01. 红包
red envelope (with money inside)
"红包"翻译为red envelope较为恰当。envelope是"信封"的意思,现在的红包就是一个信封的模样。如果怕老外不太明白,可以加上with money inside,翻译为red envelope with money inside就可以了。现在微信上流行抢红包,可以翻译为snatch red envelopes,其中snatch是"抢",Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary对snatch的解释是to take hold of something suddenly and roughly,suddenly和roughly很能体现在微信群中抢红包的那种奋不顾身和喜悦*_*。
【例】I got some red envelopes. I've been watching a Chinese New Year special (on a Chinese programme) and I'm having noodles for breakfast!
02. 春晚
g Festival Gala/New Year Gala其中,gala是"综艺演出"的意思。把春晚说成是一个party是不准确的,gala是很好的翻译。和春节相关的东西,可以用Spring Festival作定语,也可以用New Year(大写)作定语,但有些外国人不知道什么是Spring Festival,这个要注意一下。说到春晚,一般都是指央视春晚,有些地方翻译成the CCTV Spring Festival Gala,个人认为这样不太好,因为CCTV在英语中代表closed-circuit television,也即闭路电视。也就是说,CCTV在英语为母语的人看来,第一反应很可能是闭路电视,这样容易产生误解。此外,用CCTV的全称China Central Television也不太好,因为外国人很可能也不太知道China Central Television到底是什么,而翻译为Chinese state television's Spring Festival Gala就比较好,因为在这里state指"国家的",足以体现出中央电视台在中国的.地位。
【例】CCTV ABBREVIATION FOR closed-circuit television: a system which sends television signals to a limited number of screens, and is often used in shops as protection against thieves:
CCTV cameras
【例】Celia Hatton went backstage in Beijing to watch the preparations for Chinese state television's Spring Festival Gala.
03. 鸡年/属鸡
the Year of the Rooster/born under Rooster according to the Chinese zodiac
chicken 鸡;鸡肉。这是一个笼统的说法,无论公鸡母鸡都可以叫chicken,但chicken还有懦夫或怯懦的意思。此外chicken还指鸡肉,肯德基叫KFC,就是Kentucky Fried Chicken。
chick 小鸡;雏鸡。这个词和chicken同源,指孵化出来不久的小鸡仔,但chick还有小妞的意思,并且说这个词的时候带有对女性的不尊重。
hen 母鸡。hen和cock/rooster(公鸡)对应。
cock 公鸡。在英国英语中,cock指公鸡,这个意思美国英语叫rooster。但是,cock还指男性的重要部位*_*,是不能随便用的,rooster没有这个意思。
01. Rat 鼠
02. Ox 牛
03. Tiger 虎
04. Rabbit 兔
05. Dragon 龙
06. Snake 蛇
07. Horse 马
08. Goat 羊
09. Monkey 猴
10. Rooster 鸡
11. Dog 狗
12. Pig 猪
所以,"你属什么?"可以这样翻译:Which sign of the Chinese zodiac were you born under?
"我属鸡。"就是:I was born under Rooster according to the Chinese zodiac.
【例】'Which sign of the zodiac were you born under?' 'Leo.'
【例】She was born under Gemini.
04. 年夜饭
New Year's Eve dinner
05. 包饺子
make dumplings
顺便说一下,有些地区包饺子的时候还会放硬币,据说咬到的人就会交好运,这种饺子就可以说成dumplings with lucky coins inside,可以和上面的red envelope with money inside一起记。
【例】There's traditional food too - noodle soup is supposed to bring luck, and people make dumplings with lucky coins inside.
06. 敬酒
drink a toast to someone
I drank a toast to my father-in-law.
【例】When you drink a toast to someone or something, you drink some wine or another alcoholic drink as a symbolic gesture, in order to show your appreciation of them or to wish them success.
07. 压岁钱
lucky money (given to children as a gift)
其中given to children as a gift是进一步的解释,为了让老外彻底明白。
08. 年货
New Year goods
09. 春联
Spring Festival couplet
其中couplet是"对句"的意思,通常指两行长度一样并且押韵的诗句。所以,a Spring Festival couplet是指"一副对联",如果指多副,就要用复数couplets。
【例】a rhyming couplet
【例】All the door panels will be pasted with Spring Festival couplets, highlighting Chinese calligraphy with characters on red paper about a foot long in black or gold ink, giving an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity.
10. 团圆
reunion可以看作由re和union组成,这样可以方便记忆。以下例句提到了包饺子象征团圆,请注意,这个例句说的是in parts of China——中国一部分地区过年吃饺子,其实我的家乡贵州过年从来不吃饺子!*_*
【例】Every year millions of people travel home to be with their families for the holiday. In parts of China, families make dumplings to symbolise luck and reunion.
11. 拜年
give one's New Year blessing to/pay a New Year visit to
I would like to give my New Year blessing to you. 或 Please accept my New Year blessing.
以上的blessing通常用单数,Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary对blessing的解释是good wishes。
I'll be paying a New Year visit to my grandparents tomorrow.
12. 庙会
temple fair
【例】This morning we went to a ‘temple fair’ at Ditan in downtown Beijing (literally a fair inside a temple grounds).