
小王子英语读后感模板 篇一

Title: Lessons from The Little Prince


The Little Prince, written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, is a famous novella that has captured the hearts of readers around the world. This heartfelt story tells the tale of a young prince who travels from planet to planet, meeting various characters and learning valuable life lessons along the way. After reading this book, I have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of love, friendship, and the beauty of simplicity.


1. The Importance of Love:

One of the main themes in The Little Prince is the importance of love and the connections we form with others. The prince teaches us that love is not simply a romantic feeling, but rather a deep and genuine care for others. Through his encounters with the fox, the prince learns the true meaning of friendship and the value of investing time and effort into building meaningful relationships. This lesson reminds me to cherish the people in my life and to always show them love and appreciation.

2. The Beauty of Simplicity:

Another lesson that resonated with me is the beauty of simplicity. The little prince encounters various characters who are preoccupied with wealth, power, and material possessions. However, it is the simple things in life, such as a rose or a well, that hold the most meaning for him. This reminds me to appreciate the small joys in life and not get caught up in the pursuit of material wealth. The book encourages us to find happiness in the simple moments and to appreciate the natural beauty that surrounds us.

3. Embracing Imagination and Creativity:

The Little Prince encourages us to embrace our imagination and to view the world with a childlike wonder. Through his conversations with the prince, the narrator realizes the importance of imagination and creativity in finding true happiness. This resonates with me as it reminds me to never lose touch with my creative side and to approach life with curiosity and open-mindedness. The book teaches us that imagination is not just for children, but for people of all ages.


The Little Prince is a timeless classic that imparts valuable life lessons to readers of all ages. Through its beautiful storytelling and memorable characters, the book teaches us about the importance of love, friendship, and the beauty of simplicity. It encourages us to cherish the people in our lives, appreciate the simple joys, and embrace our imagination. After reading this book, I feel inspired to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life, guided by the wisdom of the little prince.

小王子英语读后感模板 篇二

Title: Reflections on The Little Prince


The Little Prince, written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, is a beloved novella that has captivated readers for decades. This enchanting story follows the journey of a young prince as he explores different planets and encounters various characters. Through these encounters, the book explores themes of loss, loneliness, and the pursuit of happiness. After reading this book, I have been deeply moved by the profound messages it conveys.


1. The Struggle with Loneliness:

One of the most poignant themes in The Little Prince is the struggle with loneliness. The little prince, despite his travels and interactions with different characters, longs for companionship and understanding. His encounter with the narrator, a stranded pilot, highlights the universal human desire for connection and the impact of loneliness on our lives. This resonates with me as it reminds me of the importance of reaching out to others and fostering meaningful relationships to combat feelings of isolation.

2. The Loss of Innocence:

Throughout the book, the little prince confronts the harsh realities of the adult world and the loss of innocence that comes with it. Each planet he visits represents a different aspect of adult life, from vanity to greed. This loss of innocence is further emphasized through the prince's interactions with the snake and his eventual return to his own asteroid. This theme serves as a reminder to hold onto our childlike wonder and to resist the pressures of conforming to societal norms.

3. The Pursuit of Happiness:

The Little Prince explores the elusive nature of happiness and the different paths people take in search of it. The prince encounters characters who are consumed by material possessions, power, and status, yet they remain unfulfilled. Through his journey, the little prince discovers that true happiness lies in the simple joys of life and the connections we form with others. This lesson reminds me to prioritize experiences and relationships over material wealth and to seek happiness within myself rather than external sources.


The Little Prince is a profound and thought-provoking book that delves into the universal themes of loneliness, the loss of innocence, and the pursuit of happiness. It serves as a reminder to cherish the connections we have with others, to resist the pressures of adulthood, and to find happiness in the simple joys of life. After reading this book, I am inspired to reflect on my own life and strive for a deeper understanding of what truly brings me joy and fulfillment.

小王子英语读后感模板 篇三

Over the course of this semester,I read a moving book:THE LITTLE PRINCE.It impressed me a lot,especially,the pure but deep emotion(love) between the characters such as the pilot and the little prince,the rose and the little prince,the fox and the little prince.The book remind me of the pure and nice emotion only found in childhood.

The main character our little prince live on a planet named B612 accompany with there volcanoes an a rose who falls in love with him but can not understand each other.Consequencely,he leave his planet and his endless travelling.During this period,he come across a persity of people. From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.Then he enter earth and found thousands of roses alike.The little prince discovers that his rose is not the only ,plenty of her kind are everywhere, but then he realizes that his rose is special because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen. Then he fall across the fox.She

teaches the prince It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye

What impresses me the most is the fox’s words.love is a strange stuff.Sometimes we see it but can’t grasp it.Yet, true love may be, to some extent, invisible in surface but may last permanent.Apart from love, others as well.Indeed,sometimes what we consider right turn out to be wrong,what we consider real proves fictitious,what we confused may just turn out to be the truth.The path In searching for truth may long and time-consuming,we should harbour conviction,b will and high hope.No matter what barriade in front of us,we ought to be couragous and face up to the challenge.

小王子英语读后感模板 篇四

everyone in the world, whether he or she is rich or poor, will encounter a lot of difficulties, even hardships. different people may have different ways to deal with them. after reading the little princess, i am deeply impressed by sara’s way to deal with difficulties. the little princess was written by frances hodgson burnett, a famous novelist and dramatist. sara, the heroine of the novel, was born in a rich family. in order to get a better education, her father took her from india to london so that she could go to the best school. because sara was kind-hearted, generous and most of

all—rich, she was loved by everyone. all went well until her father died in an accident.

everything changed completely. she didn’t understand why the teachers and classmates treated her so badly. even the principal who used to be fond of her, made her work 16 hours a day. sara’s miserable life began...

when i finished reading the book, i was shocked by what the unimaginable pain sara had suffered after her father’s death. she used to be a happy, worriless, and rich princess, but now she was a lonely and poor servant. she had to work very hard without any rest but only had little food. besides she had to endure the unfriendly and even rude ways that her classmates treated her. all teachers and students in the school looked down upon her. the most important fact is that sara had lost the love and care of her parents.

what a mighty pain! if you were sara, could you stand such pain? needless to say, an 11 years old girl, even if it were an adult, he might not put up with it. but to my surprise, sara faced it bravely. despite of the torture of the principal and all those pressures above, she still was optimistic towards life.

by reading this novel, i felt inspired and think much. when we meet such difficulties, what should we do? some people always complain that the fate is unfair to them. some people can’t susta in the hardships and choose to give up. few of them even try to commit suicide because they lack the courage to overcome it. compared with sara—an eleven years old girl who can treat the pressure of life with optimistic spirit, these people’s performances are sounded so lamentable. why can’t they make it?

however, what impress me most are her characteristics and the thought of her “being a real princess.” this “real princess” does not mean luxury palaces, beautiful clothes and the apple of the others’ eyes, but being kind, generous and having good manners. it is unnecessary for “a real princess” to be strong in body, but she must be strong in will. sara is a real princess in my heart all the time, whether she was rich and wore beautiful clothes in the classroom or she was cold and hungry in the attic, just because she had the good characters and kind heart.

the story went on. fortunately, a friend of sara’s father found her and told her that her father left a great sum of money to her. i pray and believe that every good person in the world deserve a good result. so does sara.

小王子英语读后感模板 篇五

Recently, I read a fairy story book, Little Prince. This book tells the adventurous experiences of little prince from his planet to the earth. Little prince comes from the outer space and he is hurt by a rose. So he leaves there and travels into space.

He comes to the earth and be the friend of a fox. The fox tells his secret to little prince and he helps a pilot in the desert. In the end, he dies under the help of a snake and his soul goes back to his planet. This book is very interesting and teaches me a lot. I like little price adventures. He teaches me to be honest and love others. All of us should never loss the pureness of childhood.

小王子英语读后感模板 篇六

This is a fairytale whose distribution volume is only second to The Bible. It’s been translated to versions of many other languages. And I gather there must be something special, something really great about it. It’s this conviction that drove me to read it at the first beginning. Well, with due respect to the author, I failed to see how this fairytale be worthy of our attention, despite the fact that many readers claimed this book to be designed for adults.

Anyway, as a well-acknowledged book, it must possess unique feature to maintain it’s position. And it’s reputation and popularity will by no means be destroyed by what an unknown man says. I will talk about the main contents of the book, and the inspiration it renders as usual.

This book mainly tells us the experience of a prince from a tiny planet, who traveled to many other planets and finally came to the earth and met the pilot in a desert. The prince and the pilot became good friends, and the pilot gradually got to know the feeling and experience of his friend. Before he came to the earth, little prince had been to other 6 little planets where he made acquaintance with some strange people. The first man he met was a king on a little planet, yet he claimed to be the king of the space and ridiculously justified his unshakable governance over all. The second person was a man of vanity, who enjoyed compliments of any form without considering whether it’s sincere or not. The third person was an alcoholic who tried to forget the fact that he’s addicted to acohol by drinking like a fish. The fourth person was an abosolute money-oriented businessman, who cared nothing but his fortune. Next came the lamp-lighter who performed his duty blindly. The last one was a geographer who knew too much about geography to solve a real problem related to it. These six people each represented one kind of person like us. The authorsatirized people’s conceit, emptiness, fakeness, innocence and blindness through the tone of a child.

I see eye to eye with the author in that the cause of people’s loneliness can be concluded to the negligence of the bonds that connects them. People are supposed to care about each other, cherish what’s really important for them, and be grateful for the happiness that they’ve gained. We all believe knowledge and experience enable us to see clearly and make right judgements all the time. But we may sometimes lose the right to speak straighforwardly, think creatively or love courageously resulting from what we’ve experienced. That why in our middle school textbooks, it’s the little kid that breaks the illusion of the emperor by saying ”but mum, he ain’t were anything”.

When I was a child, I was definitely a good boy who went home on time after school and did his homework and never tried anything without mom’s permission. And now I am a grown-up, and still I am a good man, at least, that’s what I heard. Sometimes when I was lonely and I began to think about my childhood, then all the happiness and care-free life came back to me as it were yesterday. Kids that once accompanied me during my childhood now become fathers and mothers of their kids and I myself am a child no more. Thinking about all these things have made me moody. There’re changes happening in our lives whether we are happy about it or not.

People told me life is a journey which will never stop once it’s started. What’s left behind are happiness and sorrow, pride and shame, success and regret. There’s good old time to reminisce and there’s sad hours that reminds us of the pain. Your feeling makes them real, and you know you lived.

I want to conclude by saying some positive words that each yestersday used to be today, and each today is the future of yesterday, so making the most of today is the best way to cherish your lives. Our mortal beings are doomed to die. It’s not sad, instead, death it’s just a process of our lives. After all, we’ve lived our lives and it’s what we do and how we think that determine who we are.









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