
钢铁是怎样炼成的英语读后感 篇一

After reading "How Steel is Made" by English author Henry Bessemer, I was deeply moved by the story of a man's determination to revolutionize the steelmaking process. The book not only provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the steel industry, but also inspired me with its themes of perseverance and innovation.

In "How Steel is Made," Bessemer recounts his personal journey from a young boy fascinated by metallurgy to a renowned inventor who revolutionized the steelmaking process. His determination to find a more efficient and cost-effective method of producing steel was truly inspiring. Despite facing numerous setbacks and failures, Bessemer refused to give up on his dreams. His dedication and unwavering belief in his ideas serve as a powerful reminder that success often comes after overcoming numerous obstacles.

What struck me the most was Bessemer's innovative thinking. He did not settle for the traditional methods of steelmaking, but instead sought to challenge and improve upon them. His invention of the Bessemer converter, which allowed for the mass production of steel, completely transformed the industry. This reminded me of the importance of thinking outside the box and continuously seeking new solutions to problems. It is through innovation and a willingness to take risks that great advancements are made.

Additionally, "How Steel is Made" shed light on the immense impact of the steel industry on society. Steel is a fundamental building material that has shaped the modern world. From bridges and skyscrapers to automobiles and appliances, steel is an integral part of our everyday lives. Understanding the process of how steel is made gave me a newfound appreciation for the hard work and dedication that goes into creating this essential material.

Moreover, Bessemer's story serves as a testament to the power of perseverance. His relentless pursuit of his goals, despite numerous failures, is a reminder that success is often achieved through determination and resilience. This resonated with me personally, as I have often faced challenges and setbacks in my own life. "How Steel is Made" reminded me that setbacks are not indicative of failure, but rather opportunities for growth and improvement.

In conclusion, "How Steel is Made" is not just a book about the steel industry, but a tale of perseverance, innovation, and the power of the human spirit. Bessemer's story serves as a powerful reminder that with determination and innovative thinking, one can overcome any obstacle and achieve great success. This book has left a lasting impact on me, inspiring me to approach challenges with a renewed sense of determination and to constantly seek new solutions to problems.

钢铁是怎样炼成的英语读后感 篇二

Henry Bessemer's "How Steel is Made" is a captivating account of the steelmaking process that not only educated me about the technical aspects of the industry, but also shed light on the social and economic impact of steel. The book left me with a deep appreciation for the ingenuity and hard work that goes into creating this essential material.

One of the most fascinating aspects of "How Steel is Made" was the detailed description of the steelmaking process. Bessemer's explanations were clear and concise, making it easy for even a layperson like me to understand. From the extraction of iron ore to the refining and shaping of steel, every step was meticulously explained. This knowledge not only satisfied my curiosity, but also gave me a deeper understanding of the complexity and precision required in steel production.

Furthermore, the book highlighted the significant role that steel plays in society. Steel is the backbone of modern infrastructure, shaping the development of cities, transportation systems, and countless industries. As I read about the construction of bridges, railways, and skyscrapers, I couldn't help but marvel at the immense impact that steel has on our daily lives. Bessemer's book emphasized the importance of steel as a catalyst for progress and innovation.

Another aspect that stood out to me was the book's exploration of the economic and social implications of the steel industry. Bessemer discussed how the mass production of steel led to a boom in manufacturing and construction, creating countless job opportunities and fueling economic growth. The steel industry not only transformed society, but also contributed to the advancement of technology and the improvement of living standards. This made me realize the profound influence that a single industry can have on a nation's development.

Lastly, "How Steel is Made" highlighted the importance of sustainability and environmental consciousness in the steel industry. Bessemer recognized the need for a more efficient and environmentally friendly steelmaking process, and his invention of the Bessemer converter was a major step towards achieving this goal. This reminded me of the importance of responsible manufacturing and the need to consider the long-term impact of our actions on the environment.

In conclusion, "How Steel is Made" is a thought-provoking book that goes beyond the technical aspects of steel production. It delves into the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of the steel industry, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of its significance. This book has not only broadened my knowledge about steelmaking, but also instilled in me a deep appreciation for the hard work and innovation that goes into creating the steel that shapes our world.

钢铁是怎样炼成的英语读后感 篇三

Summer, I saw "How the Steel Was Tempered", can not help much inspiration. "How the Steel Was Tempered" author - Ostrovsky, born in a worker's family, suffered human suffering, aged 20, attended the party members, led by overwork paralyzed, after the blind, removed his sick bed for nine years, but Just then, the unimaginable difficulties, he did not disheartened, but the pen as a weapon, the literature as their new jobs, start a new struggle and perseverance to write this amazing immortal masterpiece. Text, Ostrovsky shaped hero, Pavel Korchagin, also inspired millions of readers. Pavel Korchagin - a blind, paralyzed people, obstacles in the path of life before the heavy, iron will and their own friends and relatives encouraged courageous struggle with illness, and finally created a "storm agile birth The "this book. Paul's strong and I was touched by the spirit of ceaseless. Imagine if a person blind, he can not see friends around, see this colorful world. He can only rely on the ears to survive, a will, how can ordinary people do? .

Not to mention Paul paralysis of the legs, and could not move his left hand? ! Paul is honest, he was a teenager, because justice, the courage to punish the city of rogue; Paul is a clever, living in prison, he can seize the opportunity to easily make in total ig

norance of the enemy and escape the claws; Paul is brave, just join the army, he brandished a knife and horse forward dash, full access to the personal danger and ecstasy kills the spiritual realm; Paul was strong, he was fighting in severe head Burns, in firm support of revolutionary faith, miraculously survived, to continue the war; Paul is great, his life and death struggle with death several times, ultimately to win back their loved ones around and back to comrade's side; in learning, we should learn from Paul not afraid of difficulties, the spirit and assiduously; in life, we should learn from Paul-motivated and not afraid of setbacks in the spirit; in the labor, we should learn from Paul hard-working, perseverance; when we fail, we should follow the example of Paul, analyze the causes and the courage to start again; When we succeed, we should follow the example of Paul, serious, modest, continued efforts ; 'How the Steel Was Tempered "This is a paean to life, a hero in the years of wind and rain to grow, life in the era of the torrent sing. Life can always willing to release nuclear energy, like life, always flashing light, like the friendship of the magnetic field into a life-hwan, like life, emit radio waves of emotion. Hero's soul forever immortal, life will never drop the songs!



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