高中英语作文好句 by and large_好词好句(优质3篇)

高中英语作文好句 by and large_好词好句 篇一

Title: The Importance of Cultural Diversity in Schools


Cultural diversity refers to the presence of different cultural groups within a society or an organization. In today's globalized world, it is essential for schools to embrace and promote cultural diversity among their students. By and large, fostering cultural diversity in schools has numerous benefits for students and society as a whole.

Body Paragraphs:

1. Promoting understanding and acceptance:

By exposing students to different cultures, schools can help them develop a better understanding and acceptance of diversity. This can reduce prejudice and discrimination, fostering a more inclusive and harmonious environment.

2. Enhancing academic performance:

Research has shown that students who study in culturally diverse classrooms tend to perform better academically. This is because exposure to different perspectives and ideas can enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

3. Encouraging creativity and innovation:

Cultural diversity brings together different ways of thinking and approaching problems. This diversity of thought can lead to the generation of innovative ideas and solutions, fostering creativity among students.

4. Preparing students for the global workforce:

In today's interconnected world, cultural competence is highly valued in the workplace. By experiencing different cultures during their school years, students develop important skills such as adaptability, communication, and collaboration, which are crucial for success in the global workforce.

5. Preserving cultural heritage:

By embracing cultural diversity, schools can contribute to the preservation of various cultural traditions and heritage. This helps students appreciate their own cultural roots while also respecting and valuing the traditions of others.


By and large, promoting cultural diversity in schools is not only beneficial for students but also for society as a whole. It fosters understanding, enhances academic performance, encourages creativity, prepares students for the global workforce, and preserves cultural heritage. Schools play a vital role in creating a diverse and inclusive environment, preparing students to thrive in a multicultural world.

Word count: 286

高中英语作文好句 by and large_好词好句 篇二

Title: The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers


Social media has become an integral part of teenagers' lives in today's digital age. By and large, it offers numerous benefits such as connecting with friends and accessing information. However, it also has its drawbacks, and it is important to understand the impact it can have on teenagers.

Body Paragraphs:

1. Positive effects of social media:

Social media platforms allow teenagers to connect with friends and family, regardless of geographical boundaries. It provides a sense of belonging and helps maintain relationships. Additionally, social media serves as a source of information, enabling teenagers to stay updated on current events and global issues.

2. Negative effects of social media:

Excessive use of social media can lead to negative consequences. It can contribute to decreased self-esteem and body image issues, as teenagers are constantly exposed to unrealistic beauty standards. Moreover, cyberbullying is a prevalent issue on social media platforms, causing emotional distress and even leading to depression among teenagers.

3. Impact on mental health:

Research has shown a correlation between social media use and mental health issues in teenagers. Excessive time spent on social media can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. The constant comparison to others' seemingly perfect lives can also contribute to feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth.

4. Privacy and security concerns:

Teenagers often share personal information online without fully understanding the potential consequences. This can lead to privacy breaches and even online harassment. It is crucial for teenagers to be educated about online safety and the importance of protecting their personal information.


By and large, social media has both positive and negative effects on teenagers. While it provides connectivity and access to information, it can also have detrimental effects on mental health and privacy. It is important for teenagers to use social media responsibly and for parents and educators to guide them in navigating the digital world safely.

Word count: 284

高中英语作文好句 by and large_好词好句 篇三





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