Chinese New Year Foods are very important to Chinese people. All family members come together to eat at Spring Festival. Chinese New Year foods are not only delicious, but also steeped in tradition. Chinese dumplings, fish, and spring rolls are usually eaten at Chinese New Year.
春节的英语手抄报:【Fish in Chinese】
"Fish" sounds like 'surplus'. Chinese people always like to have a surplus at the end of the year, because they think if they have managed to save something at the end of the year, then they can make more in the next year.
Fish can be cooked in various ways such as boiling, steaming, and braising. The most famous Chinese fish dishes include steamed weever, West Lake fish with pickled cabbage and chili, steamed fish in vinegar sauce, and boiled fish with spicy broth.
春节的英语手抄报:【The Meaning of Various Fish】
What fish should be chosen for the New Year feast is based on auspicious homophonics.
春节的英语手抄报:Crucian carp:
As the first character of ‘crucian carp' sounds like the Chinese word “good luck”, so eating crucian carp is considered to bring good luck for the next year.
春节的英语手抄报: Chinese mud carp:
The first part of the Chinese for mud carp is pronounced like the word for gifts . So Chinese people think eating carp during the Chinese New Year symbolizes wishing for good fortune.
春节的英语手抄报: 鲶鱼:
The Chinese for catfish sounds like meaning ‘year surplus'. So eating catfish is a wish for a surplus in the year. Eating two fish, one on New Year's Eve and one on New Year's Day, (if written in a certain way) signifies a wish for a surplus year-after-year. If only one catfish is eaten, eating the upper part of the fish on New Year's Eve and the remainder on the first day of the new year has the same meaning (上鲶鱼下鲶鱼; 上年余下年余).
因其音似“年余”一词,所以吃鲶鱼则意味着来年的盈余。如果能在除夕夜和大年初一各吃上一条鲶鱼,那么寓意以后财富年年享用不完。当然还有种说法就是在除夕夜吃了一条鲶鱼的上半部,而把剩余的那一半在初一当天吃完。 (上鲶鱼下鲶鱼; 上年余下年余)
春节的英语手抄报:【Lucky Sayings for Eating Fish 】
1. May you always get more than you wish for.
2. A fish leaping over the dragon gate — implying successful passing a competitive examination