AbBott (fought) for the (rights) of w
答案: D throughàthroughout
4. in, inside /into
in, inside 表示静态,强调一种状态 eg: air inside a house
into 表示动态,强调一种动作和过程 eg: shot arrows into the sky
(There is) evidence that the caribou originated (into) North America and crossed (over) a land bridge into Asia and (evolved) into the Old World’s reindeer.
答案: B intoàin